CO2 Seems To Be Highly Overrated
(too old to reply)
2024-10-21 05:36:14 UTC
The unaltered (raw) "maximum" temperature data (for July and August) from the U.S. historical climatological network (USHCN) still shows
our climate was warmer in the past. CO2 seems to be highly overrated.





Vermont's Earliest Foot of Snow Since 2010

Early Snows In Spain

South Pole's 1000th Day Below -20c (-4f)

More Than 70% Of Russia Blanketed In Snow

Record Cold U.S., Early Snows Sweep The Peaks

New Study: "Recent Surge In Global Warming Not Detectable"

Early Snows Sweep Asia, Cold Records Tumble

Big Freeze Sweeps Iceland

Trøndelag Cold

Fall Arrives With A Bang In U.S.

New Zealand's Bumper Ski Season

Japan Weather Bureau Forecasts Epic Winter Snow

Eurasia Snow Cover On The March

Widespread October Snow For North America

More Polar Bears Spotted In Iceland

Cold Devastates Uk Growing Season-Second-Worst Harvest Ever

Russia To -28.1c (-18.6f)

Here Comes The Snow

Europe's Cold And Snowy October

Early Arctic Freeze Halts Shipping

The Deserts Are Greening

Lakes Are Refilling

Scotland Snow

Accumulations Keep Building In The Alps

Early Snow In China

Colder Winter Forecast For Mongolia

Met Office Warns Of 'Another Cold Night'

Weakest Polar Vortex For 40-Years And The Potential For A Brutal Winter

Frost And Snow Warnings In Canada

Cold Devastates UK Growing Season-Second-Worst Harvest Ever

Russia To -28.1C (-18.6F)

Early Arctic Freeze Halts Shipping - Bu bu but Al Gorrrre Said...

Early Season Snow In Ukraine

Another Colder Than Average Month In Antarctica
Dhu on Gate
2024-10-22 22:36:50 UTC
Post by AlleyCat
The unaltered (raw) "maximum" temperature data (for July and August) from
the U.S. historical climatological network (USHCN) still shows our climate
was warmer in the past. CO2 seems to be highly overrated.
CO2 is a proxy for human industrial activity. Normally it runs
about 0.04% of sea-level urth-normal.

It is ALSO toxic to mammals at anything over 30%:


Frankly speaking, it's a "kinder, gentler" way to go than, say, cyanide
(or, for that matter most of that lethal injection shit):
you go to sleep and then your heart stops.

Je suis Canadien. Ce n'est pas Francais ou Anglais.
C'est une esp`ece de sauvage: ne obliviscaris, vix ea nostra voco;-)
Duncan Patton a Campbell
2024-10-23 05:00:01 UTC

On Tue, 22 Oct 2024 22:36:50 -0000 (UTC), Dhu on Gate says...
Name ONE place on Earth, where "mammals" go and the atmosphere is 300,000ppm

Great non-sequitur.




Biting Freeze Sweeps Canada

2024 Hurricane Season Is Officially A Dud

Vermont's Earliest Foot of Snow Since 2010

Early Snows In Spain

South Pole's 1000th Day Below -20c (-4f)

More Than 70% Of Russia Blanketed In Snow

Record Cold U.S., Early Snows Sweep The Peaks

New Study: "Recent Surge In Global Warming Not Detectable"

Early Snows Sweep Asia, Cold Records Tumble

Big Freeze Sweeps Iceland

Trøndelag Cold

Fall Arrives With A Bang In U.S.

New Zealand's Bumper Ski Season

Japan Weather Bureau Forecasts Epic Winter Snow

Eurasia Snow Cover On The March

Widespread October Snow For North America

More Polar Bears Spotted In Iceland

Cold Devastates Uk Growing Season-Second-Worst Harvest Ever

Russia To -28.1c (-18.6f)

Here Comes The Snow

Europe's Cold And Snowy October

Early Arctic Freeze Halts Shipping

The Deserts Are Greening

Lakes Are Refilling

Scotland Snow

Accumulations Keep Building In The Alps

Early Snow In China

Colder Winter Forecast For Mongolia

Met Office Warns Of 'Another Cold Night'

Weakest Polar Vortex For 40-Years And The Potential For A Brutal Winter

Frost And Snow Warnings In Canada

Cold Devastates UK Growing Season-Second-Worst Harvest Ever

Russia To -28.1C (-18.6F)

Early Arctic Freeze Halts Shipping - Bu bu but Al Gorrrre Said...

Early Season Snow In Ukraine

Another Colder Than Average Month In Antarctica
Dhu on Gate
2024-10-23 13:30:00 UTC
Post by AlleyCat
On Tue, 22 Oct 2024 22:36:50 -0000 (UTC), Dhu on Gate says...
Name ONE place on Earth, where "mammals" go and the atmosphere is 300,000ppm


Post by AlleyCat
Great non-sequitur.
Je suis Canadien. Ce n'est pas Francais ou Anglais.
C'est une esp`ece de sauvage: ne obliviscaris, vix ea nostra voco;-)
Duncan Patton a Campbell
2024-10-23 05:09:23 UTC
On Tue, 22 Oct 2024 22:36:50 -0000 (UTC), Dhu on Gate says...
Post by Dhu on Gate
Frankly speaking, it's a "kinder, gentler" way to go than, say, cyanide
you go to sleep and then your heart stops.



