Trump Has A Sharpie, And Was EXACTLY Right About Hurricane Dorian
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2025-03-01 00:47:06 UTC
Without Sharpie:

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Glad I kept THAT one. I deleted all the others that showed Trump was right about hurricane Dorian, because I NEVER thought I'd have to dig them up again to prove to the TDS sufferers that he was
right. But WAIT... there's more. I forgot I backed them up years ago onto another drive.

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LOOK at the paths projected.

Trump was right... again.

Did you, typical liberal, conveniently forget that CNN SAID that the hurricane
had a trajectory TOWARDS Alabama? Here... I'll help you remember.



Alabama WAS in the path, at MORE than a few points in time. It was plotted
in the projection map of Hurricane Dorian's path.

Loading Image...


Don't believe me? Fine. Don't believe CNN, and you're a traitor to the

Don Lemon: "But, there are many states under threat right now, Derrick."

Derrick the WEATHERMAN: "At LEAST six. From the Carolinas, right through
Georgia coastline, into Florida, certainly. And then, also, even into the
Gulf of Mexico... Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi... YOU need to be on the

So... why aren't you buttercups making fun of CNN, for telling the
MILLIONS of Alabamans, they better watch out??

The NOAA said Trump was out of his mind, to suggest Alabama was in a projected
path, yet MANY people said they wee too.

Trump Derangement Syndrome at its best.


"Trump Derangement Syndrome" Is a Real Mental Condition

All you need to know about "Trump Derangement Syndrome," or TDS.

"Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is a mental condition in which a person has been driven effectively insane due to their dislike of Donald Trump, to the point at which they will abandon all logic
and reason."

Justin Raimondo, the editorial director of Antiwar.com, wrote a piece in the Los Angeles Times in 2016 that broke TDS down into three distinct phases or stages:

"In the first stage of the disease, victims lose all sense of proportion. The president-elect's every tweet provokes a firestorm, as if 140 characters were all it took to change the world."

"The mid-level stages of TDS have a profound effect on the victim's vocabulary: Sufferers speak a distinctive language consisting solely of hyperbole."

"As TDS progresses, the afflicted lose the ability to distinguish fantasy from reality."

The Point here is simple: TDS is, in the eyes of its adherents, the knee-jerk opposition from liberals to anything and everything Trump does. If Trump announced he was donating every dollar he's ever
made, TDS sufferers would suggest he was up to something nefarious, according to the logic of TDS. There's nothing - not. one. thing. - that Trump could do or say that would be received positively by

The history of Trump Derangement Syndrome actually goes back to the early 2000s - a time when the idea of Trump as president was a punch line for late-night comics and nothing more.

Wikipedia traces its roots to "Bush Derangement Syndrome" - a term first coined by the late conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer back in 2003. The condition, as Krauthammer defined it, was "the
acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal people in reaction to the policies, the presidency - nay - the very existence of George W. Bush."

Added Krauthammer:

"Some clinicians consider this delusion - that Americans can only get their news from one part of the political spectrum - the gravest of all. They report that no matter how many times sufferers in
padded cells are presented with flash cards with the symbols ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, PBS, Time, Newsweek, New York Times, Washington Post, L.A. Times - they remain unresponsive, some in a
terrifying near-catatonic torpor."

(If you don't realize the idea of TDS or BDS is - in no small part - meant in a tongue-in-cheek manner then, well, you may well have it.)

Trump allies believe that TDS is worse than ODS or BDS - by a lot. Wrote conservative pundit Bernie Goldberg on Real Clear Politics in early 2017:

"Before the election, the victims of TDS routinely compared Donald Trump to Hitler. Guess what. They're still doing it. Articles in respectable publications written by professors at elite
universities are warning us to be on guard, that a Trump presidency could imperil democracy-as-we-know-it and may very well spell doom for American civilization.

"On election night, as it became obvious that their worst nightmare was about to come true, some libs fainted. Some vomited. Many more threatened to leave the country, but I'm pretty sure none
actually did. As Donald Trump might say in a tweet: so sad!"

The truth is that TDS is just the preferred nomenclature of Trump defenders who view those who oppose him and his policies as nothing more than the blind hatred of those who preach tolerance and free
speech. Viewed more broadly, the rise of presidential derangement syndromes is a function of increased polarization - not to mention our national self-sorting - at work in the country today.

We no longer live around, work around or pal around with people who think any differently than us. We watch cable news that affirms what we already think. We read ideological "news" sites that tell
us how good our side is and how bad the other one is. And on and on and on.

Is it any wonder then that we are increasingly willing to lump those who disagree with us into the "deranged" category? To say that those who don't share our views are mentally deficient in some way?

What does it say about a President - and about a country - when the standard response to those with whom you disagree is that they must be crazy? Nothing good, for sure.


Many clinicians, political commentators, and members of the public have speculated upon the mental health of President Donald Trump. Indeed, over 70,000 people self-identifying as "mental health
professionals" have signed a petition declaring that "Trump is mentally ill and must be removed." In sociological terms, the "medical gaze" has been hitherto focused on President Trump, and to a
lesser extent his ardent supporters.

However, in recent months, many have been questioning the direction of this "medical gaze." In fact, more and more people are suggesting that this "medical gaze" should be reversed and refocused on
President Trump's most embittered and partisan opponents. Some have even suggested that these opponents are experiencing a specific mental condition-a condition which has been labelled "Trump
Derangement Syndrome" (TDS).
What does DSM-5 say about "Trump Derangement Syndrome"?

Mental illnesses are officially classified in a dense and dry book published by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) known as the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth
Edition (DSM-5). This book contains 947 pages and lists hundreds of mental disorders; TDS is nowhere to be seen. Similarly, a review of scholarly databases such as MEDLINE and Google Scholar reveal
no academic papers on this alleged syndrome. Officially at least, TDS is not a real, diagnosable, or treatable mental disorder.

That said, medical anthropologists and critical sociologists have convincingly argued that DSM-5 is a flawed document. Indeed, social scientists have long recognized that there are numerous "folk
categories" of mental disorders that are considered real conditions by the general public, even though they are not recognized as such in the DSM. These include categories such as "burnout" or
"nervous breakdown."

As such, lack of official recognition does not mean that TDS is not a real mental condition.

Lay Understandings of "Trump Derangement Syndrome"

There is no shared lay understanding of TDS, mainly because it is a folk category rather than a professional category. As such, there is currently much armchair speculation about the nature and
existence of TDS, without consensus.

The name itself explicitly suggests a "syndrome," which the Oxford English Dictionary defines as "a characteristic combination of opinions, emotions, or behavior." Several commentators have run with
this, putting forth suggestions about opinions, emotions and behaviors characterizing TDS.

Shared amongst these is a notion that the everyday activities of President Trump trigger some people into distorted opinions, extreme emotions and hysterical behaviors. Well-known writer Bernard
Goldberg gives supposed behavioral examples of TDS among Trump's political opponents, including fainting, vomiting, students retreating to "safe spaces" and others demanding "therapy dogs." Political
commentator Justin Raimondo focuses on opinions, language and cognition, writing in the LA Times that "sufferers speak a distinctive language consisting of hyperbole [leading to] a constant state of
hysteria... the afflicted lose touch with reality."

Such forms of highly emotional reaction could be something akin to the fainting and screaming characterizing American Beatlemania in the 1960s. Unlike the Beatles, however, the extreme emotional
reaction alleged to characterize TDS is not based on adoration and admiration, but on fear and loathing.

Contrariwise, many others ridicule the notion that TDS is anything but a malicious slur term used to discredit and delegitimize criticism of President Trump. For example, CNN's Chris Cillizza may
speak for many when he stated: "The truth is that TDS is just the preferred nomenclature of Trump defenders who view those who oppose him and his policies as nothing more than blind hatred."
Likewise, Adam Gopnik writes that "our problem is not TDS; our problem is Deranged Trump Self-Delusion."

In other words, there are polarized opinions about the nature, reality and existence of TDS.


The wider public may be unaware that psychiatrists and social scientists spend considerable time and energy behind closed doors pondering over the existence and reality of mental conditions. This has
led the APA to revise the DSM five times since 1952, considerably expanding the list of official mental disorders with each revision. As far as I am aware, few psychiatrists are currently arguing
that DSM-6 should contain TDS as a mental disorder.

That said, in its official definition of mental disorder, the DSM-5 states that "a mental disorder is a syndrome characterized by clinically significant disturbance in an individual's cognition,
emotion regulation, or behavior... mental disorders are usually associated with significant distress in social, occupational, or other important activities."

Many have argued that some people have been seriously disturbed and distressed by the policies, speech, behavior, and tweets of President Trump, so much so that it has affected their cognitive,
affective, and behavioral functioning. Such people may need mental health support. As such, further research is necessary to investigate the extreme reactions toward President Trump, in the same way
that researchers investigate other extreme social phenomena, such as Beatlemania or the like. This will shed light on the reality of this emerging folk category that has been labelled by many as
"Trump Derangement Syndrome."
2025-03-01 00:54:03 UTC
Post by AlleyCat
Glad I kept THAT one. I deleted all the others that showed Trump was
right about hurricane Dorian, because I NEVER thought I'd have to
dig them up again to prove to the TDS sufferers that he was right.
But WAIT... there's more. I forgot I backed them up years ago onto
another drive.
The lines aren't part of the official image.

They were added by a MAGA liar after the fact.

And that isn't the map of the track that existed on the day made his tweet.

You get that you can still find the imagery that was available at that
time, right?
2025-03-01 03:40:36 UTC
Why Trump was right, along with CNN:


Read all... changes were made.


On Fri, 28 Feb 2025 16:54:03 -0800, Alan says...
Post by Alan
And that isn't the map of the track that existed on the day made his tweet.
So fucking what? It was mere HOURS.

That doesn't matter... THAT was the map they had on the day he made the tweet.

Making him NOT wrong.

If HE was wrong, then so too, were those you snipped, right?

WHY were all these outlets right, but Trump wrong?

Loading Image...


Trump was right... again.

Did you, typical liberal, conveniently forget that CNN SAID that the hurricane
had a trajectory TOWARDS Alabama? Here... I'll help you remember.




"Trump Derangement Syndrome" Is a Real Mental Condition

All you need to know about "Trump Derangement Syndrome," or TDS.

"Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is a mental condition in which a person has been driven effectively insane due to their dislike of Donald Trump, to the point at which they will abandon all logic
and reason."

Justin Raimondo, the editorial director of Antiwar.com, wrote a piece in the Los Angeles Times in 2016 that broke TDS down into three distinct phases or stages:

"In the first stage of the disease, victims lose all sense of proportion. The president-elect's every tweet provokes a firestorm, as if 140 characters were all it took to change the world."

"The mid-level stages of TDS have a profound effect on the victim's vocabulary: Sufferers speak a distinctive language consisting solely of hyperbole."

"As TDS progresses, the afflicted lose the ability to distinguish fantasy from reality."

The Point here is simple: TDS is, in the eyes of its adherents, the knee-jerk opposition from liberals to anything and everything Trump does. If Trump announced he was donating every dollar he's ever
made, TDS sufferers would suggest he was up to something nefarious, according to the logic of TDS. There's nothing - not. one. thing. - that Trump could do or say that would be received positively by

The history of Trump Derangement Syndrome actually goes back to the early 2000s - a time when the idea of Trump as president was a punch line for late-night comics and nothing more.

Wikipedia traces its roots to "Bush Derangement Syndrome" - a term first coined by the late conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer back in 2003. The condition, as Krauthammer defined it, was "the
acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal people in reaction to the policies, the presidency - nay - the very existence of George W. Bush."

