After a year of extermination, Palestine is still alive
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2024-10-10 20:24:10 UTC
By Qassam Muaddi October 9, 2024

A year ago, Palestinians began to experience new levels of their
ongoing catastrophe, the Nakba, which started 76 years ago. In
response to the attack that killed roughly 1,200 Israelis and caused a
major embarrassment to the Israeli army and intelligence, Israel
unleashed an extermination campaign on Gaza, leveling entire
residential blocks, destroying education and health institutions,
eliminating the basic infrastructure needed to sustain a society, and
burying entire families under the rubble. In the West Bank, Israeli
settlers set out to forcibly expel Palestinian rural communities and
steal the lands of Palestinian towns and villages. The Israeli army
ramped up its spree of raids on refugee camps, destroying their
infrastructure, and systematically forcing inhabitants to live in a
situation similar to the one lived in Gaza.

I have lived in Palestine almost all my life. The Nakba has always
been part of my consciousness. Its continuity has been my reality.
However, there are particular dimensions to the experience of living
the Nakba that I had never known, except in the memories of those who
lived in its early years. My father, who grew up in the 1950s and
1960s, always struggles to contain his tears when he describes the
refugee families, expelled from West Jerusalem, Lydd, Ramleh, and
their surrounding villages, and how they were still sleeping in
stables and caves in our hometown in the late 1950s because all the
houses were taken. He would describe how they had lost all their
possessions and were forced into underpaid labor in the fields to
sustain themselves, how some of their children had bare floors for
beds, and how they had gradually started to become part of the town’s
social fabric. Some of them, with peasant origins, took their sick
children to the church in our Christian town and, despite being
Muslims, had them baptized out of simple religiosity, imploring the
Virgin, the saints, and the prophet Muhammad to heal them because they
couldn’t afford medical care.

The fresh face of the Nakba

When he was 17, my father and his friends were guarding the town’s
entrance with sticks during the 1967 war. A Jordanian officer stopped
to ask for a cup of water from his car on his way out of the town and
told them: “Go home boys, the country is lost.” Every time he tells
this story, my father shakes as he weeps. His voice trembles and his
eyes take a devastating look of deep sorrow, as if he had just
witnessed his entire world crumble before his eyes. He had grown up
listening to refugees telling the terrifying stories of Zionist
massacres in Qibya, Deir Yassin, and Dawaymeh, and watched them live
through the humiliation and misery of being homeless, gradually losing
every hope of going back to their homes. My father and his entire
generation felt, during the Arab defeat of 1967, that their turn had
come and that their entire world, their memories, their traditions,
their life in their town, their future dreams, all crumbled before
their eyes. That aspect of experiencing the Nakba first-hand is
something I didn’t know until last year.

On October 12, 2023, I decided not to work from home, despite the
Israeli checkpoints and settlers blocking or threatening roads all
around us. I stayed in Ramallah until late in the night, refusing to
give up the slight piece of “normality” I had in my everyday life. But
the roads were completely closed after settlers attacked Palestinian
cars, and I was forced to stay that night away from home. Then, at
around midnight, in a popular cafe in Ramallah, the fresh face of the
renewed Nakba, which Palestinians in Gaza were already reliving,
looked at me through my phone screen. A friend sent me video footage
of my town’s streets, a few minutes prior, where tractors loaded with
mattresses and furniture were rolling down the road. Israeli settlers
had just expelled 40 Palestinian Bedouin families from their community
in Wadi Siq, 10 minutes away from our town. They had lost their
grazing lands, their homes, and part of their livestock, and were
looking for an empty lot of land to stay the night.

As I watched, terrified, I received another message from a colleague
who thought I was at home, telling me not to go out because settlers
had shot at a Palestinian car two hours earlier on the road to
Ramallah, the same road I take every day just 10 minutes away from
town in the opposite direction. A Palestinian family from the
neighboring town was in the car returning from a family dinner. The
mother was wounded, and her 17-year-old son, whom I had known as a
child, was killed.

I could hear the voice of that officer whispering in my ear from 56
years away: “Go home, boy, the country is lost.”

My voice trembled, and my eyes were suddenly taken by a deep,
devastating sorrow, as I could picture my entire world crumbling. My
tears blurred my phone screen.

Denial of humanity

Three days earlier, on October 9, Israel’s war minister, Yoav Gallant,
announced to the entire world what his state was going to do to the
people of Gaza. “We are imposing a complete siege on Gaza; there will
be no electricity, no food, no water, no fuel,” Gallant said, and then
concluded with one of the most honest expressions by an Israeli leader
ever: “We are fighting human animals, and we are acting accordingly.”

Gallant didn’t say that his siege targeted only Hamas, nor did it. The
siege he announced and that his army continues to impose includes two
million Palestinians, half of whom are children. Israel had just told
the entire world, unchecked, that it sees all Palestinians in Gaza as
less than humans, closer to animals. And since there is no essential,
intrinsic difference between any Palestinian in Gaza and any
Palestinian anywhere else, that declaration includes all of us,
Palestinians; the 14 million of us around the world. The ‘radicals’
among us and the ‘moderate’. The political and less political ones.
The young and the old, men and women, Christians and Muslims, and even
those who collaborate with Israel. It is an entire nation that was
excluded from the human race, officially, by a key minister of a state
who is a key ally of the world’s only superpower.

What followed was the wiping out of the entire material components of
Gaza’s civilization, and the physical elimination of 2 to 3 percent of
its population by Israel. The siege that Gallant announced provoked
the spread of starvation and disease in the Gaza Strip. But this
racist, criminal logic has been doubled down by the leaders of the
majority of Western countries. As the U.S. president and his secretary
of state continue to insist that they are trying their best to reach a
ceasefire, the U.S. administration continues to provide arms and
political support to Israel. According to a recent report by Brown
University’s ‘Costs of War’ project, the U.S. has provided 17.9
billion dollars worth of military assistance to Israel since October
7, more than in any year since the U.S. began to grant military
assistance to Israel. It has also been the year in which Israel has
killed more Palestinians than in any other year since Israel’s

Palestine at the heart of a new world

With every school bombed, with every hospital destroyed, with every
family expelled from its home, the leaders of the Western world,
especially the U.S., have been telling us straight in the face that we
are human animals. That our lives aren’t worth anything. That our
existence is undesired. However, this has also been a year of
Palestinian steadfastness, and of global solidarity with our people.
After a year of genocide, 18 years of blockade on Gaza, 56 years of
occupation, and 76 years of Nakba and ethnic cleansing, Gaza is not
dead. Its social cohesion still stands. The resolve of its people to
start life from scratch has proven time and time again, after every
Israeli withdrawal from any destroyed neighborhood, to be unbroken. In
the West Bank, in Jerusalem, and everywhere else on our land,
Palestinians continue to live and recreate life every single day,
without having submitted. It has been a year of resilience and
perseverance. Something that only humans, on the highest levels of
humanity, can do.

“The country is ours,” my father and his friends replied to that
defeated officer in 1967. “We won’t leave.”

57 years later, as I watched the Nakba renewed on my phone screen and
the voice of that officer whispered in my ear, my father’s young voice
sounded in my other ear: “We won’t leave.”

That voice, also coming from the rubble of Gaza and its tent camps has
grown over the past year. It has been amplified by the millions of
citizens in the streets of all major cities around the world against
the deafening silence of their governments. They are all replying to
all those who continue to deny our humanity.