Biting Freeze Sweeps Canada

2024 Hurricane Season Is Officially A Dud

Vermont's Earliest Foot of Snow Since 2010

Early Snows In Spain

South Pole's 1000th Day Below -20c (-4f)

More Than 70% Of Russia Blanketed In Snow

Record Cold U.S., Early Snows Sweep The Peaks

New Study: "Recent Surge In Global Warming Not Detectable"

Early Snows Sweep Asia, Cold Records Tumble

Big Freeze Sweeps Iceland

Trøndelag Cold

Fall Arrives With A Bang In U.S.

New Zealand's Bumper Ski Season

Japan Weather Bureau Forecasts Epic Winter Snow

Eurasia Snow Cover On The March

Widespread October Snow For North America

More Polar Bears Spotted In Iceland

Cold Devastates Uk Growing Season-Second-Worst Harvest Ever

Russia To -28.1c (-18.6f)

Here Comes The Snow

Europe's Cold And Snowy October

Early Arctic Freeze Halts Shipping

The Deserts Are Greening

Lakes Are Refilling

Scotland Snow

Accumulations Keep Building In The Alps

Early Snow In China

Colder Winter Forecast For Mongolia

Met Office Warns Of 'Another Cold Night'

Weakest Polar Vortex For 40-Years And The Potential For A Brutal Winter

Frost And Snow Warnings In Canada

Cold Devastates UK Growing Season-Second-Worst Harvest Ever

Russia To -28.1C (-18.6F)

Early Arctic Freeze Halts Shipping - Bu bu but Al Gorrrre Said...

Early Season Snow In Ukraine

Another Colder Than Average Month In Antarctica
R Kym Horsell
2024-10-23 01:15:11 UTC
Post by AlleyCat
The unaltered (raw) "maximum" temperature data (for July and August) from the U.S. historical climatological network (USHCN) still shows
our climate was warmer in the past. CO2 seems to be highly overrated.

The hillbilly equivalent of saying the backing on the mirror is
highly overrated, or the gas pedal in a car is highly overrated because the
engine does all the work.

CO2 and other greenhouse gases are why there is life on earth.
The moon and the Earth are the same distance from the sun, but
the Earth is around 30C warmer. The moon's sunny side is over 100C
and its dark side is less than -150C.

That 30C extra comes from GHG holding in some of the heat.
While they are transparent to light they are not transparent to heat (IR).
The sun is around 5000K and basic physics says it must therefore radiatiate
mostly in the visible light range. So light comes in from the sun and
a lot of it makes it to the earth's surface where it gets turned into heat.
It then begins its journey back to space but finds -- surprise -- there's
a whole bunch of things in the atm that want to intercent it.
Funny! That didn't happen on the way down!!

When heat hit a GHG molecule it gets absorbed and makes some of the twisting
action in the molecule speed up just a little bit. But this doesn't
last for long. Nature is all about balance. After a short time the energy
that was absorbed is released again as a photon of heat. Easy come, easy go.

But there's a twist. Where to go? The new photon of heat is not the
same one that arrived in the GHG molecule. That one was headed up and out.
But the new one 1/2 the time goes down. This starts a long chain of
interactions with other GHG molecules until FINALLY, one day, the
energy that came in the original light photon all that time ago will be
taken out by a heat photon into space where it can retire to a farm upstate.

But all that mucking around bouncing off GHG exacts some toll -- the
earth has held onto some heat for a time. The long it holds onto it
the warmer the earth becomes. The more GHG in the atm, the warmer the
earth becomes. 280 ppmv as it was in the 1850s makes the earth 30C
warmer than it would have been with no CO2 or other GHGs.
It's calculated by most people including Exxcon scientists back in the 60s
and 70sd that doubling CO2 over that 280 ppmv would raise the overall
temp of the earth about 3C +-.

It gets complicated because CO2 is the "gas pedal" to the earth's climate.
CO2 raises the temp a little bit and the first thing the earth does in
retalliation is raise more water vapor from the oceans and lakes.
And water vapor is -- you gussed it -- another 3-atom molecule and
therefore a GHG. So more WV in the atm raises the temp a bit more.

But if you like the asscoiated lower life expectancy and tropical insects
and diseases, then you'll just lurv what happens next.
[Hillbilly thinks he's a scientist:]
Calling Out All You Here Who Only THINK You Are a Scientist - Physicist: CO2 Ret
ains Heat For Only 0.0001 Seconds, Warming "Not Possible"
-- Climate Hillbilly Alleycat Computers and 100s of other nyms, 26 Oct 2019 5:11 PM
2 posts 1 view

NEWSFLASH: mirrors don work coz light travels so fast mirror mollycools only hab
a tiny tiny time to do anythin!!
-- rkh, 5:32 PM
Dhu on Gate
2024-10-23 07:11:01 UTC
Post by AlleyCat
CO2 seems to be highly overrated.
Just hazardin' a guess, but it seems pretty
likely that this girl's death involved CO2:


Je suis Canadien. Ce n'est pas Francais ou Anglais.
C'est une esp`ece de sauvage: ne obliviscaris, vix ea nostra voco;-)
Duncan Patton a Campbell
R Kym Horsell
2024-10-23 08:12:39 UTC
Post by Dhu on Gate
Post by AlleyCat
CO2 seems to be highly overrated.
Just hazardin' a guess, but it seems pretty
A normal person's blood has enough oxygen in it to last easily 4m.
Yet very few people find it comfortable to hold their breath for even 3m.
It's not the demand for oxygen; it's the need to get rid of the CO2 --
the physiology is triggered by CO2 and not O2 in the blood.
So it cant be a real great thing to have excess levels in your body.
Persistent high levels is called "acidosis" and various forms are on
the rise, just liked with the 50% increase in atm levels.
As I keep telling all the pensioners and wheat salesmen on agw,
climate is what you expect and weather is what you get.
-- rkh, 5 Jan 2014