Added Krauthammer:

"Some clinicians consider this delusion - that Americans can only get their news from one part of the political spectrum - the gravest of all. They report that no matter how many times sufferers in
padded cells are presented with flash cards with the symbols ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, PBS, Time, Newsweek, New York Times, Washington Post, L.A. Times - they remain unresponsive, some in a
terrifying near-catatonic torpor."

(If you don't realize the idea of TDS or BDS is - in no small part - meant in a tongue-in-cheek manner then, well, you may well have it.)

Trump allies believe that TDS is worse than ODS or BDS - by a lot. Wrote conservative pundit Bernie Goldberg on Real Clear Politics in early 2017:

"Before the election, the victims of TDS routinely compared Donald Trump to Hitler. Guess what. They're still doing it. Articles in respectable publications written by professors at elite
universities are warning us to be on guard, that a Trump presidency could imperil democracy-as-we-know-it and may very well spell doom for American civilization.

"On election night, as it became obvious that their worst nightmare was about to come true, some libs fainted. Some vomited. Many more threatened to leave the country, but I'm pretty sure none
actually did. As Donald Trump might say in a tweet: so sad!"

The truth is that TDS is just the preferred nomenclature of Trump defenders who view those who oppose him and his policies as nothing more than the blind hatred of those who preach tolerance and free
speech. Viewed more broadly, the rise of presidential derangement syndromes is a function of increased polarization - not to mention our national self-sorting - at work in the country today.

We no longer live around, work around or pal around with people who think any differently than us. We watch cable news that affirms what we already think. We read ideological "news" sites that tell
us how good our side is and how bad the other one is. And on and on and on.

Is it any wonder then that we are increasingly willing to lump those who disagree with us into the "deranged" category? To say that those who don't share our views are mentally deficient in some way?

What does it say about a President - and about a country - when the standard response to those with whom you disagree is that they must be crazy? Nothing good, for sure.


Many clinicians, political commentators, and members of the public have speculated upon the mental health of President Donald Trump. Indeed, over 70,000 people self-identifying as "mental health
professionals" have signed a petition declaring that "Trump is mentally ill and must be removed." In sociological terms, the "medical gaze" has been hitherto focused on President Trump, and to a
lesser extent his ardent supporters.

However, in recent months, many have been questioning the direction of this "medical gaze." In fact, more and more people are suggesting that this "medical gaze" should be reversed and refocused on
President Trump's most embittered and partisan opponents. Some have even suggested that these opponents are experiencing a specific mental condition-a condition which has been labelled "Trump
Derangement Syndrome" (TDS).
What does DSM-5 say about "Trump Derangement Syndrome"?

Mental illnesses are officially classified in a dense and dry book published by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) known as the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth
Edition (DSM-5). This book contains 947 pages and lists hundreds of mental disorders; TDS is nowhere to be seen. Similarly, a review of scholarly databases such as MEDLINE and Google Scholar reveal
no academic papers on this alleged syndrome. Officially at least, TDS is not a real, diagnosable, or treatable mental disorder.

That said, medical anthropologists and critical sociologists have convincingly argued that DSM-5 is a flawed document. Indeed, social scientists have long recognized that there are numerous "folk
categories" of mental disorders that are considered real conditions by the general public, even though they are not recognized as such in the DSM. These include categories such as "burnout" or
"nervous breakdown."

As such, lack of official recognition does not mean that TDS is not a real mental condition.

Lay Understandings of "Trump Derangement Syndrome"

There is no shared lay understanding of TDS, mainly because it is a folk category rather than a professional category. As such, there is currently much armchair speculation about the nature and
existence of TDS, without consensus.

The name itself explicitly suggests a "syndrome," which the Oxford English Dictionary defines as "a characteristic combination of opinions, emotions, or behavior." Several commentators have run with
this, putting forth suggestions about opinions, emotions and behaviors characterizing TDS.

Shared amongst these is a notion that the everyday activities of President Trump trigger some people into distorted opinions, extreme emotions and hysterical behaviors. Well-known writer Bernard
Goldberg gives supposed behavioral examples of TDS among Trump's political opponents, including fainting, vomiting, students retreating to "safe spaces" and others demanding "therapy dogs." Political
commentator Justin Raimondo focuses on opinions, language and cognition, writing in the LA Times that "sufferers speak a distinctive language consisting of hyperbole [leading to] a constant state of
hysteria... the afflicted lose touch with reality."

Such forms of highly emotional reaction could be something akin to the fainting and screaming characterizing American Beatlemania in the 1960s. Unlike the Beatles, however, the extreme emotional
reaction alleged to characterize TDS is not based on adoration and admiration, but on fear and loathing.

Contrariwise, many others ridicule the notion that TDS is anything but a malicious slur term used to discredit and delegitimize criticism of President Trump. For example, CNN's Chris Cillizza may
speak for many when he stated: "The truth is that TDS is just the preferred nomenclature of Trump defenders who view those who oppose him and his policies as nothing more than blind hatred."
Likewise, Adam Gopnik writes that "our problem is not TDS; our problem is Deranged Trump Self-Delusion."

In other words, there are polarized opinions about the nature, reality and existence of TDS.


The wider public may be unaware that psychiatrists and social scientists spend considerable time and energy behind closed doors pondering over the existence and reality of mental conditions. This has
led the APA to revise the DSM five times since 1952, considerably expanding the list of official mental disorders with each revision. As far as I am aware, few psychiatrists are currently arguing
that DSM-6 should contain TDS as a mental disorder.

That said, in its official definition of mental disorder, the DSM-5 states that "a mental disorder is a syndrome characterized by clinically significant disturbance in an individual's cognition,
emotion regulation, or behavior... mental disorders are usually associated with significant distress in social, occupational, or other important activities."

Many have argued that some people have been seriously disturbed and distressed by the policies, speech, behavior, and tweets of President Trump, so much so that it has affected their cognitive,
affective, and behavioral functioning. Such people may need mental health support. As such, further research is necessary to investigate the extreme reactions toward President Trump, in the same way
that researchers investigate other extreme social phenomena, such as Beatlemania or the like. This will shed light on the reality of this emerging folk category that has been labelled by many as
"Trump Derangement Syndrome."

Message-ID: <***@news.eternal-september.org>


Rich, Entitled, And Narcissistic

Socioeconomic Status Is A Contributing Factor To Narcissism

Narcissists are self-centered people who take the view that they are far more important than the people around them. They promote themselves to the exclusion of others and take other people's
successes as competition to their own. They also tend to suck the life out of groups, because they steal the limelight and push their own agenda at the expense of others.

Because of these negative influences of narcissism on relationships and in the workplace, it is valuable to understand where this collection of traits comes from. An interesting paper in the
January,2014 issue of Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin by Paul Piff explores the relationship between narcissism and wealth.

He argues that great wealth and higher levels of social class can lead people to have a greater sense of entitlement and that sense can lead to narcissism.

In one study, adults ranging in age from 18-72 filled out a series of surveys including two of importance for this project. One showed participants a ladder with ten rungs on it that represent people
of increasing levels of income, education, and prestige and asked them to select the run they belong to. This is a measure of perceived socioeconomic status (SES). The second measure was a
questionnaire measuring people's sense of entitlement with items like "I honestly feel that I am more deserving than others." This study found a small positive correlation between the measure of SES
and the measure of sense of entitlement.

A second study used college students. As a measure of SES, students reported their parents" income. As a measure of entitlement, the author used a scale that asked people to rate the relative
importance of themselves compared to others. This measure had a circle representing other people and circles of different sizes that could represent the self. They had to select a size of a circle
representing the self that corresponded to their feelings about their own importance compared to other people. Previous studies suggest that this measure relates to people's sense of entitlement.
Finally, participants filled out an inventory that assesses narcissism.

In this study, there was a small correlation between SES (as measured by parental income) and narcissism. There was also a small correlation between SES and the measure of entitlement. Statistical
tests suggested that the sense of entitlement explained the differences in narcissism between low- and high-SES participants.

A third study gathered measures of SES from college students in the lab. Other measures were collected including a measure of how much participants care about their appearance. Toward the end of the
study, participants were asked if they would allow the experimenter to take their picture for a future study on face recognition. Participants were given the opportunity to look in the mirror to fix
their appearance before the picture. The experimenter left the room to get a camera, and another RA measured whether the participant looked in the mirror. Overall, women tended to look in the mirror
more often than men. That reflects a general difference between men and women in how much they care about their appearance. Beyond that, high-SES individuals looked in the mirror more often than low-
SES individuals. This difference was not explained by differences in how much these individuals care about their appearance.

Finally, one study did an experimental manipulation to break the relationship between SES and narcissism. Participants drawn from a sample on Amazon's Mechanical Turk filled out a measure of SES.
Then, participants either listed three benefits of treating others as equals (which primes the concept of equality) or listed three activities they do in a normal day (a control condition). Finally,
participants filled out a narcissism scale.

For the participants in the control condition, there was a small positive relationship between SES and narcissism. That relationship disappeared for the group that wrote about equality.

Putting this together, then, there is a weak relationship between SES and narcissism. When people grow up and live in a privileged environment, it can increase their tendency to feel entitled. That
sense of entitlement leads to greater narcissism.

As interesting as these results are, it is important to recognize that the effects overall are small. There are plenty of people high in socioeconomic status who have neither a sense of entitlement
nor a tendency toward narcissism. Similarly, there are many people from a low-SES background who do have a sense of entitlement and narcissistic traits. But, it is valuable to know that there are
elements of a person's social situation that can make them more susceptible to being a narcissist.
2025-03-01 04:12:56 UTC
Post by AlleyCat
What date did CNN make that report.

It's useless for saying they "did the same thing" unless you can show
they did it at roughly the same time.
Post by AlleyCat
Read all... changes were made.
On Fri, 28 Feb 2025 16:54:03 -0800, Alan says...
Post by Alan
And that isn't the map of the track that existed on the day made his tweet.
So fucking what? It was mere HOURS.

Trump's infamous tweet was made on September 1, 2019.


That was at 7:51 am.

The image you claim was "mere HOURS" before was, in fact, from Wednesday
August 28, 2019 at 11pm.


Here's the link you've now snipped and you can see the positions
provided with times are identical:


And that image was from 3 days, 9 hours and 51 minutes before Trump's tweet.
Post by AlleyCat
That doesn't matter... THAT was the map they had on the day he made the tweet.
No, it most certainly was NOT.

At 2am on September 1, 2019 (Trump tweeted nearly 6 hours after this),
this was the map of the track.


And given that Trump's tweet was from just before 8am, he actually had
access to this version of it:

Post by AlleyCat
Making him NOT wrong.
If HE was wrong, then so too, were those you snipped, right?
Because you didn't show WHEN they said what they said.
Post by AlleyCat
WHY were all these outlets right, but Trump wrong?
You need to show the actual dates they made those.
Post by AlleyCat
"No matches for your search
Try searching a larger area or uploading the image again"
Post by AlleyCat
Trump was right... again.
Did you, typical liberal, conveniently forget that CNN SAID that the
hurricane had a trajectory TOWARDS Alabama? Here... I'll help you
And you can tell from the storm track in the story, that they made that
report somewhere around Wednesday, August 28.
Post by AlleyCat
Again, unless you can show WHEN he said it...
2025-03-01 06:00:55 UTC
On Fri, 28 Feb 2025 20:12:56 -0800, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
What date did CNN make that report.
Does not matter.

You still don't seem to get it.

