2025-01-17 04:23:08 UTC
"People have decided they have to convince other people that since no scientist disagrees, you shouldn't disagree either. But that, whenever you hear
that is science, that's pure propaganda."
"By the early 1990's man-made global warming was no longer a slightly eccentric theory about climate it was a full-blown political campaign... it was
attracting media attention those result: more governmental funding."
"Prior to Bush the elder, I think the level of funding for climate and climate-related sciences was somewhere around the order of a $170 million
dollars a year, which is reasonable for the size of the field; it jumped to two billion a year... more than a factor of ten and yeah that changed a
lot I mean lot of jobs it brought a lot of new people into it who otherwise were not interested. So, you develop whole cadres of people whose only
interest in the field was that there was global warming."
"It is now common in the media to lay the blame for every storm or hurricane on global warming, but is there any scientific basis for this?"
"This is purely propaganda. Every textbook in Meteorology is telling you the main source of weather disturbances is the temperature difference
between the tropics and the poles, and we are told in a warmer world this difference will get less. Now, that would tell you you'll have less
storminess, you'll have less variability, but for some reason that isn't considered catastrophic, so you're told the opposite."
"The fact of the matter, is that tens of thousands of jobs depend on global warming right now. It's a big business."
"It's become a great industry in itself and if the whole global warming farrago collapsed, there would be an awful lot of people out of JOBS and
looking for work."
"CO² clearly cannot be Causing temperature changes, it's a product of
temperature. It's Following temperature changes."
"Climate scientists need there to be a problem in order to get funding." - Dr. Roy Spenser, PhD. - Weather Satellite Team LEADER - NASA
"We have a vested interest in creating panic, because then money will flow to climate science." - Dr. John Christy, PhD.
"There's one thing you shouldn't say and that is: this might not be a problem." - Dr. Richard Lindzen, Ph.D., IPCC & M.I.T.
"There were periods for example in our history when we had three times as much CO2 as we have today or periods when we had ten times as much CO2 as
we have today... and if CO2 has a large effect on climate then you should see it in the temperature reconstruction."
"If we look at climate from the geological time-frame, we would never suspect CO2 as a major climate driver."
"None of the major climate changes in the last thousand years can be explained by CO2."
"We can't say that CO2 will drive climate. It surely never did in the past."
Wellington's Cold Start To Summer
Iran's Freeze Drives Gas Consumption To Record Highs
"Polar Vortex Watch"
Antarctic Sea Ice Extent Above 1979-1990 Average
Pio Xi Glacier Advances
Uk & Ireland Freeze, Gas "Concerningly Low"
All-Time Record Cold In Qatar
Rare Chill Sweeps Taiwan
56% Of The U.S. Is Under Snow, Extreme Cold Inbound
Ireland's Extreme Cold Warnings Extended
Heavy Snow Buries Japan
Northern Hemisphere Snow Trackers
UK Braces For -20c (-4f)
Ideology Above Energy Security
Finland To -38.9c (-38f)
Madhya Pradesh Freezes
Southern US States Expecting Heaviest Snow In Years
Kashmir's Cold Kills
Record Freeze Grips Pakistan
Depleting European Gas Reserves
Michael Mann Ordered To Pay $530,820.21 In Long-Running Lawsuit
UK Shivers At -13.3c (8f)
Cold Winter Exacerbates Romania Gas Crisis
Arctic Blast Continues Across The U.S.
