Sea Ice
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2025-02-04 15:56:35 UTC
So has Arctic sea ice peaked for the year or the haiatus that often
appears this time of year
Antarctic sea ice seem to be going south also
Global sea level rise to 2100 from curve-fitted existing altimetry data
2025-02-04 20:46:33 UTC
Post by N_Cook
Antarctic sea ice seem to be going south also
Do you have access to the internet and, more importantly, do you
know how to use it? Because CO2 was roughly, what? Like 200%
higher and global temperatures were maybe 4C higher when
Antarctica froze over. The condition of Antarctica has absolutely
nothing what so ever to do with CO2 of present global temeratures.

It's literally impossible.

There's only two way to raise the temperatures in Antarctica and
they are...

#1. End the Circumpolar Current.

The circumpolar current surrounds Antarctica, walling it off from
ocean currents coming from the north. Why this is so significant is
because most of the suns energy falls along the equator and then
is redistributed across the globe by the currents.


The Isthmus of Panama formed, changing the currents, changing the
way the sun's energy is distributed, and this created cold pockets
and eventually lowered deep ocean water temperatures. It took
maybe 400k years for all this to happen but it sparked the Quaternary
Period, our current ice age.

So, STOP the circumpolar current and warmer water, energy from the
sun, can reach Antartica again.

#2. Change the earth's access, give Antarctica more direct sunlight.

That's it. Those are the only two ways to warm up Antarctica and,
oddly, #2 did happen. Not by much but the earth's access is hardly
fixed. The earth wobbles, for instance, and even major earths or
China's Three Gorges Dam are known to have budged it. Is that enough?

Nah. Your "Data" is bogus. Dishonest people took money to fake some
data and call it "Science." All they're doing is cherry picking a
tiny slice of an unrepresentative period of time and pretending that
a normal, expected fluctuation is a crisis... assuming there is even
the slightest truth in their numbers.

There's no reason to assume that, btw.
2025-02-05 04:53:05 UTC
Post by JTEM
#2. Change the earth's access, give Antarctica more direct sunlight.

Sorry. I'm a horrible speller and even worse typist. And when the
red lines appear under words I tend to select whatever the first
suggestion the spell checker offers, despite the all too numerous
examples of it getting it wrong.

Damn. If it was any less accurate it would be an AGW advocate...
2025-02-10 16:12:08 UTC
Post by N_Cook
So has Arctic sea ice peaked for the year or the haiatus that often
appears this time of year
Antarctic sea ice seem to be going south also
Looks like both poles reflecting the warmest January on record at the
same time.
Arctic sea-ice making heavy weather of gaining on its previous peak,
still underpassing all satellite years and Antarctic only got to
underpass 2023 and 2024 to go into new record territory
Global sea level rise to 2100 from curve-fitted existing altimetry data
2025-02-10 18:43:19 UTC

Antarctica froze over when the planet was averaging at least 4C
warmer and CO2 was at least 800ppm. That's when it froze over.
And it didn't freeze over BECAUSE it was so hot or BECAUSE there
was so much CO2. It froze over because the Circumpolar Current
formed, effectively walling it off from warmer waters circulating
from the equator. Which means, and you need to take notes here,
the only way to warm up Antarctica is to STOP the circumpolar

Oh. And you can alter the tilt of the earth so that Antarctica
is getting more direct sunlight. But the earth has been wobbling
all along, and tilting on it's access all along so why would it
suddenly change things THAT dramatically now?

Oops. Gwobull Warbling isn't science, it's a scam.