WHY would Trump, IF he had updated reports, CARER if Dorian MIGHT hit Alabama and Mississippi.

What, EXACTLY, was he trying to convey and WHY?

And WHY did The NOAA confirm what Trump said?

This makes NO sense to argue.

What Trump did had no purpose, so WHY do you faggot finger-pointers keep saying he was wrong, when he clearly wasn't, if his aides were using the latest reports and THAT is what they gave Trump.

Also, the Sharpie provided NO "new" information, as all it was doing was extending the path already set by The NOAA. If Trump or his aides CHANGED the path, before The NOAA had, THEN, it would be a
story. But to simply extend the cone out a few more hours, did NOTHING to change anything.

Was the path SO much different when Trump made his, now infamous Sharpie cone?

HOW much different?

Was it SOOOO much different, that Alabama, Florida and Mississippi COMPLETELY out of danger?

Hell, fucking no.

*I* almost got hit by the same hurricane TWICE in one week, in 1987.

Loading Image...

It came close enough to have to clear my beach twice of Hobies and all the chairs and umbrellas.

Hurricanes change paths. Trump was NOT wrong to say those states were still "in the path", because like MANY hurricanes, the paths could have changed.
Post by Alan
That was at 7:51 am.
Uhhh... that's not the same tweet as the one with the Sharpie.
2025-03-01 20:18:19 UTC
Post by AlleyCat
On Fri, 28 Feb 2025 20:12:56 -0800, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
What date did CNN make that report.
Does not matter.
You still don't seem to get it.
WHY would Trump, IF he had updated reports, CARER if Dorian MIGHT
hit Alabama and Mississippi.
What, EXACTLY, was he trying to convey and WHY?
He made an error. The problem is that he didn't want to ADMIT to having
made an error.
Post by AlleyCat
And WHY did The NOAA confirm what Trump said?
They didn't.
Post by AlleyCat
This makes NO sense to argue.
What Trump did had no purpose, so WHY do you faggot finger-pointers
keep saying he was wrong, when he clearly wasn't, if his aides were
using the latest reports and THAT is what they gave Trump.
They didn't give him reports that were three and a half days out of date.

And if they had, he could have claimed that.
Post by AlleyCat
Also, the Sharpie provided NO "new" information, as all it was doing
was extending the path already set by The NOAA. If Trump or his
aides CHANGED the path, before The NOAA had, THEN, it would be a
story. But to simply extend the cone out a few more hours, did
NOTHING to change anything.
It wasn't a path, and he used an old track to try and justify his mistake.
Post by AlleyCat
Was the path SO much different when Trump made his, now infamous Sharpie cone?
He made that cone after all this came out.

So yes, the path was VERY different.
Post by AlleyCat
HOW much different?
Was it SOOOO much different, that Alabama, Florida and Mississippi
COMPLETELY out of danger?
But the time he presented his doctored map?

He didn't present the doctored map until September 4th.
Post by AlleyCat
Hell, fucking no.
*I* almost got hit by the same hurricane TWICE in one week, in 1987.
It came close enough to have to clear my beach twice of Hobies and
all the chairs and umbrellas.
Hurricanes change paths. Trump was NOT wrong to say those states
were still "in the path", because like MANY hurricanes, the paths
could have changed.
He was wrong.
Post by AlleyCat
Post by Alan
That was at 7:51 am.
Uhhh... that's not the same tweet as the one with the Sharpie.
There was no "tweet" with the Sharpie.

He presented the map with the sharpie on television. Try and keep up.

That's the tweet he presented on September 1, 2019 at 7:51am, where he
later tried to justify that he wasn't wrong by presenting a doctored map
of the predicted track of the storm from 3 days, 9 hours and 51 minutes
before he made that tweet.

The actual map of the track AT THE TIME HE MADE THAT TWEET was this:


And as anyone can see, the predicted track of Dorian at that time (5am
is actually just less than 3 hours before he tweeted...

...no wait, it's actually worse than that!

X/Twitter shows the times of tweets in the local time zone of the
viewer, so a tweet that shows as 7:51am for me, is actually 10:51am for

So Trump used a map that was 3 days, 12 hours, and 51 minutes old to try
and pretend he hadn't just got it wrong.

But my, my, my...

...so many posts at 1am on a Friday night.

What a great life you must have!
2025-03-02 00:43:55 UTC
On Sat, 1 Mar 2025 12:18:19 -0800, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
What, EXACTLY, was he trying to convey and WHY?
He made an error.
WHAT "error"?

The NOAA backed him up. It was no error... this was no boating accident. And it wasn't any propeller. It wasn't any coral reef. And it wasn't Jack the Ripper. It was a hurricane.

Why are you being such a chicken shit? If Trump had had the latest path "report", then WHY would have used the map they gave him, and WHY would he draw a cone that simply extended the path HE thought
the hurricane was on?

WHY would Trump, IF he had updated reports, CARE if Dorian MIGHT hit Alabama and Mississippi?

There was NOTHING to gain, politically.

I'm not going to come off this.

Tell us WHY. WHY did Trump DO this, in the first place. And secondly, WHY does it matter? He made no error. The NOAA backed him up. With the information he had, he simply drew an extended cone. HAD
Dorian not changed course, there would NOT have been a big deal, but those with TDS can't stop making fun of nothing.
Post by Alan
The problem is that he didn't want to ADMIT to having made an error.
There WAS no "error".

His staff didn't give him updated information, so he was spot on, with what he had.

The NOAA backed him up. (see other post)



Bees Struggling In The Cold

Cyprus Crops Hit Hard

Montreal's Snowy February

Historic Flurries Sweep Ladakh

Northern Hemisphere Snow Mass At 3,200 Gigatons

Snows Persist In N. India

Fierce Cold To Sweep China

South Pole At -50c (-58f)

Iraqi Desert Snow

Middle East Freeze

Blizzards Batter Georgia

Snows Sweep Northern India

Cyprus At Record Electricity Demand

Northern Hemisphere Snow Mass Well-Above Average

Japan's Record-Breaking Winter To Worsen

Extreme February

Greece's Record Snowfall

Cyprus Shivers

Record Cold Week Across The US

US Cold Records Mount

Relentless Snow Slams Turkey

Big Accumulations Across Northern India
Japan Buried
Deep Freeze Grips Central Europe
Long-Standing Records Fall Across America
One Of Antarctica's Earliest -60c's On Record
Record Cold Czech Republic
Northern Hemisphere Snow Above Average
Japan's Resorts At 20+ Feet
Antarctica Nears -60c
Cold Records Begin Falling Across U.S.
Canada Breaks Long-Standing Benchmarks
Montreal's Historic Snowfall
Australia Cools
Drop In Albedo Hunga Tonga Hunga Hai"apai Causing Warming?
"Life-Threatening Cold" Enters The U.S.
Record February Cold Grips Australia
Poland To -41.1c (-42f)
Vostok At -57.4c (-71.3f)
Orilla On Brink Of Historic Snowfall Record
Japan's Snow Continues To Impress
Antarctica At -55.1c (-67.2f)
The Climate Racket Is Collapsing
Big Gains On Greenland
Antarctic Below -50c (-58f)
Records Fall Across The Northwest
Record Snow Destroys Japan's Apple Orchards
Cold Sends Romania's Gas Prices Soaring
"The Freezer Door Is About To Be Opened (Again!)"
Saudi Arabia's Rare Freeze
Japan's Record Snow Turns Deadly
America's Coldest January Since 1988
Record Uptick In Northern Hemisphere Snow Extent
Snow Records Continue To Fall Across Japan
Intense Freeze Sweeps S. Korea
MP's Rare Chill
Turkey's Record Gas Consumption Amid Big Freeze
Record Cold Grips B.C.
Arctic Blast To Wallop The U.S.
Heavy Snow Hits Iran
Himachal Pradesh Suffers Intense Lows/Snows
Rare Low-Elevation Flurries In Taiwan
Japan Ski Resort Surpasses 20 Feet
Antarctic Sea Ice Recovery: Climate Models In Crisis
Concordia At -48.5c (-55.3f)
Arctic Outbreak Round Two
New Nature Study: No Slow Down In Amoc
NOAA Data Practices Investigated
Global Temperatures Cool Significantly In January
Record Snows Persist In Japan
No Sea-Level Rise Since 1800s
Blizzards On Sakhalin
Finland Nears -40c (-40f)
Record February Cold Threatens Northern China
All-Time Snow Totals Sweep Japan
4 Feet In 3 Days Buries The Alps
Stable Temperatures In Greenland, Study Finds
Arctic Blast To Slam The U.S.
Sakhalin Blizzards
Scientists Say Global Warming Could Cool The UK
Snow In Japan Exceeds 17 Feet
Another "Polar Express" Looms For The U.S.
Cold Chokes Spanish Vegetables
NASA Removes Past Temperature Data
2025-03-02 20:41:42 UTC
Post by AlleyCat
On Sat, 1 Mar 2025 12:18:19 -0800, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
What, EXACTLY, was he trying to convey and WHY?
He made an error.
WHAT "error"?
He stated:

'In addition to Florida - South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia, and
Alabama, will most likely be hit (much) harder than anticipated.'

He stated that on September 1, 2019 at 10:51am EST.

At that time, the latest available track information for Dorian looked
like this:


You can see that for yourself here:

Post by AlleyCat
The NOAA backed him up. It was no error... this was no boating
accident. And it wasn't any propeller. It wasn't any coral reef. And
it wasn't Jack the Ripper. It was a hurricane.
The probability of Alabama being hit by winds as I as
"tropical-storm-force winds" (i.e. ">= 39mph") as less than 10%.

That's reflected in this graphic:


Which comes from THIS site:


So on the day he made the tweet, there was a SMALL chance that Alabama
would be "hit" by high winds.

But that's not hurricane force winds, is it?

Raise the wind speed to the next level that NOAA charts (i.e. >=58mph),
and by 8am EST there was essentially no chance that Alabama would be
experiencing winds of that speed...


...and that's STILL not hurricane force winds.

Hurricane force winds are windows of speeds greater than or equal to

...and guess what: NOAA tracks hurricane force winds!


At 8am, Sunday, September 1, 2019--just under 3 hours before Trump made
his erroneous tweet--there was ZERO chance that any hurricane force
winds would impact Alabama.
Post by AlleyCat
Why are you being such a chicken shit? If Trump had had the latest
path "report", then WHY would have used the map they gave him, and
WHY would he draw a cone that simply extended the path HE thought
the hurricane was on?
Because he's a narcissistic liar who can't possibly imagine just
admitting he made a mistake.
Post by AlleyCat
WHY would Trump, IF he had updated reports, CARE if Dorian MIGHT hit
Alabama and Mississippi?
There was NOTHING to gain, politically.
He made a mistake.
Post by AlleyCat
I'm not going to come off this.
Tell us WHY. WHY did Trump DO this, in the first place. And
secondly, WHY does it matter? He made no error. The NOAA backed him
up. With the information he had, he simply drew an extended cone.
HAD Dorian not changed course, there would NOT have been a big deal,
but those with TDS can't stop making fun of nothing.
The NOAA was playing political games.

When Trump tweeted the National Weather Service said this:

“We repeat, no impacts from Hurricane #Dorian will be felt across
Alabama. The system will remain too far east.”
Post by AlleyCat
Post by Alan
The problem is that he didn't want to ADMIT to having made an
There WAS no "error".
There was an error.
Post by AlleyCat
His staff didn't give him updated information, so he was spot on, with what he had.
Then just say that.

