On Tue, 16 Jul 2024 16:30:49 +0100, N_Cook says...
Post by N_CookPost by N_CookPost by N_CookFurther decrement, revised to about 9 July for underpass
Once again, if the current trajectory continues, then undertaking 2023
about 10 days time
Stay at this rate and 24 July would be a new record minimum for that day
of any year
In 2009, Al Gore cited figures predicting "a 75% chance that the entire North Polar ice cap, during some of the summer
months, could be completely ice-free within the next 5 to 7 years."
14 years later, the North Pole still has ice year-round. Al Gore is not a serious person.
Back in 2005, Al Gore announced that snow would disappear from Mt Kilimanjaro
"within the decade". As of 2023 however (the latest data), the mountain is
averaging 93 inches of snow per year. Below is a shot of the summit in 2024
(with tourist Michael Cox).
The dynamic duo of climate grifting, Al Gore and John Kerry, predicting that
the polar ice caps would be gone by 2014.
Al Gore is laughing all the way to the bank
October 2023 Arctic Ice Grows by Leaps - Ice expansion creates 'complete closing of the Northern Sea Route for shipping'
Here are some examples of catastrophic climate predictions that have not come to pass:
1) Al Gore's prediction that the Arctic would be ice-free by 2014. Although Arctic sea ice has declined, it has not
disappeared entirely as Al Gore predicted even in 2023
2) Claims that global warming would cause an increase in hurricanes and other extreme weather events. The overall frequency
and intensity of such events have not increased as predictions suggested.
3) Predictions that global warming would cause widespread famine and starvation. While natural climate variability may pose
a threat to global food security in certain areas, predictions of widespread famine and starvation have not come to pass.
4) Claims that global warming would cause a rapid and catastrophic rise in sea levels. Although sea levels have risen, they
have not risen as quickly as predictions suggested, and the precise rate and extent of future sea level rise remains
There is NO climate emergency!
10 Fallacies About Arctic Sea Ice And Polar Bear Survival Refute Misleading 'Facts'
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La NiƱa Forecast: Heavy Snow Ahead
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