It's Early, But Will You Have for Dinner Tonight, Thursday, 11/14/2024?
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Coogan's Bluff
2024-11-21 18:08:05 UTC
Do you think Donnie will make beer and Magnums cheaper?
The elimination of the jackassinization of our current clown-show energy
policy will. Stay tuned.
you mean pay more for future electricty because you're
now changing the policy in favor of more expensive options?
Yes the climate change hoax premium/carbon taxes are all part of a
globalist NWO scam to bankrupt the US.
also, you're not going to undo the current projects in
the works. so it will only be a four year blip which will
be mostly ignored by the market.
It will be a LOT longer than 4 years, think out 12.
the energy from solar,
wind and battery is already cheaper in many areas of the
world and the country. so, pretty much, you're too late
other than the incessant whining.
Alas the reality of wind power is toxicity at a level we can't even
physically sense, yet it ruins life:


A June 2024 analysis by Dr. Bellut-Staeck underscores earlier research
confirming that these gigantic wind turbines—with blades up to 300 feet
long—produce increasingly intense infrasound pressure. To explain
further, humans can only sense sound waves over an approximate range of
between 20 and 20,000 Hertz. The human ear cannot hear any sound waves
below 20 Hz. These silent but lethal sound waves are called infrasound.
Infrasound emitted naturally, meaning by nature, is of no concern
because it is harmless. However—in addition to disrupting wildlife,
shredding countless essential insects and birds, and severely hurting
the biotope—infrasound from man-made wind turbines is a major cause for
clams casino
2024-11-24 18:54:02 UTC
I also saw somewhere, small 2-3 meter high, vertical wind turbines, I
wonder if those are good enough to act as a nice complement in the
winter when solar drops to about 10% of its maximum power?
Depending on ambient wind averages in that season, perhaps.
Than the bladed bird-killers...
Just one more thing...

How The Liam F1 Wind Turbine Will Destroy Every Home Renewable Energy Source


"The Mini version is slightly smaller and measures 0.75 meters in
diameter, allowing more installation options, particularly in houses
with small roofs.

This compact design does not come at the cost of power; in fact, it
allows homeowners to incorporate renewable energy into their homes where
they might not have been able to otherwise because of the size of the
wind turbines."

Now for the punch line...Bwuthe, are you copying the mail here?


"A Dutch company has recently produced a new, soundless, domestic-use
wind turbine and allows a yield more than three times traditional
standard turbines.

The Liam F1 is also able to generate 1.500 kWh of energy (at a speed of
5 m/s) or half the power consumption of a European household due to its
screw form, a design element engineered by Richard Rujitenbeek. By
connecting roof solar panels to a home, the wind turbine is able to
produce enough energy to sustain the necessary amount of energy to
maintain the average European household.

Normally, wind turbines are not popular among households since the wind
turbines generate a low-volume of wind and are very loud. However the
Liam F1 can potentially introduce technological advancements for future
wind turbines, marketing to a domestic consumerism.

According to CleanTech Canada, “By combining the form of a nautilus
shell, the theories of Greek scientist Archimedes and his own
mathematics, inventor Marinus Mieremet created the Liam F1 to have
little resistance, making it virtually soundless.” By promoting a
silence feature, the Liam F1 can potentially create a competitive
market, promoting to those that prefer a quieter, more efficient
domestic wind turbine for their home.

The Liam F1 has already proven to be successful by already selling over
7,000 turbines in 14 countries."