We won’t leave our land, and we won’t leave history because neither
history nor geography would make any sense without us.

We, the “human animals,” gave the world Christianity and with it, the
values of compassion, justice, and human fraternity upon which all
modern humanist philosophies were built. We are part of the Arab and
Muslim civilizations that gave humanity mathematics, chemistry, and
modern medicine. We, the “human animals” gave the Western imagination
the names of Jerusalem, Bethlehem, and Nazareth, and continue to give
these names, through our resilience, the life that makes them more
than mere names in the Western imagination.

We gave the world most of the traditions that mark most of your
holidays, and continue to preserve the origins of these traditions in
our everyday culture. We, the “human animals” gave the Arab world its
first feminist movement, its first female radio anchor, its first
female photographer, and its first women-led rally, and gave Arab and
world literature Mai Zyadeh, Mahmoud Darwish, Samira Azzam, Hussein
Barghouthi, Ghassan Kanafani, and Edward Said.

And as the powerful of this world continue to try to erase our
existence, they continue to destroy the foundations of the corrupted,
inhumane world system that they built, excluding us. And before the
new world, more humane and just, is fully born, with Palestine at its
heart, they will see their world crumble before their eyes until
nothing will be left of it to be sorry for. After all, what is any
world worth without Palestine?


These good Palestinian men, wome, and children have earned the right
to label themselves as 'Holocaust Survivors' and demand reparations
from the Zio-nazis.
2024-10-10 22:21:52 UTC
Post by NefeshBarYochai
By Qassam Muaddi October 9, 2024
A year ago, Palestinians began to experience new levels of their
ongoing catastrophe, the Nakba, which started 76 years ago. In
response to the attack that killed roughly 1,200 Israelis and caused a
major embarrassment to the Israeli army and intelligence, Israel
unleashed an extermination campaign on Gaza, leveling entire
residential blocks, destroying education and health institutions,
eliminating the basic infrastructure needed to sustain a society, and
burying entire families under the rubble.
Quite stupid of the Palestinians to refuse the offer of their own
country in 1947.
Even stupider, refusing the offer arranged by POTUS Clinton in 2000.

And now, to top all stupidity, start a war by massacring over 1,200
and kidnapping over 200 in Oct. 2023 on an important Jewish Holiday.
Lay down your weapons and release the hostages.
2024-10-11 01:05:04 UTC
On Thu, 10 Oct 2024 15:21:52 -0700, a425couple
Post by a425couple
Post by NefeshBarYochai
By Qassam Muaddi October 9, 2024
A year ago, Palestinians began to experience new levels of their
ongoing catastrophe, the Nakba, which started 76 years ago. In
response to the attack that killed roughly 1,200 Israelis and caused a
major embarrassment to the Israeli army and intelligence, Israel
unleashed an extermination campaign on Gaza, leveling entire
residential blocks, destroying education and health institutions,
eliminating the basic infrastructure needed to sustain a society, and
burying entire families under the rubble.
Quite stupid of the Palestinians to refuse the offer of their own
country in 1947.
The offer they refused was to give up half of the land they had lived
on for centuries, to Europeans and Americans who had no right to this
place. To sign that away to intruders would have been treason.
Post by a425couple
Even stupider, refusing the offer arranged by POTUS Clinton in 2000.
Same reason as just explained above
Post by a425couple
And now, to top all stupidity, start a war by massacring over 1,200
and kidnapping over 200 in Oct. 2023 on an important Jewish Holiday.
Lay down your weapons and release the hostages.
The Zionist didn't like it when those they've imprisoned with an
embargo and a brutal occupation force strike back. True to form, the
Zio-nazis retaliated as the original Nazis did to Warsaw in August
2024-10-11 16:19:28 UTC
Post by NefeshBarYochai
On Thu, 10 Oct 2024 15:21:52 -0700, a425couple
Post by a425couple
Post by NefeshBarYochai
By Qassam Muaddi October 9, 2024
A year ago, Palestinians began to experience new levels of their
ongoing catastrophe, the Nakba, which started 76 years ago. In
response to the attack that killed roughly 1,200 Israelis and caused a
major embarrassment to the Israeli army and intelligence, Israel
unleashed an extermination campaign on Gaza, leveling entire
residential blocks, destroying education and health institutions,
eliminating the basic infrastructure needed to sustain a society, and
burying entire families under the rubble.
Quite stupid of the Palestinians to refuse the offer of their own
country in 1947.
The offer they refused was to give up half of the land they had lived
on for centuries, to Europeans and Americans who had no right to this
place. To sign that away to intruders would have been treason.
Jewish people had also lived there for thousands of years.
But the Moslems always insisted that they had to be in charge.
Surprise - the Palestinians mad too many serious mistakes
to be left in charge of the whole area.
Split it in half and let them each be in charge of their area.
But fool Palestinians refused to do any compromise.

Seventy six years later, how is that working out for you?

It comes down to a pretty simple question.

Do you trust the knowledge, judgement, and decision making of
leaders like Winston Churchill and Harry Truman (or more recently
on a rare topic that both Don Trump and Joe Biden agree on),
joined by a super majority of the United Nations,

I will go with our leaders who have done the best they knew
how, to shape the world to be better than they found it.


Both groups, Jews and Palestinians had populations there.
But it was a thinly populated area. Terraces that had been
productive when Jews had the majority, but lost to military
conquest to Muhammad lay mostly neglected.
As many said, "A people without a land, for a land without a people."

But the Palestinians continued to make bad choices.
They picked the wrong side in WWI.
They picked the wrong side in WWII.
They refused to compromise, and refused the UN offer in 1947.
They chose to fight, and even with 5 organized Arab Armies against
the Jewish militia and, surprising all, lost in 1948-49.
They made the bad choice to start a war in 1956.
They made the bad choice to start a was in 1967, and lost much land.
They made the bad choice to start a war in 1973.
They made the bad choice to start a war in 1982.
They made the bad choice to start a war in 2006.
They made the bad choice to refuse what POTUS Carter negotiated.
They made the bad choice to refuse what POTUS Clinton negotiated.

Yes, the Palestinians do deserve a right to a homeland.
They were offered one, just as the Jews were offered one
when the UK gave up it's UN mandate.
The Jews accepted what was offered, even tho it was far
from ideal. They created Israel, and have flourished
and they made the desert bloom.
The Palestinians refused to share, and decided to kill
the Jews rather than share. Surprise! Even with the
Armies of five nations helping the Palestinians,
they failed.

And have been consumed by hatred, and refusal to share
for the last 75 years. Every time the Palestinians
are offered a chance to have their own state and
live in peace, they refuse.