Instead, he doctored up a chart from 3 and a half days before his tweet
with a Sharpie.
2025-03-03 01:26:43 UTC
On Sun, 2 Mar 2025 12:41:42 -0800, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
On Sat, 1 Mar 2025 12:18:19 -0800, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
What, EXACTLY, was he trying to convey and WHY?
He made an error.
WHAT "error"?
'In addition to Florida - South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia, and
Alabama, will most likely be hit (much) harder than anticipated.'

He included Alabama, which STILL could have been hit, because you never know what hurricanes are going to do.


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He added Alabama to a list which was 80% correct.

Whoooooo... so WRONG! Yet, so right!


You think The NOAA and CNN have records THAT good (80%)?



If CNN wasn't wrong with the information THEY had at the time of THEIR broadcast, then Trump wasn't either, because THAT'S what he had at the time. Wanna blame his staff? Fine.

There was NO reason not to give an updated version of the map or path heading, if Trump HAD that information. Right? Right.

Also remember... JUST because Dorian turned, that does NOT mean it was IMPOSSIBLE for Alabama to be hit.

Again, hurricanes NEVER go straight. (see pics above)

If The NOAA, with all its tools at its disposal, (along with CNN) didn't know that Dorian was going to turn North, then, HOW would YOU know that Dorian wouldn't change course again, and threaten

YOU don't.

Neither did Trump.

Neither did CNN and The NOAA.

Take it from someone who's gone through at LEAST this many hurricanes, warnings, watches, near-hits and near-misses:

1. Camille
2. Eloise
3. Frederic
4. Elena
5. Opal
6. Danny
7. Ivan
8. Dennis
9. Katrina
10. Michael
11. Sally
12. Zeta
13. Betsy
14. Alma
15. Inez
16. Gladys
17. Agnes
18. David
19. Kate
20. Floyd
21. Andrew
22. Erin
23. Earl
24. Georges
25. Irene
26. Charley
27. Frances
28. Jeanne
29. Rita
30. Wilma
31. Hermine
32. Matthew
33. Irma
34. Ian
35. Nicole
36. Idalia
37. Debby
38. Helene
39. Milton
40. Edith
41. Carmen
42. Babe
43. Bob
44. Juan
45. Florence
46. Lili
47. Cindy
48. Humberto
49. Gustav
50. Isaac
51. Nate
52. Barry
53. Laura
54. Delta
55. Ida
56. Francine


In projecting a hurricane's path incorrectly... you are never wrong... you're just not right.

Trump wasn't wrong.

The NOAA backed him.

So did CNN. (ThWa4YoToAr)


Rich, Entitled, And Narcissistic

Socioeconomic Status Is A Contributing Factor To Narcissism

Narcissists are self-centered people who take the view that they are far more important than the people around them. They promote themselves to the exclusion of others and take other people's
successes as competition to their own. They also tend to suck the life out of groups, because they steal the limelight and push their own agenda at the expense of others.

Because of these negative influences of narcissism on relationships and in the workplace, it is valuable to understand where this collection of traits comes from. An interesting paper in the
January,2014 issue of Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin by Paul Piff explores the relationship between narcissism and wealth.

He argues that great wealth and higher levels of social class can lead people to have a greater sense of entitlement and that sense can lead to narcissism.

In one study, adults ranging in age from 18-72 filled out a series of surveys including two of importance for this project. One showed participants a ladder with ten rungs on it that represent people
of increasing levels of income, education, and prestige and asked them to select the run they belong to. This is a measure of perceived socioeconomic status (SES). The second measure was a
questionnaire measuring people's sense of entitlement with items like "I honestly feel that I am more deserving than others." This study found a small positive correlation between the measure of SES
and the measure of sense of entitlement.

A second study used college students. As a measure of SES, students reported their parents" income. As a measure of entitlement, the author used a scale that asked people to rate the relative
importance of themselves compared to others. This measure had a circle representing other people and circles of different sizes that could represent the self. They had to select a size of a circle
representing the self that corresponded to their feelings about their own importance compared to other people. Previous studies suggest that this measure relates to people's sense of entitlement.
Finally, participants filled out an inventory that assesses narcissism.

In this study, there was a small correlation between SES (as measured by parental income) and narcissism. There was also a small correlation between SES and the measure of entitlement. Statistical
tests suggested that the sense of entitlement explained the differences in narcissism between low- and high-SES participants.

A third study gathered measures of SES from college students in the lab. Other measures were collected including a measure of how much participants care about their appearance. Toward the end of the
study, participants were asked if they would allow the experimenter to take their picture for a future study on face recognition. Participants were given the opportunity to look in the mirror to fix
their appearance before the picture. The experimenter left the room to get a camera, and another RA measured whether the participant looked in the mirror. Overall, women tended to look in the mirror
more often than men. That reflects a general difference between men and women in how much they care about their appearance. Beyond that, high-SES individuals looked in the mirror more often than low-
SES individuals. This difference was not explained by differences in how much these individuals care about their appearance.

Finally, one study did an experimental manipulation to break the relationship between SES and narcissism. Participants drawn from a sample on Amazon's Mechanical Turk filled out a measure of SES.
Then, participants either listed three benefits of treating others as equals (which primes the concept of equality) or listed three activities they do in a normal day (a control condition). Finally,
participants filled out a narcissism scale.

For the participants in the control condition, there was a small positive relationship between SES and narcissism. That relationship disappeared for the group that wrote about equality.

Putting this together, then, there is a weak relationship between SES and narcissism. When people grow up and live in a privileged environment, it can increase their tendency to feel entitled. That
sense of entitlement leads to greater narcissism.

As interesting as these results are, it is important to recognize that the effects overall are small. There are plenty of people high in socioeconomic status who have neither a sense of entitlement
nor a tendency toward narcissism. Similarly, there are many people from a low-SES background who do have a sense of entitlement and narcissistic traits. But, it is valuable to know that there are
elements of a person's social situation that can make them more susceptible to being a narcissist.
2025-03-03 12:48:11 UTC
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
On Sat, 1 Mar 2025 12:18:19 -0800, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
What, EXACTLY, was he trying to convey and WHY?
He made an error.
WHAT "error"?
'In addition to Florida - South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia, and
Alabama, will most likely be hit (much) harder than anticipated.'
He stated that on September 1, 2019 at 10:51am EST.
At that time, the latest available track information for Dorian looked
Post by AlleyCat
The NOAA backed him up. It was no error... this was no boating
accident. And it wasn't any propeller. It wasn't any coral reef. And
it wasn't Jack the Ripper. It was a hurricane.
The probability of Alabama being hit by winds as I as
"tropical-storm-force winds" (i.e. ">= 39mph") as less than 10%.
So on the day he made the tweet, there was a SMALL chance that Alabama
would be "hit" by high winds.
But that's not hurricane force winds, is it?
Raise the wind speed to the next level that NOAA charts (i.e. >=58mph),
and by 8am EST there was essentially no chance that Alabama would be
experiencing winds of that speed...
...and that's STILL not hurricane force winds.
Hurricane force winds are windows of speeds greater than or equal to
...and guess what: NOAA tracks hurricane force winds!
At 8am, Sunday, September 1, 2019--just under 3 hours before Trump made
his erroneous tweet--there was ZERO chance that any hurricane force
winds would impact Alabama.
Post by AlleyCat
Why are you being such a chicken shit? If Trump had had the latest
path "report", then WHY would have used the map they gave him, and
WHY would he draw a cone that simply extended the path HE thought
the hurricane was on?
Because he's a narcissistic liar who can't possibly imagine just
admitting he made a mistake.
Post by AlleyCat
WHY would Trump, IF he had updated reports, CARE if Dorian MIGHT hit
Alabama and Mississippi?
There was NOTHING to gain, politically.
He made a mistake.
Post by AlleyCat
I'm not going to come off this.
Tell us WHY. WHY did Trump DO this, in the first place. And
secondly, WHY does it matter? He made no error. The NOAA backed him
up. With the information he had, he simply drew an extended cone.
HAD Dorian not changed course, there would NOT have been a big deal,
but those with TDS can't stop making fun of nothing.
The NOAA was playing political games.
?We repeat, no impacts from Hurricane #Dorian will be felt across
Alabama. The system will remain too far east.?
Post by AlleyCat
Post by Alan
The problem is that he didn't want to ADMIT to having made an error.
There WAS no "error".
There was an error.
Post by AlleyCat
His staff didn't give him updated information, so he was spot on, with what he had.
Then just say that.
Instead, he doctored up a chart from 3 and a half days before his tweet
with a Sharpie.
No ammo huh?
2025-03-02 00:43:56 UTC
Trump hadn't been updated by his staff.

Was Trump responsible for getting hurricanes updates?

Was Trump responsible for getting map laminated, trimmed of back and put on foam-core with spray-glue and vacuum sealed for hours?

Nope... staff.

No error... no mistake.

WHY did he make the cone in the first place?

To warn people of what they might expect.

Where's the crime?

He had NO reason to lie OR make a mistake, not when he used what he had received from his staff.

The NOAA backed him up.

Yes... they did.

Look it up.




Ooooo... Trump puts cone on a map not updated by his staff.

Meanwhile... we get this for 4 years:



















Ladies and Gentlemen... I give you the Democrats' best: Old-Rich-White-
Religious Freak, Joe Biden

Or As Old-Rich-White-Religious Freak, Joe Biden Would Say: "Labadies and
Gntlmn... I gve yu the Dmcrts' bst."


Joe Bidden Completely Forgets What He's Talking About In Excruciating Press

Joe Biden Gets Completely LOST in Middle of a Story

Biden tries to explain the Covid bill. This moron is President? Wow.

Biden's Dementia Flares Up, Has Complete Mental Short-Circuit During Speech

Out-Performed Every Presidential Challenger In US History?

Joe Biden: You Just Wonder

Joe Biden Fumbles Through Speech

Joe Biden Embarrassingly Delivers his WORST Speech while 'President Elect'

Barely There Biden Makes No Sense

Joe Biden Stumbles, Makes No Sense

Joe Biden Makes No Sense, Forgets When The 1918 Flu Pandemic Occurred

Joe Biden making Zer0 sense

Joe Biden Told Voters To "Go To" A Phone Number. Now, He Still Makes Zero

2025-03-02 20:43:31 UTC
Post by AlleyCat
Trump hadn't been updated by his staff.
So now it was an error...

...but not Trump's?

So why did he doctor up a map from 3 and a half days before his tweet to
make believe his tweet was correct?
Post by AlleyCat
Was Trump responsible for getting hurricanes updates?
If he's going to tweet about it, yes.
Post by AlleyCat
Was Trump responsible for getting map laminated, trimmed of back and
put on foam-core with spray-glue and vacuum sealed for hours?
He was the one presenting it.
Post by AlleyCat
Nope... staff.
No error... no mistake.
WHY did he make the cone in the first place?
To warn people of what they might expect.
But his tweet was completely wrong.
Post by AlleyCat
Where's the crime?
He had NO reason to lie OR make a mistake, not when he used what he
had received from his staff.
The NOAA backed him up.
Yes... they did.
Look it up.
Run away, sad little Phil!
2025-03-03 01:26:41 UTC
On Sun, 2 Mar 2025 12:43:31 -0800, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
Trump hadn't been updated by his staff.
So now it was an error...
No. He had what he had and that's what he had.

The NOAA backed him up. He was 100% correct with the tools he had for presentation.
Post by Alan
...but not Trump's?
Post by Alan
So why did he doctor up a map from 3 and a half days before his tweet to
make believe his tweet was correct?
So, you're saying the map and Sharpie was correct at the time.

Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
Was Trump responsible for getting hurricanes updates?
If he's going to tweet about it, yes.
Can you prove the claim that HE tweeted it?
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
Was Trump responsible for getting map laminated, trimmed of back and
put on foam-core with spray-glue and vacuum sealed for hours?
He was the one presenting it.
So... how many presentations did Biden put together all on his lonesome?
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
Nope... staff.
No error... no mistake.
WHY did he make the cone in the first place?
To warn people of what they might expect.
But his tweet was completely wrong.
But the map was.

Post by Alan
Run away, sad little Phil!
From a sad little rich boy, stalker?



Rich, Entitled, And Narcissistic

Socioeconomic Status Is A Contributing Factor To Narcissism

Narcissists are self-centered people who take the view that they are far more important than the people around them. They promote themselves to the exclusion of others and take other people's
successes as competition to their own. They also tend to suck the life out of groups, because they steal the limelight and push their own agenda at the expense of others.

Because of these negative influences of narcissism on relationships and in the workplace, it is valuable to understand where this collection of traits comes from. An interesting paper in the
January,2014 issue of Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin by Paul Piff explores the relationship between narcissism and wealth.

He argues that great wealth and higher levels of social class can lead people to have a greater sense of entitlement and that sense can lead to narcissism.

In one study, adults ranging in age from 18-72 filled out a series of surveys including two of importance for this project. One showed participants a ladder with ten rungs on it that represent people
of increasing levels of income, education, and prestige and asked them to select the run they belong to. This is a measure of perceived socioeconomic status (SES). The second measure was a
questionnaire measuring people's sense of entitlement with items like "I honestly feel that I am more deserving than others." This study found a small positive correlation between the measure of SES
and the measure of sense of entitlement.


Alan Baker, The Creepy Internet Stalker!

MuahMan's profile photo
Feb 13, 2008, 12:19:48AM

Yikes. He's spent the last 48 hours researching me.

They should make internet stalking illegal, I think Alan Baker has had
practice researching the little kiddies he likes to molest.

Anyone thinking of hiring this internet stalker Alan Baker from Vancouver,
BC should certainly give him a psych eval. As according to this website
people that

stalk others on the internet more times than not leads to pedophilia. Alan
Baker is obviously bordering on or has become a child predator.


Yikes. If something happens to me please make sure the local, and Canadian
police no that I was being stalked online by Alan Baker, A Macintosh bench
tech from Vancouver, BC.

Please post this every newsgroup so your children know to avoid him and thus
remove themselves from danger.

Alan Baker's profile photo
Alan Baker
Feb 13, 2008, 2:47:35AM

Post by Alan
Yikes. He's spent the last 48 hours researching me.
Nope. I took about 45 minutes.
Post by Alan
They should make internet stalking illegal, I think Alan Baker has had
practice researching the little kiddies he likes to molest.
People whose lives are so public shouldn't say things that could get
them sued.
Post by Alan
Anyone thinking of hiring this internet stalker Alan Baker from Vancouver,
BC should certainly give him a psych eval. As according to this website
people that
stalk others on the internet more times than not leads to pedophilia. Alan
Baker is obviously bordering on or has become a child predator.
Or perhaps I should just inform the IRS about the possessions you've
bragged about to clear up that tax lien...

Did your mother, Patricia, even know that you had a federal tax lien
hanging over your head when she agreed to put you on the deed to her
Post by Alan
Yikes. If something happens to me please make sure the local, and Canadian
police no that I was being stalked online by Alan Baker, A Macintosh bench
tech from Vancouver, BC.
Please post this every newsgroup so your children know to avoid him and thus
remove themselves from danger.
Alan Baker
Vancouver, British Columbia
"If you raise the ceiling four feet, move the fireplace from that wall
to that wall, you'll still only get the full stereophonic effect if you
sit in the bottom of that cupboard."

MuahMan's profile photo
Feb 13, 2008, 2:55:05AM

Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
Yikes. He's spent the last 48 hours researching me.
Nope. I took about 45 minutes.
Post by AlleyCat
They should make internet stalking illegal, I think Alan Baker has had
practice researching the little kiddies he likes to molest.
People whose lives are so public shouldn't say things that could get
them sued.
Hire a lawyer and sue away. Two people can do research you sick perv.
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
Anyone thinking of hiring this internet stalker Alan Baker from
BC should certainly give him a psych eval. As according to this website
people that
stalk others on the internet more times than not leads to pedophilia.
Baker is obviously bordering on or has become a child predator.
Or perhaps I should just inform the IRS about the possessions you've
bragged about to clear up that tax lien...
Post by Alan
Did your mother, Patricia, even know that you had a federal tax lien
hanging over your head when she agreed to put you on the deed to her
Do your parents know you harass elderly people at 1am and threaten to kill
them on the phone?
Seriously get over your obsession with me. Find a hobby and quit spending
day and night worrrying, stalking, and threatening my family.
Keep bothering my family and you'll have another restraining order against
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
Yikes. If something happens to me please make sure the local, and
police no that I was being stalked online by Alan Baker, A Macintosh
tech from Vancouver, BC.
Please post this every newsgroup so your children know to avoid him and
remove themselves from danger.
Alan Baker
Vancouver, British Columbia
"If you raise the ceiling four feet, move the fireplace from that wall
to that wall, you'll still only get the full stereophonic effect if you
sit in the bottom of that cupboard."
Alan Baker's profile photo
Alan Baker
Feb 13, 2008, 2:59:07AM

Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
Yikes. He's spent the last 48 hours researching me.
Nope. I took about 45 minutes.
They should make internet stalking illegal, I think Alan Baker has had
practice researching the little kiddies he likes to molest.
People whose lives are so public shouldn't say things that could get
them sued.
Hire a lawyer and sue away. Two people can do research you sick perv.

I'm sure 'two people" can. You: no.
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
Anyone thinking of hiring this internet stalker Alan Baker from
BC should certainly give him a psych eval. As according to this website
people that
stalk others on the internet more times than not leads to pedophilia.
Baker is obviously bordering on or has become a child predator.
Or perhaps I should just inform the IRS about the possessions you've
bragged about to clear up that tax lien...
Is that an invitation?
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
Did your mother, Patricia, even know that you had a federal tax lien
hanging over your head when she agreed to put you on the deed to her
Do your parents know you harass elderly people at 1am and threaten to kill
them on the phone?
Seriously get over your obsession with me. Find a hobby and quit spending
day and night worrrying, stalking, and threatening my family.
Keep bothering my family and you'll have another restraining order against
I've never bothered anyone, Pratt-fall. Not even you. I've just found
out a few facts.

But say, "Uncle" and I'll stop posting 'em.


MuahMan's profile photo
Feb 13, 2008, 3:05:31AM


"Alan Baker" <***@telus.net> wrote in message news:alangbaker-***@...

I believe that's a website.
I didn't invite you to call my grandparents at all hours of the night that
sure didn't stop you.
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
Did your mother, Patricia, even know that you had a federal tax lien
hanging over your head when she agreed to put you on the deed to her
Do your parents know you harass elderly people at 1am and threaten to
them on the phone?
Seriously get over your obsession with me. Find a hobby and quit spending
day and night worrrying, stalking, and threatening my family.
Keep bothering my family and you'll have another restraining order
I've never bothered anyone, Pratt-fall. Not even you. I've just found
out a few facts.
But say, "Uncle" and I'll stop posting 'em.
You're not capable of bothering me. However when you bother my elderly
grandparents and get family involved you are crossing the line from online
weirdo, to complete psycho that needs help. You even stated it was fun
earlier finding personal information on people online. If your life really
that void. Perhaps instead of souring website after website trying to verify
if I have this motorcycle or that car, or that house you should get involved
in your own life. This sort of behavior has burned you before and left you
so you are unemployable and must work fixing computers for a living. You
should have learned your lesson the first time.

Hey Alan Baker. You trolling fucking cunt.
texas gate
Dec 27, 2023, 8:34:49?PM

Nothing of substance to post in the off season?

You fucking simple, piece of shit, useless, cock sucker.

News's profile photo News
Jan 3, 2024, 2:24:19?PM

You mean 'Dave Royal' ?

Post by Alan
"Dave Royal is Alan Baker and he lives on Mount Stupid"
Post by AlleyCat
There were others but that one had a few to start with for now.
'Andy Burnelli' who started that thread has a familiar style! And it
doesn't mention DroidEdit or a couple of others I've tried over the years
and not preferred such as Simple Text Editor.
This is my _last_ post to "Dave Royal" as he will be plonked (along with
his other nym of Alan Baker and all the other Alan Baker nyms out there).
OT. Please ignore if you care about the subject matter of this thread.
The only _relevant_ information in the post below are these screenshots.
<Loading Image...> Edit plain text files
<Loading Image...> Simple Text Editor shows up
<Loading Image...> Shortcut can be created
<Loading Image...> Shortcut opens as a text file
<Loading Image...> Sometimes it does NOT show up
<Loading Image...> Sometimes it can't SAVE it
<Loading Image...> Simple Text Editor Permissions
<Loading Image...> WriterP Permissions
Now back to the "Dave Royal" (aka Alan Baker) response...
<Loading Image...>
Some people try to add value in every post.
Others subtract it in every post.
In decades on Usenet, I've only plonked a handful of people who _can't_ add
value such as Snit, Dustin Cook, Sn!pe, and every nym of Alan Baker (of
which Dave Royal is but one - where there are so many I can't count them).
The nyms are OK, as with my newsreader setup, I don't even see who posts
unless I look - which is kind of like Trump words - where I don't look up
what he said unless someone tells me and I say "did he really say that?).
Point being, nothing from Dave Royal adds value (as he's Alan Baker).
In fact, Dave Royal _subtracts_ vale (aka Alan Baker) in every post.
Even if he's not Alan Baker - he has the same IQ of about 40 (which is why
he loudly proclaims to the world that he is an utter genius when he finally
figures out what was never hidden from anyone - except from dumb robots).
It irks me that people this incredibly stupid, actually exist - which is
exactly why the Mount Stupid graphs exist - which fits the iKooks well.
<Loading Image...>
Jesus Christ. Every time these low-IQ iKooks have nothing to say, they say
it. Dave Royal _is_ Alan Baker who _is_ Jack_Of_All_Trades_Master_of_None
childish kindergarten attempts at "outing" what they think they're geniuses
at, but which only proves they live squarely atop the D-K Mount Stupid.
*These strange low-IQ uneducated ignorant iKooks live squarely atop Mount Stupid*
If it takes an _adult_ more than five seconds to figure out my posts, then
they're idiots because the only purpose of the random headers is privacy
from robots - which these ignorant uneducated iKooks can't comprehend.
For God's sake, when I post a thousand screenshots to the Windows newsgroup
that have the _exact same screen_, how long can it take an idiot like you?
<Loading Image...> Windows browsers
<Loading Image...> No cortana search icon
<Loading Image...> Menus are just folders
<Loading Image...> Menu comments displayed
<Loading Image...> Comments can be changed
<Loading Image...> (deleted)
<Loading Image...> Hierarchies should match
<Loading Image...> One web browser per task
<Loading Image...> Need to organize os
How many of these does a normal person take to figure it out?
One right? Two maybe?
But iKooks? It takes them a thousand. Two thousand. Three thousand.
And then they declare that they're a "genius" for figuring it out.
When it was never hidden.
Who is that stupid?
Hell, I post a thousand screenshots to the Android newsgroup like this,
and it takes more than a thousand for you to claim you're a genius?
<https://i.postimg.cc/nVWkJT35/text01.jpg> Edit plain text files
<https://i.postimg.cc/j5dkpx5j/text02.jpg> Simple Text Editor shows up
<https://i.postimg.cc/0jzXNV7R/text03.jpg> Shortcut can be created
<https://i.postimg.cc/4yjLHp1K/text04.jpg> Shortcut opens as a text file
<https://i.postimg.cc/mDX6Rvzy/text05.jpg> Sometimes it does NOT show up
<https://i.postimg.cc/L6rwJFyy/text06.jpg> Sometimes it can't SAVE it
<https://i.postimg.cc/KzbPK6vB/text07.jpg> Simple Text Editor Permissions
<https://i.postimg.cc/50mw8s6G/text08.jpg> WriterP Permissions
I even post a thousand screenshots to the child-like Apple newsgroups,
where only the child-like Apple religious iKooks claim that they're a
genius for "finally figuring out" what was never hidden in the 1st place.
<Loading Image...> Apple _forces_ a log in!
<Loading Image...> 3 iOS 16.7.3 nag items
<Loading Image...> 2 iOS 16.7.3 nag items
<Loading Image...> 1 Update Apple ID settings
It doesn't occur to these fantastically ignorant iKooks that the
screenshots are the same, year after year, for thousands of them.
Who is _that_ stupid?
Nobody right?
Except the iKooks are.
They're so stupid, they don't even know how stupid they really are.
Post by AlleyCat
croy: there are loads of them. Just search playstore for 'text editor' and
try a few. Or FDroid or whatever you get apps from.
That's something only an idiot would say, which is why Alan Baker said it.
It means you don't know the first thing about Android text editors, Alan.
That's because you live on Mount Stupid.
It irks me that people this incredibly stupid, actually exist - which is
exactly why the Mount Stupid graphs exist - which fits the iKooks well.
Alan's profile photo
Jan 3, 2024, 3:31:33?PM
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
Nothing of substance to post in the off season?
You fucking simple, piece of shit,
useless, cock sucker.
You mean 'Dave Royal' ?
And you believe this?

