Japan sues utilities over climate rights
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2024-10-17 23:00:35 UTC
Japan group sues utilities, claiming climate inaction violates human rights
Nikkei Asia, 17 Oct 2024 21:57Z
TOKYO. A group of 16 Japanese young people will sue some of Japan's biggest
utilities in court proceedings starting next week to argue that youth has a
fundamental human right to be protected from ...

[Charity Case:]
In 2022, fossil fuel subsidies in the United States totaled $757 bn,
according to the International Monetary Fund.
-- EESI.org, 30 Jan 2024
[Around $6900 per US household per year].

During this period, the US made an annual average revenue of 136.9
bn USD through the production and marketing of fossil fuel
-- statista.com, 29 Apr 2024

States takes legal action against fossil fuel companies
Rolling Out, 17 Oct 2024 16:52Z
As climate change wreaks havoc across the United States, more Americans are
demanding accountability from fossil fuel ...

Gov. DeSantis stonewalls question about climate change, accuses media of
'virtue signaling'
Florida Politics, 17 Oct 2024 21:57Z
Florida's Governor isn't giving an inch when it comes to indulging local
media's questions about whether or not the climate is changing, even in the
wake of...

Australian Taxation Office hopes to scrape social media, dark web with new
tool against tax cheats
ABC News, 17 Oct 2024 19:48Z
For years, ATO investigators have been trawling the social media
accounts of possible tax cheats looking for evidence of hidden
lavish lifestyles. Now they're looking to automate the process.

NT passes law to lower age of criminal responsibility to 10 years old
ABC News, 17 Oct 2024 21:47Z
The NT's new Country Liberal Party govt has passed
legislation to lower the age of criminal responsibility from 12 to
10. It comes just a day after the govt pushed through tougher
bail laws and extra powers for police.

Poor countries' debt repayments are twice what they get in climate finance
Devex, 17 Oct 2024 16:44Z
A growing number of climate-vulnerable countries risk "defaulting on their
development and climate goals" as debt repayments soar and dwarf the support

NFL stadiums could experience $11 bn in climate-related losses by 2050,
a new report finds
CNBC on MSN.com, 17 Oct 2024 16:56Z
As football stadiums are increasingly being used for concert venues, storm
shelters and community events, the impact could be ...

Oxfam says close to $41 bn in World Bank climate finance unaccounted for
CGTN Africa, 17 Oct 2024 14:51Z
41 bn USD in World Bank climate finance of the climate funds
disbursed by the Bank over the past 7 years remain unaccounted for.

Russia to present proposals for creating carbon market at UN climate
conference in Baku
TASS, 17 Oct 2024 15:24Z
Russia has created a good base for "green" energy, but its rapid development
will only be possible after incentives are defined ...

Congressional report suggests Australia could dump plans to acquire AUKUS
nuclear submarines
ABC News, 17 Oct 2024 11:22Z
Research prepared for the United States Congress argues Australia
could abandon its $368 bn AUKUS push to buy nuclear-powered

[Plant Food!]
Extreme Weather Could Push Corn Harvest to Worst Slump in Decades
Yahoo Finance, 17 Oct 2024 04:36Z
(Bloomberg). China's corn harvest could be about to record its worst slump
since the turn of the century, although that still might not be enough to

National Weather Service issues 21st Red Flag Warning of the 2024 Summer-
KOTA TV [SD], 17 Oct 2024 02:14Z
Fall Season
Amidst the 21st Red Flag Warning of the summer-fall, State Fire
Meteorologist cautions us not to be complacent amidst strong winds and
critically dry conditions.

Another major climate conference helps a despotic regime
WaPo/OpEd, 17 Oct 2024 03:13Z
Azerbaijan, the host of the next U.N. climate conference, has a sordid
record of human rights violations.

Aging farmers face extreme temperatures while harvesting Japan's rice crop
Business Standard, 17 Oct 2024 04:31Z
In the remote village of Kamimomi in Japan's western Okayama prefecture, a
small group of rice farmers began their most recent harvest in sweltering
heat, 2 weeks sooner than usual.

[Throw away culture:]
WA's biggest regional city closed its rubbish tip, now it could be facing a
'crisis point'
ABC News, 17 Oct 2024 04:06Z
As ratepayers in Western Australia's biggest regional city continue
to pay mns to have waste trucked to alternative sites,
managers of the local landfill site say it may never reopen.
2024-10-17 23:28:53 UTC
Post by k***@gmail.com
Japan group sues utilities, claiming climate inaction violates human rights
This is troubling. People are demanding that the government
FORCE corporations to no longer provide them with desperately
needed energy... "MAKE THEM STOP SELLING TO US!"

Just stop buying.

It really is that simple. If you hate oil companies and
utilities producing fuel & energy that enriches your life,
STOP enriching your life! If you have a hot water heater,
get rid of it. If you've got an apartment where hot water
is piped in, turn the valve. Shut it off.

There. ZERO energy going to heat water.

Now do the same for the furnace.

Stop using a washing machine and drier.

No more stove -- raw foods only!

No fridge.

Stay away from cars, buses, trains... ubers...


Bikes require a lot of energy, their tires require a lot of
oil... the plastics for reflectors... no more bikes, just

Where do your non-energy dependent clothes come from?

Do you use a phone? Watch a TV? Use WiFi?

Retards like you are suing people for fulfilling your desires,
rather than just changing your habits.

"But I need an energy rich life!"

Fine. Shut the fuck up.