Please read:

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Partition of Palestine" redirects here. For the partition of Palestine
into Israel, the Gaza Strip, and the West Bank, see 1949 Armistice
UN General Assembly
Resolution 181 (II)

UNSCOP (3 September 1947; see green line) and UN Ad Hoc Committee (25
November 1947) partition plans. The UN Ad Hoc Committee proposal was
voted on in the resolution.
Date 29 November 1947
Meeting no. 128
Code A/RES/181(II) (Document)
Voting summary
33 voted for
13 voted against
10 abstained
Result Adopted
The United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine was a proposal by the
United Nations, which recommended a partition of Mandatory Palestine at
the end of the British Mandate. On 29 November 1947, the UN General
Assembly adopted the Plan as Resolution 181 (II).[1]

The resolution recommended the creation of independent Arab and Jewish
States and a Special International Regime for the city of Jerusalem. The
Partition Plan, a four-part document attached to the resolution,
provided for the termination of the Mandate, the progressive withdrawal
of British armed forces and the delineation of boundaries between the
two States and Jerusalem. Part I of the Plan stipulated that the Mandate
would be terminated as soon as possible and the United Kingdom would
withdraw no later than 1 August 1948. The new states would come into
existence two months after the withdrawal, but no later than 1 October
1948. The Plan sought to address the conflicting objectives and claims
of two competing movements, Palestinian nationalism and Jewish
nationalism, or Zionism.[2][3] The Plan also called for Economic Union
between the proposed states, and for the protection of religious and
minority rights.[4] While Jewish organizations collaborated with UNSCOP
during the deliberations, the Palestinian Arab leadership boycotted it.[5]

The proposed plan is considered to have been pro-Zionist by its
detractors, with 62% of the land allocated to the Jewish state despite
the Palestinian Arab population numbering twice the Jewish
population.[6] Consequently, the partition plan was accepted by Jewish
Agency for Palestine and most Zionist factions who viewed it as a
stepping stone to territorial expansion at an opportune time.[7][5] The
Arab Higher Committee, the Arab League and other Arab leaders and
governments rejected it on the basis that in addition to the Arabs
forming a two-thirds majority, they owned a majority of the lands.[8][9]
They also indicated an unwillingness to accept any form of territorial
division,[10] arguing that it violated the principles of national
self-determination in the UN Charter which granted people the right to
decide their own destiny.[5][11] They announced their intention to take
all necessary measures to prevent the implementation of the
resolution.[12][13][14][15] Subsequently a civil war broke out in
Palestine[16] and the plan was not implemented.[17]

The British administration was formalized by the League of Nations under
the Palestine Mandate in 1923, as part of the Partitioning of the
Ottoman Empire following World War I. The Mandate reaffirmed the 1917
British commitment to the Balfour Declaration, for the establishment in
Palestine of a "National Home" for the Jewish people, with the
prerogative to carry it out.[18][19] A British census of 1918 estimated
700,000 Arabs and 56,000 Jews.[18]

In 1937, following a six-month-long Arab General Strike and armed
insurrection which aimed to pursue national independence and secure the
country from foreign control, the British established the Peel
Commission.[20] The Commission concluded that the Mandate had become
unworkable, and recommended Partition into an Arab state linked to
Transjordan; a small Jewish state; and a mandatory zone. To address
problems arising from the presence of national minorities in each area,
it suggested a land and population transfer[21] involving the transfer
of some 225,000 Arabs living in the envisaged Jewish state and 1,250
Jews living in a future Arab state, a measure deemed compulsory "in the
last resort".[21][22][23] To address any economic problems, the Plan
proposed avoiding interfering with Jewish immigration, since any
interference would be liable to produce an "economic crisis", most of
Palestine's wealth coming from the Jewish community. To solve the
predicted annual budget deficit of the Arab State and reduction in
public services due to loss of tax from the Jewish state, it was
proposed that the Jewish state pay an annual subsidy to the Arab state
and take on half of the latter's deficit.[21][22][24] The Palestinian
Arab leadership rejected partition as unacceptable, given the inequality
in the proposed population exchange and the transfer of one-third of
Palestine, including most of its best agricultural land, to recent
immigrants.[23] The Jewish leaders, Chaim Weizmann and David Ben-Gurion,
persuaded the Zionist Congress to lend provisional approval to the Peel
recommendations as a basis for further negotiations.[25][26][27][28] In
a letter to his son in October 1937, Ben-Gurion explained that partition
would be a first step to "possession of the land as a
whole".[29][30][31] The same sentiment, that acceptance of partition was
a temporary measure beyond which the Palestine would be "redeemed . . in
its entirety,"[32] was recorded by Ben-Gurion on other occasions, such
as at a meeting of the Jewish Agency executive in June 1938,[33] as well
as by Chaim Weizmann.[31][34]

The British Woodhead Commission was set up to examine the practicality
of partition. The Peel plan was rejected and two possible alternatives
were considered. In 1938 the British government issued a policy
statement declaring that "the political, administrative and financial
difficulties involved in the proposal to create independent Arab and
Jewish States inside Palestine are so great that this solution of the
problem is impracticable". Representatives of Arabs and Jews were
invited to London for the St. James Conference, which proved

With World War II looming, British policies were influenced by a desire
to win Arab world support and could ill afford to engage with another
Arab uprising.[36] The MacDonald White Paper of May 1939 declared that
it was "not part of [the British government's] policy that Palestine
should become a Jewish State", sought to limit Jewish immigration to
Palestine and restricted Arab land sales to Jews. However, the League of
Nations commission held that the White Paper was in conflict with the
terms of the Mandate as put forth in the past. The outbreak of the
Second World War suspended any further deliberations.[37][38] The Jewish
Agency hoped to persuade the British to restore Jewish immigration
rights, and cooperated with the British in the war against Fascism.
Aliyah Bet was organized to spirit Jews out of Nazi controlled Europe,
despite the British prohibitions. The White Paper also led to the
formation of Lehi, a small Jewish organization which opposed the British.

After World War II, in August 1945 President Truman asked for the
admission of 100,000 Holocaust survivors into Palestine[39] but the
British maintained limits on Jewish immigration in line with the 1939
White Paper. The Jewish community rejected the restriction on
immigration and organized an armed resistance. These actions and United
States pressure to end the anti-immigration policy led to the
establishment of the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry. In April 1946,
the Committee reached a unanimous decision for the immediate admission
of 100,000 Jewish refugees from Europe into Palestine, rescission of the
white paper restrictions of land sale to Jews, that the country be
neither Arab nor Jewish, and the extension of U.N. Trusteeship. The U.S.
endorsed the Commission's findings concerning Jewish immigration and
land purchase restrictions,[40] while the British made their agreement
to implementation conditional on U.S. assistance in case of another Arab
revolt.[40] In effect, the British continued to carry out their White
Paper policy.[41] The recommendations triggered violent demonstrations
in the Arab states, and calls for a Jihad and an annihilation of all
European Jews in Palestine.[42]

United Nations Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP)
Further information: UNSCOP

Map showing Jewish-owned land as of 31 December 1944, including land
owned in full, shared in undivided land, and State Lands under
concession. This constituted 6% of the total land area or 20% of
cultivatable land,[43] of which more than half was held by the JNF and
Under the terms of League of Nations A-class mandates each such
mandatory territory was to become a sovereign state on termination of
its mandate. By the end of World War II, this occurred with all such
mandates except Palestine, however the League of Nations itself lapsed
in 1946 leading to a legal quandary.[45][46] In February 1947, Britain
announced its intent to terminate the Mandate for Palestine, referring
the matter of the future of Palestine to the United Nations.[47][48] The
hope was that a binational state would ensue, which meant an
unpartitioned Palestine. British Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin's policy
was premised on the idea that an Arab majority would carry the day,
which met difficulties with Harry S. Truman who, sensitive to Zionist
electoral pressures in the United States, pressed for a British-Zionist
compromise.[49] In May, the UN formed the United Nations Special
Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP) to prepare a report on recommendations
for Palestine. The Jewish Agency pressed for Jewish representation and
the exclusion of both Britain and Arab countries on the Committee,
sought visits to camps where Holocaust survivors were interned in Europe
as part of UNSCOP's brief, and in May won representation on the
Political Committee.[50] The Arab states, convinced statehood had been
subverted, and that the transition of authority from the League of
Nations to the UN was questionable in law, wished the issues to be
brought before an International Court, and refused to collaborate with
UNSCOP, which had extended an invitation for liaison also to the Arab
Higher Committee.[46][51] In August, after three months of conducting
hearings and a general survey of the situation in Palestine, a majority
report of the committee recommended that the region be partitioned into
an Arab state and a Jewish state, which should retain an economic union.
An international regime was envisioned for Jerusalem.