texas gate's profile photo
texas gate
Jan 3, 2024, 3:51:25?PM
Post by Alan
And you believe this?
Alan Baker, The Creepy Internet Stalker!

MuahMan's profile photo
Feb 13, 2008, 12:19:48AM

Yikes. He's spent the last 48 hours researching me.

They should make internet stalking illegal, I think Alan Baker has had
practice researching the little kiddies he likes to molest.

Anyone thinking of hiring this internet stalker Alan Baker from Vancouver,
BC should certainly give him a psych eval. As according to this website
people that

stalk others on the internet more times than not leads to pedophilia. Alan
Baker is obviously bordering on or has become a child predator.


Yikes. If something happens to me please make sure the local, and Canadian
police no that I was being stalked online by Alan Baker, A Macintosh bench
tech from Vancouver, BC.

Please post this every newsgroup so your children know to avoid him and thus
remove themselves from danger.

Alan Baker's profile photo
Alan Baker
Feb 13, 2008, 2:47:35AM

Post by Alan
Yikes. He's spent the last 48 hours researching me.
Nope. I took about 45 minutes.
Post by Alan
They should make internet stalking illegal, I think Alan Baker has had
practice researching the little kiddies he likes to molest.
People whose lives are so public shouldn't say things that could get
them sued.
Post by Alan
Anyone thinking of hiring this internet stalker Alan Baker from Vancouver,
BC should certainly give him a psych eval. As according to this website
people that
stalk others on the internet more times than not leads to pedophilia. Alan
Baker is obviously bordering on or has become a child predator.
Or perhaps I should just inform the IRS about the possessions you've
bragged about to clear up that tax lien...

Did your mother, Patricia, even know that you had a federal tax lien
hanging over your head when she agreed to put you on the deed to her
Post by Alan
Yikes. If something happens to me please make sure the local, and Canadian
police no that I was being stalked online by Alan Baker, A Macintosh bench
tech from Vancouver, BC.
Please post this every newsgroup so your children know to avoid him and thus
remove themselves from danger.
Alan Baker
Vancouver, British Columbia
"If you raise the ceiling four feet, move the fireplace from that wall
to that wall, you'll still only get the full stereophonic effect if you
sit in the bottom of that cupboard."

MuahMan's profile photo
Feb 13, 2008, 2:55:05AM

Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
Yikes. He's spent the last 48 hours researching me.
Nope. I took about 45 minutes.
Post by AlleyCat
They should make internet stalking illegal, I think Alan Baker has had
practice researching the little kiddies he likes to molest.
People whose lives are so public shouldn't say things that could get
them sued.
Hire a lawyer and sue away. Two people can do research you sick perv.
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
Anyone thinking of hiring this internet stalker Alan Baker from
BC should certainly give him a psych eval. As according to this website
people that
stalk others on the internet more times than not leads to pedophilia.
Baker is obviously bordering on or has become a child predator.
Or perhaps I should just inform the IRS about the possessions you've
bragged about to clear up that tax lien...
Post by Alan
Did your mother, Patricia, even know that you had a federal tax lien
hanging over your head when she agreed to put you on the deed to her
Do your parents know you harass elderly people at 1am and threaten to kill
them on the phone?
Seriously get over your obsession with me. Find a hobby and quit spending
day and night worrrying, stalking, and threatening my family.
Keep bothering my family and you'll have another restraining order against
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
Yikes. If something happens to me please make sure the local, and
police no that I was being stalked online by Alan Baker, A Macintosh
tech from Vancouver, BC.
Please post this every newsgroup so your children know to avoid him and
remove themselves from danger.
Alan Baker
Vancouver, British Columbia
"If you raise the ceiling four feet, move the fireplace from that wall
to that wall, you'll still only get the full stereophonic effect if you
sit in the bottom of that cupboard."
Alan Baker's profile photo
Alan Baker
Feb 13, 2008, 2:59:07AM

Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
Yikes. He's spent the last 48 hours researching me.
Nope. I took about 45 minutes.
They should make internet stalking illegal, I think Alan Baker has had
practice researching the little kiddies he likes to molest.
People whose lives are so public shouldn't say things that could get
them sued.
Hire a lawyer and sue away. Two people can do research you sick perv.

I'm sure 'two people" can. You: no.
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
Anyone thinking of hiring this internet stalker Alan Baker from
BC should certainly give him a psych eval. As according to this website
people that
stalk others on the internet more times than not leads to pedophilia.
Baker is obviously bordering on or has become a child predator.
Or perhaps I should just inform the IRS about the possessions you've
bragged about to clear up that tax lien...
Is that an invitation?
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
Did your mother, Patricia, even know that you had a federal tax lien
hanging over your head when she agreed to put you on the deed to her
Do your parents know you harass elderly people at 1am and threaten to kill
them on the phone?
Seriously get over your obsession with me. Find a hobby and quit spending
day and night worrrying, stalking, and threatening my family.
Keep bothering my family and you'll have another restraining order against
I've never bothered anyone, Pratt-fall. Not even you. I've just found
out a few facts.

But say, "Uncle" and I'll stop posting 'em.


MuahMan's profile photo
Feb 13, 2008, 3:05:31AM


"Alan Baker" <***@telus.net> wrote in message news:alangbaker-***@...

I believe that's a website.
I didn't invite you to call my grandparents at all hours of the night that
sure didn't stop you.
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
Did your mother, Patricia, even know that you had a federal tax lien
hanging over your head when she agreed to put you on the deed to her
Do your parents know you harass elderly people at 1am and threaten to
them on the phone?
Seriously get over your obsession with me. Find a hobby and quit spending
day and night worrrying, stalking, and threatening my family.
Keep bothering my family and you'll have another restraining order
I've never bothered anyone, Pratt-fall. Not even you. I've just found
out a few facts.
But say, "Uncle" and I'll stop posting 'em.
You're not capable of bothering me. However when you bother my elderly
grandparents and get family involved you are crossing the line from online
weirdo, to complete psycho that needs help. You even stated it was fun
earlier finding personal information on people online. If your life really
that void. Perhaps instead of souring website after website trying to verify
if I have this motorcycle or that car, or that house you should get involved
in your own life. This sort of behavior has burned you before and left you
so you are unemployable and must work fixing computers for a living. You
should have learned your lesson the first time.
2025-03-02 00:43:58 UTC
On Sat,1 Mar 2025 12:18:19 -0800, Alan says...
Post by AlleyCat
And WHY did The NOAA confirm what Trump said?
They didn"t.

"NOAA Contradicts Weather Service, Backs Trump on Hurricane Threat In Alabama" - NPR

"The parent agency of the National Weather Service said late Friday that President Trump was correct when he claimed earlier this week that Hurricane Dorian had threatened the state of Alabama. The
surprise announcement in an unsigned statement by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration essentially endorsed Trump's Sunday tweet saying that Alabama will 'most likely be hit (much)
harder than anticipated."

Only AFTER Dorian changed its path, did the NOAA come out and take back what they had said. And don't go into the minutiae of who said what and that it wasn't "official". We've already been down that

You're just a pussy feminist whose TDS is bad enough to be called an incurable disease.

It does not matter that Dorian changed course. Trump was right with the information he had.

Do you REALLY think his staff had the current update on the path and withheld it from Trump?



I used to make those boards Trump used to draw the cone on. They aren't made very quickly. IF his staff had new information, they might have just made Trump to go with what they had already had made
at the print shop. Even if they DID have new path reports, it probably wasn't much different than what they had on the board and since Trump wanted to make an announcement when he did, they probably
just went with the board they had.

Oh... yeah... back to your lie:



"Trump Derangement Syndrome" Is a Real Mental Condition

All you need to know about "Trump Derangement Syndrome, " or TDS.

"Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is a mental condition in which a person has been driven effectively insane due to their dislike of Donald Trump, to the point at which they will abandon all logic
and reason."

Justin Raimondo, the editorial director of Antiwar.com, wrote a piece in the Los Angeles Times in 2016 that broke TDS down into three distinct phases or stages:

"In the first stage of the disease, victims lose all sense of proportion. The president-elect's every tweet provokes a firestorm, as if 140 characters were all it took to change the world."

"The mid-level stages of TDS have a profound effect on the victim's vocabulary: Sufferers speak a distinctive language consisting solely of hyperbole."

"As TDS progresses, the afflicted lose the ability to distinguish fantasy from reality."

The Point here is simple: TDS is, in the eyes of its adherents, the knee-jerk opposition from liberals to anything and everything Trump does. If Trump announced he was donating every dollar he's ever
made, TDS sufferers would suggest he was up to something nefarious, according to the logic of TDS. There's nothing - not. one. thing. - that Trump could do or say that would be received positively by

The history of Trump Derangement Syndrome actually goes back to the early 2000s - a time when the idea of Trump as president was a punch line for late-night comics and nothing more.

Wikipedia traces its roots to "Bush Derangement Syndrome" - a term first coined by the late conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer back in 2003. The condition, as Krauthammer defined it, was "the
acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal people in reaction to the policies, the presidency - nay - the very existence of George W. Bush."

Added Krauthammer:

"Some clinicians consider this delusion - that Americans can only get their news from one part of the political spectrum - the gravest of all. They report that no matter how many times sufferers in
padded cells are presented with flash cards with the symbols ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, PBS, Time, Newsweek, New York Times, Washington Post, L.A. Times - they remain unresponsive, some in a
terrifying near-catatonic torpor."

(If you don't realize the idea of TDS or BDS is - in no small part - meant in a tongue-in-cheek manner then, well, you may well have it.)