Rare Snow Sweeps Sahara Desert
Europe Plunges Below -30C (-22F), Sees Heavy Snow
U.S. Endures Record Cold
Rare Tashkurgan Snow
Global Temperature Nudges Lower
Thailand Freezes
Record Snow In Japan
Parts Of Morocco See Snow For First Time In 50 Years
Cattle Futures Hit Record High Amid Looming Arctic Blast
Three-Day Snow Warning For UK
Extreme Snowfall Paralyzes Northern Norway
Siberia Nears -60c (-76f)
Record Snows For Uttarakhand
"Dangerous Cold"
Snow Reaches Athens
Delhi Plunges
U.S. To Freeze
Arctic Ice Up 26%
Dal Lake Freezes Over
Extreme Snow Roundup
Antarctic Sea Ice Recovering Quite Nicely, Thank You
Murcia's Record Lows
Red Alert In Bidar Amid India's Cold Wave
Italian Alps Hit -31.1c (-24f)
U.S. Cold-Deaths Double Since 1999-The Establishment Blames Global Warming
Japan's Record-Breaking Snowfall
BBC Still Pushing Polar Bear Propaganda
White Christmas For Europe
Bengaluru's Record Cold
Xinjiang Plummets To Record -42.5c
Antarctic Sea Ice Extent Higher Now Than In 1979
Bhopal Breaks 58-Year Record
Vostok At -40c (Again)
The Truth About Iceberg A-68
Extreme Cold And Heavy Snow Slam Finland
Europe Wind Power A "Shit Situation," Says Minister
Winter Weather Grips U.S.
India Reels
Vostok Below -40c
Snow Hits Malaga, Spain
Cold Wave Sweeps Pakistan
Canadian Prairies Near -40c
Texans Warned Of "Extreme Cold"
Antarctic Sea Ice Nearing 1979-1990 Average
"Excellent" Early-Season Snow Across The Alps
Delhi's Record Cold
Chilly Waters Stun Record Number Of Turtles
Record Cold Grips Indore
Asia Chills
Record Snowfall In Midwest
Another Round Of Arctic Air To Hit Much Of North America
Mumbai's Lowest Temp In A Decade
Northern Hemisphere Cold
Russia In The Freezer
India Chills
Northern India's Big Freeze Intensifies
Cold Wave Enters Vietnam
Freezing Lows And Heavy Snows Hit U.S., More To Come
Kashmir Freezes At -18c (-0.4f)
Below Average Antarctic Plateau
Another Round Of Lake-Effect Snow
Cold Waves Lifting Natural Gas Prices
Snow Returns To Scotland And Wider Europe
Global Temperature Tumbles
Antarctic Sea Ice Recovery
Severe Cold Hits Pakistan
Florida Set For Record Cold
Snowy November At Red Mountain
U.S. Battered By Cold And Record Snow
Parts Of Ontario Under A Meter Of Snow
Early-December To Deliver Another Burial To Europe
that is science, that's pure propaganda."
"By the early 1990's man-made global warming was no longer a slightly eccentric theory about climate it was a full-blown political campaign... it was
attracting media attention those result: more governmental funding."
"Prior to Bush the elder, I think the level of funding for climate and climate-related sciences was somewhere around the order of a $170 million
dollars a year, which is reasonable for the size of the field; it jumped to two billion a year... more than a factor of ten and yeah that changed a
lot I mean lot of jobs it brought a lot of new people into it who otherwise were not interested. So, you develop whole cadres of people whose only
interest in the field was that there was global warming."
"It is now common in the media to lay the blame for every storm or hurricane on global warming, but is there any scientific basis for this?"
"This is purely propaganda. Every textbook in Meteorology is telling you the main source of weather disturbances is the temperature difference
between the tropics and the poles, and we are told in a warmer world this difference will get less. Now, that would tell you you'll have less
storminess, you'll have less variability, but for some reason that isn't considered catastrophic, so you're told the opposite."
"The fact of the matter, is that tens of thousands of jobs depend on global warming right now. It's a big business."
"It's become a great industry in itself and if the whole global warming farrago collapsed, there would be an awful lot of people out of JOBS and
looking for work."
"CO² clearly cannot be Causing temperature changes, it's a product of
temperature. It's Following temperature changes."
"Climate scientists need there to be a problem in order to get funding." - Dr. Roy Spenser, PhD. - Weather Satellite Team LEADER - NASA
"We have a vested interest in creating panic, because then money will flow to climate science." - Dr. John Christy, PhD.
"There's one thing you shouldn't say and that is: this might not be a problem." - Dr. Richard Lindzen, Ph.D., IPCC & M.I.T.
"There were periods for example in our history when we had three times as much CO2 as we have today or periods when we had ten times as much CO2 as
we have today... and if CO2 has a large effect on climate then you should see it in the temperature reconstruction."
"If we look at climate from the geological time-frame, we would never suspect CO2 as a major climate driver."