The Arab delegations at the UN had sought to keep separate the issue of
Palestine from the issue of Jewish refugees in Europe. During their
visit, UNSCOP members were shocked by the extent of Lehi and Irgun
violence, then at its apogee, and by the elaborate military presence
attested by endemic barb-wire, searchlights, and armoured-car patrols.
Committee members also witnessed the SS Exodus affair in Haifa and could
hardly have remained unaffected by it. On concluding their mission, they
dispatched a subcommittee to investigate Jewish refugee camps in
Europe.[52][53] The incident is mentioned in the report in relation to
Jewish distrust and resentment concerning the British enforcement of the
1939 White Paper.[54]

UNSCOP report
On 3 September 1947, the Committee reported to the General Assembly.
contained eleven proposed recommendations (I – XI) approved unanimously.
Section B contained one proposed recommendation approved by a
substantial majority dealing with the Jewish problem in general (XI).
with Economic Union to which seven members of the Committee (Canada,
Czechoslovakia, Guatemala, the Netherlands, Peru, Sweden and Uruguay),
expressed themselves in favour. CHAPTER VII RECOMMENDATIONS (III)
contained a comprehensive proposal that was voted upon and supported by
three members (India, Iran, and Yugoslavia) for a Federal State of
Palestine. Australia abstained. In CHAPTER VIII a number of members of
the Committee expressed certain reservations and observations.[55]

Proposed partition
See also: Land ownership of the British Mandate of Palestine

Land ownership

Population distribution
Two maps reviewed by UN Subcommittee 2 in considering partition
The report of the majority of the Committee (CHAPTER VI) envisaged the
division of Palestine into three parts: an Arab State, a Jewish State
and the City of Jerusalem, linked by extraterritorial crossroads. The
proposed Arab State would include the central and part of western
Galilee, with the town of Acre, the hill country of Samaria and Judea,
an enclave at Jaffa, and the southern coast stretching from north of
Isdud (now Ashdod) and encompassing what is now the Gaza Strip, with a
section of desert along the Egyptian border. The proposed Jewish State
would include the fertile Eastern Galilee, the Coastal Plain, stretching
from Haifa to Rehovot and most of the Negev desert,[56] including the
southern outpost of Umm Rashrash (now Eilat). The Jerusalem Corpus
Separatum included Bethlehem and the surrounding areas.

The primary objectives of the majority of the Committee were political
division and economic unity between the two groups.[4] The Plan tried
its best to accommodate as many Jews as possible into the Jewish State.
In many specific cases,[citation needed] this meant including areas of
Arab majority (but with a significant Jewish minority) in the Jewish
state. Thus the Jewish State would have an overall large Arab minority.
Areas that were sparsely populated (like the Negev desert), were also
included in the Jewish state to create room for immigration. According
to the plan, Jews and Arabs living in the Jewish state would become
citizens of the Jewish state and Jews and Arabs living in the Arab state
would become citizens of the Arab state.

By virtue of Chapter 3, Palestinian citizens residing in Palestine
outside the City of Jerusalem, as well as Arabs and Jews who, not
holding Palestinian citizenship, resided in Palestine outside the City
of Jerusalem would, upon the recognition of independence, become
citizens of the State in which they were resident and enjoy full civil
and political rights.

The Plan would have had the following demographics (data based on 1945).

Territory Arab and other population % Arab and other Jewish
population % Jewish Total population
Arab State 725,000 99% 10,000 1% 735,000
Jewish State 407,000 45% 498,000 55% 905,000
International 105,000 51% 100,000 49% 205,000
Total 1,237,000 67% 608,000 33% 1,845,000
Data from the Report of UNSCOP: 3 September 1947: CHAPTER 4: A
The land allocated to the Arab State in the final plan included about
43% of Mandatory Palestine[57][58][59] and consisted of all of the
highlands, except for Jerusalem, plus one-third of the coastline. The
highlands contain the major aquifers of Palestine, which supplied water
to the coastal cities of central Palestine, including Tel Aviv.[citation
needed] The Jewish State allocated to the Jews, who constituted a third
of the population and owned about 7% of the land, was to receive 56% of
Mandatory Palestine, a slightly larger area to accommodate the
increasing numbers of Jews who would immigrate there.[58][59][60] The
Jewish State included three fertile lowland plains – the Sharon on the
coast, the Jezreel Valley and the upper Jordan Valley. The bulk of the
proposed Jewish State's territory, however, consisted of the Negev
Desert,[56] which was not suitable for agriculture, nor for urban
development at that time. The Jewish State would also be given sole
access to the Sea of Galilee, crucial for its water supply, and the
economically important Red Sea.

The committee voted for the plan, 25 to 13 (with 17 abstentions and 2
absentees) on 25 November 1947 and the General Assembly was called back
into a special session to vote on the proposal. Various sources noted
that this was one vote short of the two-thirds majority required in the
General Assembly.[60]

Ad hoc Committee
Map comparing the borders of the 1947 partition plan and the armistice
of 1949.
Boundaries defined in the 1947 UN Partition Plan for Palestine:

Area assigned for a Jewish state
Area assigned for an Arab state
Planned Corpus separatum with the intention that Jerusalem would be
neither Jewish nor Arab
Armistice Demarcation Lines of 1949 (Green Line):

Israeli controlled territory from 1949
Egyptian and Jordanian controlled territory from 1948 until 1967
Main article: Ad Hoc Committee on the Palestinian Question
On 23 September 1947 the General Assembly established the Ad Hoc
Committee on the Palestinian Question to consider the UNSCOP report.
Representatives of the Arab Higher Committee and Jewish Agency were
invited and attended.[61]

During the committee's deliberations, the British government endorsed
the report's recommendations concerning the end of the mandate,
independence, and Jewish immigration.[citation needed] However, the
British did "not feel able to implement" any agreement unless it was
acceptable to both the Arabs and the Jews, and asked that the General
Assembly provide an alternative implementing authority if that proved to
be the case.

The Arab Higher Committee rejected both the majority and minority
recommendations within the UNSCOP report. They "concluded from a survey
of Palestine history that Zionist claims to that country had no legal or
moral basis". The Arab Higher Committee argued that only an Arab State
in the whole of Palestine would be consistent with the UN Charter.