Trump allies believe that TDS is worse than ODS or BDS - by a lot. Wrote conservative pundit Bernie Goldberg on Real Clear Politics in early 2017:

"Before the election, the victims of TDS routinely compared Donald Trump to Hitler. Guess what. They're still doing it. Articles in respectable publications written by professors at elite
universities are warning us to be on guard, that a Trump presidency could imperil democracy-as-we-know-it and may very well spell doom for American civilization.

"On election night, as it became obvious that their worst nightmare was about to come true, some libs fainted. Some vomited. Many more threatened to leave the country, but I'm pretty sure none
actually did. As Donald Trump might say in a tweet: so sad!"

The truth is that TDS is just the preferred nomenclature of Trump defenders who view those who oppose him and his policies as nothing more than the blind hatred of those who preach tolerance and free
speech. Viewed more broadly, the rise of presidential derangement syndromes is a function of increased polarization - not to mention our national self-sorting - at work in the country today.

We no longer live around, work around or pal around with people who think any differently than us. We watch cable news that affirms what we already think. We read ideological "news" sites that tell
us how good our side is and how bad the other one is. And on and on and on.

Is it any wonder then that we are increasingly willing to lump those who disagree with us into the 'deranged" category? To say that those who don't share our views are mentally deficient in some way?

What does it say about a President - and about a country - when the standard response to those with whom you disagree is that they must be crazy? Nothing good, for sure.


Many clinicians, political commentators, and members of the public have speculated upon the mental health of President Donald Trump. Indeed, over 70,000 people self-identifying as 'mental health
professionals" have signed a petition declaring that "Trump is mentally ill and must be removed." In sociological terms, the 'medical gaze" has been hitherto focused on President Trump, and to a
lesser extent his ardent supporters.

However, in recent months, many have been questioning the direction of this 'medical gaze." In fact, more and more people are suggesting that this 'medical gaze" should be reversed and refocused on
President Trump's most embittered and partisan opponents. Some have even suggested that these opponents are experiencing a specific mental condition-a condition which has been labelled "Trump
Derangement Syndrome" (TDS).
What does DSM-5 say about "Trump Derangement Syndrome"?

Mental illnesses are officially classified in a dense and dry book published by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) known as the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth
Edition (DSM-5). This book contains 947 pages and lists hundreds of mental disorders; TDS is nowhere to be seen. Similarly, a review of scholarly databases such as MEDLINE and Google Scholar reveal
no academic papers on this alleged syndrome. Officially at least, TDS is not a real, diagnosable, or treatable mental disorder.

That said, medical anthropologists and critical sociologists have convincingly argued that DSM-5 is a flawed document. Indeed, social scientists have long recognized that there are numerous "folk
categories" of mental disorders that are considered real conditions by the general public, even though they are not recognized as such in the DSM. These include categories such as "burnout" or
"nervous breakdown."

As such, lack of official recognition does not mean that TDS is not a real mental condition.

Lay Understandings of "Trump Derangement Syndrome"

There is no shared lay understanding of TDS, mainly because it is a folk category rather than a professional category. As such, there is currently much armchair speculation about the nature and
existence of TDS, without consensus.

The name itself explicitly suggests a "syndrome, " which the Oxford English Dictionary defines as "a characteristic combination of opinions, emotions, or behavior." Several commentators have run with
this, putting forth suggestions about opinions, emotions and behaviors characterizing TDS.

Shared amongst these is a notion that the everyday activities of President Trump trigger some people into distorted opinions, extreme emotions and hysterical behaviors. Well-known writer Bernard
Goldberg gives supposed behavioral examples of TDS among Trump's political opponents, including fainting, vomiting, students retreating to "safe spaces" and others demanding "therapy dogs." Political
commentator Justin Raimondo focuses on opinions, language and cognition, writing in the LA Times that "sufferers speak a distinctive language consisting of hyperbole [leading to] a constant state of
hysteria... the afflicted lose touch with reality."

Such forms of highly emotional reaction could be something akin to the fainting and screaming characterizing American Beatlemania in the 1960s. Unlike the Beatles, however, the extreme emotional
reaction alleged to characterize TDS is not based on adoration and admiration, but on fear and loathing.

Contrariwise, many others ridicule the notion that TDS is anything but a malicious slur term used to discredit and delegitimize criticism of President Trump. For example, CNN's Chris Cillizza may
speak for many when he stated: "The truth is that TDS is just the preferred nomenclature of Trump defenders who view those who oppose him and his policies as nothing more than blind hatred."
Likewise, Adam Gopnik writes that "our problem is not TDS; our problem is Deranged Trump Self-Delusion."

In other words, there are polarized opinions about the nature, reality and existence of TDS.


The wider public may be unaware that psychiatrists and social scientists spend considerable time and energy behind closed doors pondering over the existence and reality of mental conditions. This has
led the APA to revise the DSM five times since 1952, considerably expanding the list of official mental disorders with each revision. As far as I am aware, few psychiatrists are currently arguing
that DSM-6 should contain TDS as a mental disorder.

That said, in its official definition of mental disorder, the DSM-5 states that "a mental disorder is a syndrome characterized by clinically significant disturbance in an individual's cognition,
emotion regulation, or behavior... mental disorders are usually associated with significant distress in social, occupational, or other important activities."

Many have argued that some people have been seriously disturbed and distressed by the policies, speech, behavior, and tweets of President Trump, so much so that it has affected their cognitive,
affective, and behavioral functioning. Such people may need mental health support. As such, further research is necessary to investigate the extreme reactions toward President Trump, in the same way
that researchers investigate other extreme social phenomena, such as Beatlemania or the like. This will shed light on the reality of this emerging folk category that has been labelled by many as
"Trump Derangement Syndrome."
2025-03-02 00:44:00 UTC
On Sat, 1 Mar 2025 12:18:19 -0800, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
Was the path SO much different when Trump made his, now infamous Sharpie cone?
He made that cone after all this came out.

We're not going past this.

WHY did he make the cone in the first place?

To warn people of what they might expect.

Where's the crime?

He had NO reason to lie OR make a mistake, not when he used what he had.

The NOAA backed him up.

Yes... they did.

Look it up.


Give us reasons... not errors.

Naaah... never mind... you won't stop TDS'ing.

Trump's staff made a mistake.

Deal with it.

Oh... and...



"Trump Derangement Syndrome" Is a Real Mental Condition

All you need to know about "Trump Derangement Syndrome," or TDS.

"Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is a mental condition in which a person has been driven effectively insane due to their dislike of Donald Trump, to the point at which they will abandon all logic
and reason."

Justin Raimondo, the editorial director of Antiwar.com, wrote a piece in the Los Angeles Times in 2016 that broke TDS down into three distinct phases or stages:

"In the first stage of the disease, victims lose all sense of proportion. The president-elect's every tweet provokes a firestorm, as if 140 characters were all it took to change the world."

"The mid-level stages of TDS have a profound effect on the victim's vocabulary: Sufferers speak a distinctive language consisting solely of hyperbole."

"As TDS progresses, the afflicted lose the ability to distinguish fantasy from reality."

The Point here is simple: TDS is, in the eyes of its adherents, the knee-jerk opposition from liberals to anything and everything Trump does. If Trump announced he was donating every dollar he's ever
made, TDS sufferers would suggest he was up to something nefarious, according to the logic of TDS. There's nothing - not. one. thing. - that Trump could do or say that would be received positively by

The history of Trump Derangement Syndrome actually goes back to the early 2000s - a time when the idea of Trump as president was a punch line for late-night comics and nothing more.

Wikipedia traces its roots to "Bush Derangement Syndrome" - a term first coined by the late conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer back in 2003. The condition, as Krauthammer defined it, was "the
acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal people in reaction to the policies, the presidency - nay - the very existence of George W. Bush."

Added Krauthammer:

"Some clinicians consider this delusion - that Americans can only get their news from one part of the political spectrum - the gravest of all. They report that no matter how many times sufferers in
padded cells are presented with flash cards with the symbols ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, PBS, Time, Newsweek, New York Times, Washington Post, L.A. Times - they remain unresponsive, some in a
terrifying near-catatonic torpor."

(If you don't realize the idea of TDS or BDS is - in no small part - meant in a tongue-in-cheek manner then, well, you may well have it.)

Trump allies believe that TDS is worse than ODS or BDS - by a lot. Wrote conservative pundit Bernie Goldberg on Real Clear Politics in early 2017:

"Before the election, the victims of TDS routinely compared Donald Trump to Hitler. Guess what. They're still doing it. Articles in respectable publications written by professors at elite
universities are warning us to be on guard, that a Trump presidency could imperil democracy-as-we-know-it and may very well spell doom for American civilization.

"On election night, as it became obvious that their worst nightmare was about to come true, some libs fainted. Some vomited. Many more threatened to leave the country, but I'm pretty sure none
actually did. As Donald Trump might say in a tweet: so sad!"

The truth is that TDS is just the preferred nomenclature of Trump defenders who view those who oppose him and his policies as nothing more than the blind hatred of those who preach tolerance and free
speech. Viewed more broadly, the rise of presidential derangement syndromes is a function of increased polarization - not to mention our national self-sorting - at work in the country today.

We no longer live around, work around or pal around with people who think any differently than us. We watch cable news that affirms what we already think. We read ideological "news" sites that tell
us how good our side is and how bad the other one is. And on and on and on.

Is it any wonder then that we are increasingly willing to lump those who disagree with us into the "deranged" category? To say that those who don't share our views are mentally deficient in some way?

What does it say about a President - and about a country - when the standard response to those with whom you disagree is that they must be crazy? Nothing good, for sure.


Many clinicians, political commentators, and members of the public have speculated upon the mental health of President Donald Trump. Indeed, over 70,000 people self-identifying as "mental health
professionals" have signed a petition declaring that "Trump is mentally ill and must be removed." In sociological terms, the "medical gaze" has been hitherto focused on President Trump, and to a
lesser extent his ardent supporters.

However, in recent months, many have been questioning the direction of this "medical gaze." In fact, more and more people are suggesting that this "medical gaze" should be reversed and refocused on
President Trump's most embittered and partisan opponents. Some have even suggested that these opponents are experiencing a specific mental condition-a condition which has been labelled "Trump
Derangement Syndrome" (TDS).
What does DSM-5 say about "Trump Derangement Syndrome"?

Mental illnesses are officially classified in a dense and dry book published by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) known as the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth
Edition (DSM-5). This book contains 947 pages and lists hundreds of mental disorders; TDS is nowhere to be seen. Similarly, a review of scholarly databases such as MEDLINE and Google Scholar reveal
no academic papers on this alleged syndrome. Officially at least, TDS is not a real, diagnosable, or treatable mental disorder.

That said, medical anthropologists and critical sociologists have convincingly argued that DSM-5 is a flawed document. Indeed, social scientists have long recognized that there are numerous "folk
categories" of mental disorders that are considered real conditions by the general public, even though they are not recognized as such in the DSM. These include categories such as "burnout" or
"nervous breakdown."

As such, lack of official recognition does not mean that TDS is not a real mental condition.

Lay Understandings of "Trump Derangement Syndrome"

There is no shared lay understanding of TDS, mainly because it is a folk category rather than a professional category. As such, there is currently much armchair speculation about the nature and
existence of TDS, without consensus.

The name itself explicitly suggests a "syndrome," which the Oxford English Dictionary defines as "a characteristic combination of opinions, emotions, or behavior." Several commentators have run with
this, putting forth suggestions about opinions, emotions and behaviors characterizing TDS.