"None of the major climate changes in the last thousand years can be explained by CO2."
"We can't say that CO2 will drive climate. It surely never did in the past."
Wellington's Cold Start To Summer
Iran's Freeze Drives Gas Consumption To Record Highs
"Polar Vortex Watch"
Antarctic Sea Ice Extent Above 1979-1990 Average
Pio Xi Glacier Advances
Uk & Ireland Freeze, Gas "Concerningly Low"
All-Time Record Cold In Qatar
Rare Chill Sweeps Taiwan
56% Of The U.S. Is Under Snow, Extreme Cold Inbound
Ireland's Extreme Cold Warnings Extended
Heavy Snow Buries Japan
Northern Hemisphere Snow Trackers
UK Braces For -20c (-4f)
Ideology Above Energy Security
Finland To -38.9c (-38f)
Madhya Pradesh Freezes
Southern US States Expecting Heaviest Snow In Years
Kashmir's Cold Kills
Record Freeze Grips Pakistan
Depleting European Gas Reserves
Michael Mann Ordered To Pay $530,820.21 In Long-Running Lawsuit
UK Shivers At -13.3c (8f)
Cold Winter Exacerbates Romania Gas Crisis
Arctic Blast Continues Across The U.S.
Rare Snow Sweeps Sahara Desert
Europe Plunges Below -30C (-22F), Sees Heavy Snow
U.S. Endures Record Cold
Rare Tashkurgan Snow
Global Temperature Nudges Lower
Thailand Freezes
Record Snow In Japan
Parts Of Morocco See Snow For First Time In 50 Years
Cattle Futures Hit Record High Amid Looming Arctic Blast
Three-Day Snow Warning For UK
Extreme Snowfall Paralyzes Northern Norway
Siberia Nears -60c (-76f)
Record Snows For Uttarakhand
"Dangerous Cold"
Snow Reaches Athens
Delhi Plunges
U.S. To Freeze
Arctic Ice Up 26%
Dal Lake Freezes Over
Extreme Snow Roundup
Antarctic Sea Ice Recovering Quite Nicely, Thank You
Murcia's Record Lows
Red Alert In Bidar Amid India's Cold Wave
Italian Alps Hit -31.1c (-24f)
U.S. Cold-Deaths Double Since 1999-The Establishment Blames Global Warming
Japan's Record-Breaking Snowfall
BBC Still Pushing Polar Bear Propaganda
White Christmas For Europe
Bengaluru's Record Cold
Xinjiang Plummets To Record -42.5c
Antarctic Sea Ice Extent Higher Now Than In 1979
Bhopal Breaks 58-Year Record
Vostok At -40c (Again)
The Truth About Iceberg A-68
Extreme Cold And Heavy Snow Slam Finland
Europe Wind Power A "Shit Situation," Says Minister
Winter Weather Grips U.S.
India Reels
Vostok Below -40c
Snow Hits Malaga, Spain
Cold Wave Sweeps Pakistan
Canadian Prairies Near -40c
Texans Warned Of "Extreme Cold"
Antarctic Sea Ice Nearing 1979-1990 Average
"Excellent" Early-Season Snow Across The Alps
Delhi's Record Cold
Chilly Waters Stun Record Number Of Turtles
Record Cold Grips Indore
Asia Chills
Record Snowfall In Midwest
Another Round Of Arctic Air To Hit Much Of North America
Mumbai's Lowest Temp In A Decade
Northern Hemisphere Cold
Russia In The Freezer
India Chills
Northern India's Big Freeze Intensifies
Cold Wave Enters Vietnam
Freezing Lows And Heavy Snows Hit U.S., More To Come
Kashmir Freezes At -18c (-0.4f)
Below Average Antarctic Plateau
Another Round Of Lake-Effect Snow
Cold Waves Lifting Natural Gas Prices
Snow Returns To Scotland And Wider Europe
Global Temperature Tumbles
Antarctic Sea Ice Recovery
Severe Cold Hits Pakistan
Florida Set For Record Cold
Snowy November At Red Mountain
U.S. Battered By Cold And Record Snow
Parts Of Ontario Under A Meter Of Snow
Early-December To Deliver Another Burial To Europe