The Jewish Agency expressed support for most of the UNSCOP
recommendations, but emphasized the "intense urge" of the overwhelming
majority of Jewish displaced persons to proceed to Palestine. The Jewish
Agency criticized the proposed boundaries, especially in the Western
Galilee and Western Jerusalem (outside of the old city), arguing that
these should be included in the Jewish state. However, they agreed to
accept the plan if "it would make possible the immediate
re-establishment of the Jewish State with sovereign control of its own

Arab states requested representation on the UN ad hoc subcommittees of
October 1947, but were excluded from Subcommittee One, which had been
delegated the specific task of studying and, if thought necessary,
modifying the boundaries of the proposed partition.[62]

Sub-Committee 2
The Sub-Committee 2, set up on 23 October 1947 to draw up a detailed
plan based on proposals of Arab states presented its report within a few

Based on a reproduced British report, the Sub-Committee 2 criticised the
UNSCOP report for using inaccurate population figures, especially
concerning the Bedouin population. The British report, dated 1 November
1947, used the results of a new census in Beersheba in 1946 with
additional use of aerial photographs, and an estimate of the population
in other districts. It found that the size of the Bedouin population was
greatly understated in former enumerations. In Beersheba, 3,389 Bedouin
houses and 8,722 tents were counted. The total Bedouin population was
estimated at approximately 127,000; only 22,000 of them normally
resident in the Arab state under the UNSCOP majority plan. The British
report stated:

"the term Beersheba Bedouin has a meaning more definite than one would
expect in the case of a nomad population. These tribes, wherever they
are found in Palestine, will always describe themselves as Beersheba
tribes. Their attachment to the area arises from their land rights there
and their historic association with it."[64]

In respect of the UNSCOP report, the Sub-Committee concluded that the
earlier population "estimates must, however, be corrected in the light
of the information furnished to the Sub-Committee by the representative
of the United Kingdom regarding the Bedouin population. According to the
statement, 22,000 Bedouins may be taken as normally residing in the
areas allocated to the Arab State under the UNSCOP's majority plan, and
the balance of 105,000 as resident in the proposed Jewish State. It will
thus be seen that the proposed Jewish State will contain a total
population of 1,008,800, consisting of 509,780 Arabs and 499,020 Jews.
In other words, at the outset, the Arabs will have a majority in the
proposed Jewish State."[65]

The Sub-Committee 2 recommended to put the question of the Partition
Plan before the International Court of Justice (Resolution No. I [66]).
In respect of the Jewish refugees due to World War II, the Sub-Committee
recommended to request the countries of which the refugees belonged to
take them back as much as possible (Resolution No. II[67]). The
Sub-Committee proposed to establish a unitary state (Resolution No.

Boundary changes
The ad hoc committee made a number of boundary changes to the UNSCOP
recommendations before they were voted on by the General Assembly.

The predominantly Arab city of Jaffa, previously located within the
Jewish state, was constituted as an enclave of the Arab State. The
boundary of the Arab state was modified to include Beersheba and a strip
of the Negev desert along the Egyptian border,[56] while a section of
the Dead Sea shore and other additions were made to the Jewish State.
This move increased the Jewish percentage in the Jewish state from 55%
to 61%.[citation needed]

The proposed boundaries would also have placed 54 Arab villages on the
opposite side of the border from their farm land.[citation needed] In
response, the United Nations Palestine Commission established in 1948
was empowered to modify the boundaries "in such a way that village areas
as a rule will not be divided by state boundaries unless pressing
reasons make that necessary". These modifications never occurred.

The vote

Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on the Palestinian Question, document
A/516, dated 25 November 1947. This was the document voted on by the UN
General Assembly on 29 November 1947, and became known as the "United
Nations Partition Plan for Palestine".[69]
Passage of the resolution required a two-thirds majority of the valid
votes, not counting abstaining and absent members, of the UN's then 57
member states. On 26 November, after filibustering by the Zionist
delegation, the vote was postponed by three days.[70][71] According to
multiple sources, had the vote been held on the original set date, it
would have received a majority, but less than the required
two-thirds.[71][72][73] Various compromise proposals and variations on a
single state, including federations and cantonal systems were debated
(including those previously rejected in committee).[74][75] The delay
was used by supporters of Zionism in New York to put extra pressure on
states not supporting the resolution.[70]

Reports of pressure for and against the Plan
Reports of pressure for the Plan
Zionists launched an intense White House lobby to have the UNSCOP plan
endorsed, and the effects were not trivial.[76] The Democratic Party, a
large part of whose contributions came from Jews,[77] informed Truman
that failure to live up to promises to support the Jews in Palestine
would constitute a danger to the party. The defection of Jewish votes in
congressional elections in 1946 had contributed to electoral losses.
Truman was, according to Roger Cohen, embittered by feelings of being a
hostage to the lobby and its 'unwarranted interference', which he blamed
for the contemporary impasse. When a formal American declaration in
favour of partition was given on 11 October, a public relations
authority declared to the Zionist Emergency Council in a closed meeting:
'under no circumstances should any of us believe or think we had won
because of the devotion of the American Government to our cause. We had
won because of the sheer pressure of political logistics that was
applied by the Jewish leadership in the United States'. State Department
advice critical of the controversial UNSCOP recommendation to give the
overwhelmingly Arab town of Jaffa, and the Negev, to the Jews was
overturned by an urgent and secret late meeting organized for Chaim
Weizman with Truman, which immediately countermanded the recommendation.
The United States initially refrained from pressuring smaller states to
vote either way, but Robert A. Lovett reported that America's U.N.
delegation's case suffered impediments from high pressure by Jewish
groups, and that indications existed that bribes and threats were being
used, even of American sanctions against Liberia and Nicaragua.[78] When
the UNSCOP plan failed to achieve the necessary majority on 25 November,
the lobby 'moved into high gear' and induced the President to overrule
the State Department, and let wavering governments know that the U.S.
strongly desired partition.[79]

Proponents of the Plan reportedly put pressure on nations to vote yes to
the Partition Plan. A telegram signed by 26 US Senators with influence
on foreign aid bills was sent to wavering countries, seeking their
support for the partition plan.[80] The US Senate was considering a
large aid package at the time, including 60 million dollars to
China.[81][82] Many nations reported pressure directed specifically at them:

United States (Vote: For): President Truman later noted, "The facts
were that not only were there pressure movements around the United
Nations unlike anything that had been seen there before, but that the
White House, too, was subjected to a constant barrage. I do not think I
ever had as much pressure and propaganda aimed at the White House as I
had in this instance. The persistence of a few of the extreme Zionist
leaders—actuated by political motives and engaging in political
threats—disturbed and annoyed me."[83]
India (Vote: Against): Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru spoke
with anger and contempt for the way the UN vote had been lined up. He
said the Zionists had tried to bribe India with millions and at the same
time his sister, Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit, the Indian ambassador to the UN,
had received daily warnings that her life was in danger unless "she
voted right".[84] Pandit occasionally hinted that something might change
in favour of the Zionists. But another Indian delegate, Kavallam
Pannikar, said that India would vote for the Arab side, because of their
large Muslim minority, although they knew that the Jews had a case.[85]
Liberia (Vote: For): Liberia's Ambassador to the United States
complained that the US delegation threatened aid cuts to several
countries.[86] Harvey S. Firestone, Jr., President of Firestone Natural
Rubber Company, with major holdings in the country, also pressured the
Liberian government[72][80]
Philippines (Vote: For): In the days before the vote, Philippines
representative General Carlos P. Romulo stated "We hold that the issue
is primarily moral. The issue is whether the United Nations should
accept responsibility for the enforcement of a policy which is clearly
repugnant to the valid nationalist aspirations of the people of
Palestine. The Philippines Government holds that the United Nations
ought not to accept such responsibility." After a phone call from
Washington, the representative was recalled and the Philippines' vote
Haiti (Vote: For): The promise of a five million dollar loan may or
may not have secured Haiti's vote for partition.[87]
France (Vote: For): Shortly before the vote, France's delegate to the
United Nations was visited by Bernard Baruch, a long-term Jewish
supporter of the Democratic Party who, during the recent world war, had
been an economic adviser to President Roosevelt, and had latterly been
appointed by President Truman as United States ambassador to the newly
created UN Atomic Energy Commission. He was, privately, a supporter of
the Irgun and its front organization, the American League for a Free
Palestine. Baruch implied that a French failure to support the
resolution might block planned American aid to France, which was badly
needed for reconstruction, French currency reserves being exhausted and
its balance of payments heavily in deficit. Previously, to avoid
antagonising its Arab colonies, France had not publicly supported the
resolution. After considering the danger of American aid being withheld,
France finally voted in favour of it. So, too, did France's neighbours,
Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands.[70]
Venezuela (Vote: For): Carlos Eduardo Stolk, Chairman of the
Delegation of Venezuela, voted in favor of Resolution 181 .[88]
Cuba (Vote: Against): The Cuban delegation stated they would vote
against partition "in spite of pressure being brought to bear against
us" because they could not be party to coercing the majority in
Siam (Absent): The credentials of the Siamese delegations were
cancelled after Siam voted against partition in committee on 25
There is also some evidence that Sam Zemurray put pressure on several
"banana republics" to change their votes.[91]

Reports of pressure against the Plan
According to the Israeli historian Benny Morris, Wasif Kamal, an Arab
Higher Committee official, tried to bribe a delegate to the United
Nations, perhaps a Russian.[92]

Concerning the welfare of Jews in Arab countries, a number of direct
threats were made:

Jamal Husseini promised, "The blood will flow like rivers in the Middle
Iraq’s prime minister Nuri al-Said told British diplomats that if the
United Nations solution was not "satisfactory", "severe measures should
be taken against all Jews in Arab countries".[94]
Concerning the welfare of Jews in Arab countries, a number of
predictions were made:

'"On 24 November the head of the Egyptian delegation to the General
Assembly, Muhammad Hussein Heykal Pasha, said that "the lives of
1,000,000 Jews in Moslem countries would be jeopardized by the
establishment of a Jewish state."[95] At the 29th Meeting of the UN Ad
Hoc Committee on Palestine on 24 November 1947, Dr Heykal Pasha, the
Egyptian delegate, said, "if the U.N decide to amputate a part of
Palestine in order to establish a Jewish state, no force on earth could
prevent blood from flowing there… Moreover… no force on earth can
confine it to the borders of Palestine itself… Jewish blood will
necessarily be shed elsewhere in the Arab world… to place in certain and
serious danger a million Jews." Mahmud Bey Fawzi (Egypt) said: "…
imposed partition was sure to result in bloodshed in Palestine and in
the rest of the Arab world".[96]
In a speech at the General Assembly Hall at Flushing Meadow, New York,
on Friday, 28 November 1947, Iraq’s Foreign Minister, Fadel Jamall,
included the following statement: "Partition imposed against the will of
the majority of the people will jeopardize peace and harmony in the
Middle East. Not only the uprising of the Arabs of Palestine is to be
expected, but the masses in the Arab world cannot be restrained. The
Arab-Jewish relationship in the Arab world will greatly deteriorate.
There are more Jews in the Arab world outside of Palestine than there
are in Palestine. In Iraq alone, we have about one hundred and fifty
thousand Jews who share with Moslems and Christians all the advantages
of political and economic rights. Harmony prevails among Moslems,
Christians and Jews. But any injustice imposed upon the Arabs of
Palestine will disturb the harmony among Jews and non-Jews in Iraq; it
will breed inter-religious prejudice and hatred."[97]
The Arab states warned the Western Powers that endorsement of the
partition plan might be met by either or both an oil embargo and
realignment of the Arab states with the Soviet Bloc.[98]

Final vote

The 1947 meeting at the General Assembly meeting place between 1946 and
1951 in Flushing, New York
On 29 November 1947, the United Nations General Assembly voted 33 to 13,
with 10 abstentions and 1 absent, in favour of the modified Partition
Plan. The final vote, consolidated here by modern United Nations
Regional Groups rather than contemporary groupings, was as follows:[99]

How UN members voted on Palestine's partition in 1947
In favour
In favour (33 countries, 72% of total votes)
Latin American and Caribbean (13 countries):

Costa Rica
Dominican Republic
Western European and Others (8 countries):

Eastern European (5 countries):

Byelorussian SSR
Ukrainian SSR
Soviet Union
African (2 countries):

South Africa
Asia-Pacific (3 countries)

New Zealand
North America (2 countries)

United States
Against (13 countries, 28% of total votes)
Asia-Pacific (9 countries, primarily Middle East sub-area):

Saudi Arabia
Western European and Others (2 countries):

African (1 country):

Latin American and Caribbean (1 country):

Abstentions (10 countries)
Latin American and Caribbean (6 countries):

El Salvador
Asia-Pacific (1 country):

African (1 country):

Western European and Others (1 country):

United Kingdom
Eastern European (1 country):

Absent (1 country)
Asia-Pacific (1 country):

Votes by modern region
If analysed by the modern composition of what later came to be known as
the United Nations Regional Groups showed relatively aligned voting
styles in the final vote. This, however, does not reflect the regional
grouping at the time, as a major reshuffle of regional grouping occurred
in 1966. All Western nations voted for the resolution, with the
exception of the United Kingdom (the Mandate holder), Greece and Turkey.
The Soviet bloc also voted for partition, with the exception of
Yugoslavia, which was to be expelled from Cominform the following year.
The majority of Latin American nations following Brazilian
leadership[citation needed], voted for partition, with a sizeable
minority abstaining. Asian countries (primarily Middle Eastern
countries) voted against partition, with the exception of the

Regional Group Members in UNGA181 vote UNGA181 For UNGA181
Against UNGA181 Abstained
African 4 2 1 1
Asia-Pacific 11 1 9 1
Eastern European 6 5 0 1
LatAm and Caribb. 20 13 1 6
Western Eur. & Others 15 12 2 1
Total UN members 56 33 13 10
Most Jews in Palestine and around the world reacted to the UN resolution
with satisfaction, but some did not. Jews gathered in Tel Aviv and
Jerusalem to celebrate the U.N. resolution during the whole night after
the vote. Great bonfires blazed at Jewish collective farms in the north.
Many big cafes in Tel Aviv served free champagne.[7][101] Mainstream
Zionist leaders emphasized the "heavy responsibility" of building a
modern Jewish State, and committed to working towards a peaceful
coexistence with the region's other inhabitants:[102][103] Jewish groups
in the United States hailed the action by the United Nations. Most
welcomed the Palestine Plan but some felt it did not settle the

Some Revisionist Zionists rejected the partition plan as a renunciation
of legitimately Jewish national territory.[104] The Irgun Tsvai Leumi,
led by Menachem Begin, and the Lehi (also known as the Stern Group or
Gang), the two Revisionist-affiliated underground organisations which
had been fighting against both the British and Arabs, stated their
opposition. Begin warned that the partition would not bring peace
because the Arabs would also attack the small state and that "in the war
ahead we'll have to stand on our own, it will be a war on our existence
and future."[105] He also stated that "the bisection of our homeland is
illegal. It will never be recognized."[106] Begin was sure that the
creation of a Jewish state would make territorial expansion possible,
"after the shedding of much blood."[107]

Some Post-Zionist scholars endorse Simha Flapan's view that it is a myth
that Zionists accepted the partition as a compromise by which the Jewish
community abandoned ambitions for the whole of Palestine and recognized
the rights of the Arab Palestinians to their own state. Rather, Flapan
argued, acceptance was only a tactical move that aimed to thwart the
creation of an Arab Palestinian state and, concomitantly, expand the
territory that had been assigned by the UN to the Jewish
state.[108][109][110][111][112] Baruch Kimmerling has said that Zionists
"officially accepted the partition plan, but invested all their efforts
towards improving its terms and maximally expanding their boundaries
while reducing the number of Arabs in them."[113]

Addressing the Central Committee of the Histadrut (the Eretz Israel
Workers Party) days after the UN vote to partition Palestine, Ben-Gurion
expressed his apprehension, stating:

the total population of the Jewish State at the time of its
establishment will be about one million, including almost 40% non-Jews.
Such a [population] composition does not provide a stable basis for a
Jewish State. This [demographic] fact must be viewed in all its clarity
and acuteness. With such a [population] composition, there cannot even
be absolute certainty that control will remain in the hands of the
Jewish majority... There can be no stable and strong Jewish state so
long as it has a Jewish majority of only 60%.[114]

Ben-Gurion said "I know of no greater achievement by the Jewish people
... in its long history since it became a people."[115]

Arab leaders and governments rejected the plan of partition in the
resolution and indicated that they would reject any other plan of
partition.[9] The Arab states' delegations declared immediately after
the vote for partition that they would not be bound by the decision, and
walked out accompanied by the Indian and Pakistani delegates.[116]

They argued that it violated the principles of national
self-determination in the UN charter which granted people the right to
decide their own destiny.[5][11] The Arab delegations to the UN issued a
joint statement the day after that vote that stated: "the vote in regard
to the Partition of Palestine has been given under great pressure and
duress, and that this makes it doubly invalid."[117]

On 16 February 1948, the UN Palestine Commission reported to the
Security Council that: "Powerful Arab interests, both inside and outside
Palestine, are defying the resolution of the General Assembly and are
engaged in a deliberate effort to alter by force the settlement
envisaged therein."[118]

Arab states
A few weeks after UNSCOP released its report, Azzam Pasha, the General
Secretary of the Arab League, told an Egyptian newspaper "Personally I
hope the Jews do not force us into this war because it will be a war of
elimination and it will be a dangerous massacre which history will
record similarly to the Mongol massacre or the wars of the
Crusades."[119] (This statement from October 1947 has often been
incorrectly reported as having been made much later on 15 May
1948.)[120] Azzam told Alec Kirkbride "We will sweep them [the Jews]
into the sea." Syrian president Shukri al-Quwatli told his people: "We
shall eradicate Zionism."[121]

King Farouk of Egypt told the American ambassador to Egypt that in the
long run the Arabs would soundly defeat the Jews and drive them out of

While Azzam Pasha repeated his threats of forceful prevention of
partition, the first important Arab voice to support partition was the
influential Egyptian daily Al Mokattam [d]: "We stand for partition
because we believe that it is the best final solution for the problem of
Palestine... rejection of partition... will lead to further
complications and will give the Zionists another space of time to
complete their plans of defense and attack... a delay of one more year
which would not benefit the Arabs but would benefit the Jews, especially
after the British evacuation."[123]

On 20 May 1948, Azzam told reporters "We are fighting for an Arab
Palestine. Whatever the outcome the Arabs will stick to their offer of
equal citizenship for Jews in Arab Palestine and let them be as Jewish
as they like. In areas where they predominate they will have complete

The Arab League said that some of the Jews would have to be expelled
from a Palestinian Arab state.[125]

Abdullah appointed Ibrahim Hashem Pasha as Military Governor of the Arab
areas occupied by troops of the Transjordan Army. He was a former prime
minister of Transjordan who supported partition of Palestine as proposed
by the Peel Commission and the United Nations.[126]

Arabs in Palestine
Haj Amin al-Husseini said in March 1948 to an interviewer from the Jaffa
daily Al Sarih that the Arabs did not intend merely to prevent partition
but "would continue fighting until the Zionists were annihilated."[121]

Zionists attributed Arab rejection of the plan to mere intransigence.
Palestinian Arabs opposed the very idea of partition but reiterated that
this partition plan was unfair: the majority of the land (56%) would go
to a Jewish state, when Jews at that stage legally owned only 6–7% of it
and remained a minority of the population (33% in
1946).[127][128][129][130][131][132][133][134][135] There were also
disproportionate allocations under the plan and the area under Jewish
control contained 45% of the Palestinian population. The proposed Arab
state was only given 45% of the land, much of which was unfit for
agriculture. Jaffa, though geographically separated, was to be part of
the Arab state.[135] However, most of the proposed Jewish state was the
Negev desert.[56][55] The plan allocated to the Jewish State most of the
Negev desert that was sparsely populated and unsuitable for agriculture
but also a "vital land bridge protecting British interests from the Suez
Canal to Iraq"[136][137]

Few Palestinian Arabs joined the Arab Liberation Army because they
suspected that the other Arab States did not plan on an independent
Palestinian state. According to Ian Bickerton, for that reason many of
them favored partition and indicated a willingness to live alongside a
Jewish state.[138] He also mentions that the Nashashibi family backed
King Abdullah and union with Transjordan.[139]

The Arab Higher Committee demanded that in a Palestinian Arab state, the
majority of the Jews should not be citizens (those who had not lived in
Palestine before the British Mandate).[93]

According to Musa Alami, the mufti would agree to partition if he were
promised that he would rule the future Arab state.[140]

The Arab Higher Committee responded to the partition resolution and
declared a three-day general strike in Palestine to begin the following

British government
When Bevin received the partition proposal, he promptly ordered for it
not to be imposed on the Arabs.[142][143] The plan was vigorously
debated in the British parliament.

In a British cabinet meeting at 4 December 1947, it was decided that the
Mandate would end at midnight 14 May 1948, the complete withdrawal by 1
August 1948, and Britain would not enforce the UN partition plan.[144]
On 11 December 1947, the British government publicly announced these
plans.[145] During the period in which the British withdrawal was
completed, Britain refused to share the administration of Palestine with
a proposed UN transition regime, to allow the UN Palestine Commission to
establish a presence in Palestine earlier than a fortnight before the
end of the Mandate, to allow the creation of official Jewish and Arab
militias or to assist in smoothly handing over territory or authority to
any successor.[146][147]

United States government
The United States declined to recognize the All-Palestine government in
Gaza by explaining that it had accepted the UN Mediator's proposal. The
Mediator had recommended that Palestine, as defined in the original
Mandate including Transjordan, might form a union.[148] Bernadotte's
diary said the Mufti had lost credibility on account of his unrealistic
predictions regarding the defeat of the Jewish militias. Bernadotte
noted "It would seem as though in existing circumstances most of the
Palestinian Arabs would be quite content to be incorporated in

Subsequent events
The Partition Plan with Economic Union was not realized in the days
following 29 November 1947 resolution as envisaged by the General
Assembly.[17] It was followed by outbreaks of violence in Mandatory
Palestine between Palestinian Jews and Arabs known as the 1947–48 Civil
War.[16] After Alan Cunningham, the High Commissioner of Palestine, left
Jerusalem, on the morning of 14 May the British army left the city as
well. The British left a power vacuum in Jerusalem and made no measures
to establish the international regime in Jerusalem.[150] At midnight on
14 May 1948, the British Mandate expired,[151] and Britain disengaged
its forces. Earlier in the evening, the Jewish People's Council had
gathered at the Tel Aviv Museum (today known as Independence Hall), and
approved a proclamation, declaring "the establishment of a Jewish state
in Eretz Israel, to be known as the State of Israel".[5][152] The 1948
Arab–Israeli War began with the invasion of, or intervention in,
Palestine by the Arab States on 15 May 1948.[153]

Resolution 181 as a legal basis for Palestinian statehood
In 1988, the Palestine Liberation Organization published the Palestinian
Declaration of Independence relying on Resolution 181, arguing that the
resolution continues to provide international legitimacy for the right
of the Palestinian people to sovereignty and national independence.[154]
A number of scholars have written in support of this view.[155][156][157]

A General Assembly request for an advisory opinion, Resolution ES-10/14
(2004), specifically cited resolution 181(II) as a "relevant
resolution", and asked the International Court of Justice (ICJ) what are
the legal consequences of the relevant Security Council and General
Assembly resolutions. Judge Abdul Koroma explained the majority opinion:
"The Court has also held that the right of self-determination as an
established and recognized right under international law applies to the
territory and to the Palestinian people. Accordingly, the exercise of
such right entitles the Palestinian people to a State of their own as
originally envisaged in resolution 181 (II) and subsequently
confirmed."[158] In response, Prof. Paul De Waart said that the Court
put the legality of the 1922 League of Nations Palestine Mandate and the
1947 UN Plan of Partition beyond doubt once and for all.[159]

In 2011, Mahmoud Abbas stated that the 1947 Arab rejection of United
Nations Partition Plan for Palestine was a mistake he hoped to rectify.[160]


Monument commemorating 1947 UN Partition Plan, Netanya
A street in the Katamon neighborhood of Jerusalem is named Kaf-tet
benovember (29th of November Street). On November 29, 2022, a monument
designed and executed by sculptor Sam Philipe was unveiled on a hilltop
in Netanya to mark the 75th anniversary of the UN Partition Plan for
Palestine.[161] The date also marks the annual International Day of
Solidarity with the Palestinian People.[162]

See also
Faisal–Weizmann Agreement
History of the State of Palestine
Israeli Declaration of Independence
Israeli–Palestinian conflict
Lausanne Conference of 1949
Minority Treaties
Sykes–Picot Agreement
Two-state solution
United Nations Division for Palestinian Rights
United Nations Information System on the Question of Palestine
Post by NefeshBarYochai
Post by a425couple
Even stupider, refusing the offer arranged by POTUS Clinton in 2000.
Same reason as just explained above
Post by a425couple
And now, to top all stupidity, start a war by massacring over 1,200
and kidnapping over 200 in Oct. 2023 on an important Jewish Holiday.
Lay down your weapons and release the hostages.
The Zionist didn't like it when those they've imprisoned with an
embargo and a brutal occupation force strike back. True to form, the
Zio-nazis retaliated as the original Nazis did to Warsaw in August
2024-10-11 20:41:26 UTC
On Fri, 11 Oct 2024 09:19:28 -0700, a425couple
Post by a425couple
Post by NefeshBarYochai
On Thu, 10 Oct 2024 15:21:52 -0700, a425couple
Post by a425couple
Post by NefeshBarYochai
By Qassam Muaddi October 9, 2024
A year ago, Palestinians began to experience new levels of their
ongoing catastrophe, the Nakba, which started 76 years ago. In
response to the attack that killed roughly 1,200 Israelis and caused a
major embarrassment to the Israeli army and intelligence, Israel
unleashed an extermination campaign on Gaza, leveling entire
residential blocks, destroying education and health institutions,
eliminating the basic infrastructure needed to sustain a society, and
burying entire families under the rubble.
Quite stupid of the Palestinians to refuse the offer of their own
country in 1947.
The offer they refused was to give up half of the land they had lived
on for centuries, to Europeans and Americans who had no right to this
place. To sign that away to intruders would have been treason.
Jewish people had also lived there for thousands of years.
But the Moslems always insisted that they had to be in charge.
Surprise - the Palestinians mad too many serious mistakes
to be left in charge of the whole area.
Split it in half and let them each be in charge of their area.
But fool Palestinians refused to do any compromise.
The problen was never the Jewish people who had indeed lived there for
thousands of years. There could have been a peaceful coexistence
betwee the two peoples in a united Palestine. The issue became the
swarms of Jews who came for Europe and North America and want to claim
that land as their own. The Zionists should have demand a piece of
German land to create their state and leave the Palestinian people
Post by a425couple
Seventy six years later, how is that working out for you?
Time will tell
Post by a425couple
It comes down to a pretty simple question.
Do you trust the knowledge, judgement, and decision making of
leaders like Winston Churchill and Harry Truman (or more recently
on a rare topic that both Don Trump and Joe Biden agree on),
joined by a super majority of the United Nations,
I will go with our leaders who have done the best they knew
how, to shape the world to be better than they found it.
Your two 'reat leaders' Churchill and Truman are two of history's
worse mass murderes. Truman nuked and Churchill carpetbombed civilian

2024-10-10 22:38:07 UTC
Post by NefeshBarYochai
By Qassam Muaddi October 9, 2024
A year ago, Palestinians began to experience new levels of their
ongoing catastrophe, the Nakba, which started 76 years ago. In
response to the attack that killed roughly 1,200 Israelis and caused a
major embarrassment to the Israeli army and intelligence, Israel
unleashed an extermination campaign on Gaza, leveling entire
residential blocks, destroying education and health institutions,
eliminating the basic infrastructure needed to sustain a society, and
burying entire families under the rubble.
Hey Qassam, do you agree it was a crime to not accept in 2000?


"Clinton's initiative led to the Taba negotiations in January 2001,
where the two sides published a statement saying they had never been
closer to agreement

Clinton blamed Arafat after the failure of the talks, stating, "I regret
that in 2000 Arafat missed the opportunity to bring that nation into
being and pray for the day when the dreams of the Palestinian people for
a state and a better life will be realized in a just and lasting peace."
The failure to come to an agreement was widely attributed to Yasser
Arafat, as he walked away from the table without making a concrete
counter-offer and because Arafat did little to quell the series of
Palestinian riots that began shortly after the summit.[56][57][58]
Arafat was also accused of scuttling the talks by Nabil Amr, a former
minister in the Palestinian Authority.[59] In My Life, Clinton wrote
that Arafat once complimented Clinton by telling him, "You are a great
man." Clinton responded, "I am not a great man. I am a failure, and you
made me one."[60]

Ross also quoted Saudi Prince Bandar as saying while negotiations were
taking place: "If Arafat does not accept what is available now, it won't
be a tragedy; it will be a crime."[62]