Shared amongst these is a notion that the everyday activities of President Trump trigger some people into distorted opinions, extreme emotions and hysterical behaviors. Well-known writer Bernard
Goldberg gives supposed behavioral examples of TDS among Trump's political opponents, including fainting, vomiting, students retreating to "safe spaces" and others demanding "therapy dogs." Political
commentator Justin Raimondo focuses on opinions, language and cognition, writing in the LA Times that "sufferers speak a distinctive language consisting of hyperbole [leading to] a constant state of
hysteria... the afflicted lose touch with reality."

Such forms of highly emotional reaction could be something akin to the fainting and screaming characterizing American Beatlemania in the 1960s. Unlike the Beatles, however, the extreme emotional
reaction alleged to characterize TDS is not based on adoration and admiration, but on fear and loathing.

Contrariwise, many others ridicule the notion that TDS is anything but a malicious slur term used to discredit and delegitimize criticism of President Trump. For example, CNN's Chris Cillizza may
speak for many when he stated: "The truth is that TDS is just the preferred nomenclature of Trump defenders who view those who oppose him and his policies as nothing more than blind hatred."
Likewise, Adam Gopnik writes that "our problem is not TDS; our problem is Deranged Trump Self-Delusion."

In other words, there are polarized opinions about the nature, reality and existence of TDS.


The wider public may be unaware that psychiatrists and social scientists spend considerable time and energy behind closed doors pondering over the existence and reality of mental conditions. This has
led the APA to revise the DSM five times since 1952, considerably expanding the list of official mental disorders with each revision. As far as I am aware, few psychiatrists are currently arguing
that DSM-6 should contain TDS as a mental disorder.

That said, in its official definition of mental disorder, the DSM-5 states that "a mental disorder is a syndrome characterized by clinically significant disturbance in an individual's cognition,
emotion regulation, or behavior... mental disorders are usually associated with significant distress in social, occupational, or other important activities."

Many have argued that some people have been seriously disturbed and distressed by the policies, speech, behavior, and tweets of President Trump, so much so that it has affected their cognitive,
affective, and behavioral functioning. Such people may need mental health support. As such, further research is necessary to investigate the extreme reactions toward President Trump, in the same way
that researchers investigate other extreme social phenomena, such as Beatlemania or the like. This will shed light on the reality of this emerging folk category that has been labelled by many as
"Trump Derangement Syndrome."
2025-03-02 00:44:03 UTC
On Fri, 28 Feb 2025 20:12:56 -0800, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
What date did CNN make that report.
Doesn't matter... The NOAA backed him up.


Rich, Entitled, And Narcissistic

Socioeconomic Status Is A Contributing Factor To Narcissism

Narcissists are self-centered people who take the view that they are far more important than the people around them. They promote themselves to the exclusion of others and take other people's
successes as competition to their own. They also tend to suck the life out of groups, because they steal the limelight and push their own agenda at the expense of others.

Because of these negative influences of narcissism on relationships and in the workplace, it is valuable to understand where this collection of traits comes from. An interesting paper in the
January,2014 issue of Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin by Paul Piff explores the relationship between narcissism and wealth.

He argues that great wealth and higher levels of social class can lead people to have a greater sense of entitlement and that sense can lead to narcissism.

In one study, adults ranging in age from 18-72 filled out a series of surveys including two of importance for this project. One showed participants a ladder with ten rungs on it that represent people
of increasing levels of income, education, and prestige and asked them to select the run they belong to. This is a measure of perceived socioeconomic status (SES). The second measure was a
questionnaire measuring people's sense of entitlement with items like "I honestly feel that I am more deserving than others." This study found a small positive correlation between the measure of SES
and the measure of sense of entitlement.

A second study used college students. As a measure of SES, students reported their parents" income. As a measure of entitlement, the author used a scale that asked people to rate the relative
importance of themselves compared to others. This measure had a circle representing other people and circles of different sizes that could represent the self. They had to select a size of a circle
representing the self that corresponded to their feelings about their own importance compared to other people. Previous studies suggest that this measure relates to people's sense of entitlement.
Finally, participants filled out an inventory that assesses narcissism.

In this study, there was a small correlation between SES (as measured by parental income) and narcissism. There was also a small correlation between SES and the measure of entitlement. Statistical
tests suggested that the sense of entitlement explained the differences in narcissism between low- and high-SES participants.

A third study gathered measures of SES from college students in the lab. Other measures were collected including a measure of how much participants care about their appearance. Toward the end of the
study, participants were asked if they would allow the experimenter to take their picture for a future study on face recognition. Participants were given the opportunity to look in the mirror to fix
their appearance before the picture. The experimenter left the room to get a camera, and another RA measured whether the participant looked in the mirror. Overall, women tended to look in the mirror
more often than men. That reflects a general difference between men and women in how much they care about their appearance. Beyond that, high-SES individuals looked in the mirror more often than low-
SES individuals. This difference was not explained by differences in how much these individuals care about their appearance.

Finally, one study did an experimental manipulation to break the relationship between SES and narcissism. Participants drawn from a sample on Amazon's Mechanical Turk filled out a measure of SES.
Then, participants either listed three benefits of treating others as equals (which primes the concept of equality) or listed three activities they do in a normal day (a control condition). Finally,
participants filled out a narcissism scale.

For the participants in the control condition, there was a small positive relationship between SES and narcissism. That relationship disappeared for the group that wrote about equality.

Putting this together, then, there is a weak relationship between SES and narcissism. When people grow up and live in a privileged environment, it can increase their tendency to feel entitled. That
sense of entitlement leads to greater narcissism.

As interesting as these results are, it is important to recognize that the effects overall are small. There are plenty of people high in socioeconomic status who have neither a sense of entitlement
nor a tendency toward narcissism. Similarly, there are many people from a low-SES background who do have a sense of entitlement and narcissistic traits. But, it is valuable to know that there are
elements of a person's social situation that can make them more susceptible to being a narcissist.
2025-03-02 21:13:32 UTC
Post by AlleyCat
On Fri, 28 Feb 2025 20:12:56 -0800, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
What date did CNN make that report.
Doesn't matter... The NOAA backed him up.
NOAA appeased a narcissist.
2025-03-03 01:56:55 UTC
On Sun, 2 Mar 2025 13:13:32 -0800, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
Doesn't matter... The NOAA backed him up.
NOAA appeased a narcissist.

Ooooh... that's rich, coming from you... kid.


Rich, Entitled, And Narcissistic

Socioeconomic Status Is A Contributing Factor To Narcissism

Narcissists are self-centered people who take the view that they are far more important than the people around them. They promote themselves to the exclusion of others and take other people's
successes as competition to their own. They also tend to suck the life out of groups, because they steal the limelight and push their own agenda at the expense of others.

Because of these negative influences of narcissism on relationships and in the workplace, it is valuable to understand where this collection of traits comes from. An interesting paper in the
January,2014 issue of Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin by Paul Piff explores the relationship between narcissism and wealth.

He argues that great wealth and higher levels of social class can lead people to have a greater sense of entitlement and that sense can lead to narcissism.


Alan's Low Self Esteem FORCES Him To Reply, Even When There's NOTHING To Reply TO

This Is Why Alan Can't Admit He's Wrong

They say it takes a big person to admit their mistakes, but for Alan, saying he's wrong feels impossible.

But why does Alan do it? We've asked psychologist Dr. Tim Sharp, chief happiness officer at The Happiness Institute, to explain:

They think being wrong means they're unworthy - Yup... Low-Self-Esteem

For Alan, conceding that he's fallible can evoke a deep psychological anxiety regarding "the risks or the consequences associated with loss or failure," says Sharp.

"I think the reason Alan can't apologize isn't actually because he doesn't like to be wrong, but because it's seen as an inherent character fault," he explains.

Sharp says that for non-apologists, the irrational need to always be "perfect" rules their ego and they feel their screw-ups are unforgivable.

"The difficulty in admitting failure largely comes from the unrealistic expectation that 'I should get it right all the time, or not even try or make it seem as if I am'" he says.

Alan Thinks Never Admitting Fault Makes Him Look Stronger


Alan's Low Self Esteem FORCES Him To Reply, Even When There's NOTHING To Reply TO

This Is Why Alan Can't Admit He's Wrong

They say it takes a big person to admit their mistakes, but for Alan, saying he's wrong feels impossible.

But why does Alan do it? We've asked psychologist Dr. Tim Sharp, chief happiness officer at The Happiness Institute, to explain:

They think being wrong means they're unworthy - Yup... Low-Self-Esteem

For Alan, conceding that he's fallible can evoke a deep psychological anxiety regarding "the risks or the consequences associated with loss or failure," says Sharp.

"I think the reason Alan can't apologize isn't actually because he doesn't like to be wrong, but because it's seen as an inherent character fault," he explains.


You probably spend a small amount of time feeling sorry for Alan, but elated when this undeserved narcissist starts spouting his hate and bile.

Have you ever wondered how to make a Alan, the narcissist, miserable and what makes him afraid or triggered? (maybe for a second... then it's gone)

Just for the record, trying to make Alan, the narcissist, miserable might have its place for a short period of time, but I don't recommend focusing on it for too long as this will inevitably get old.

But, if you need a quik fix, let's get into the top things all narcissists, like Alan, hate.

How to Make Alan, the narcissist, Miserable

Lack Of Acknowledgment: (filter on ignore)

Even though he KNOWS he's being ignored, he continues to reply, as if ANYONE really cares, other than himself. THAT is narcissism.

It's no secret that most narcissists, like Alan, revel in admiration and validation (except for 'closet narcissists', like Alan). Alan depends on constant approval to maintain his sense of intrinsic
worth. To achieve this goal, he TRIES to absorb (or steal) the energy of other people.

"Prove it."

Do you ever wonder why narcissists, like Alan, don't seem to mind the negative attention? It's because negative attention also fuels his narcissistic fire.

ANY attention, even NEGATIVE attention, IS STILL ATTENTION, and any form of attention gives him the incentive to keep going. It gives him the motivation to keep proving himself (by making others

In fact, he often likes negative attention better, because if you're still amused by his emotional crimes, he can try to exploit this.

Therefore, a lack of acknowledgment is the real threat. To Alan, the narcissist, indifference is even more of an issue than hatred. Alan's rather you have a negative opinion than have no opinion at

(sick fuck)
2025-03-01 01:51:01 UTC
Post by AlleyCat
Glad I kept THAT one. I deleted all the others that showed Trump was right about hurricane Dorian, because I NEVER thought I'd have to dig them up again to prove to the TDS sufferers that he was
right. But WAIT... there's more. I forgot I backed them up years ago onto another drive.
LOOK at the paths projected.
Trump was right... again.
Did you, typical liberal, conveniently forget that CNN SAID that the hurricane
had a trajectory TOWARDS Alabama? Here... I'll help you remember.
Alabama WAS in the path, at MORE than a few points in time. It was plotted
in the projection map of Hurricane Dorian's path.
Don't believe me? Fine. Don't believe CNN, and you're a traitor to the
Don Lemon: "But, there are many states under threat right now, Derrick."
Derrick the WEATHERMAN: "At LEAST six. From the Carolinas, right through
Georgia coastline, into Florida, certainly. And then, also, even into the
Gulf of Mexico... Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi... YOU need to be on the
So... why aren't you buttercups making fun of CNN, for telling the
MILLIONS of Alabamans, they better watch out??
The NOAA said Trump was out of his mind, to suggest Alabama was in a projected
path, yet MANY people said they wee too.
Trump Derangement Syndrome at its best.
The libbys have run out of material to attack Trump with so they are recycling
the same old stale rhetoric.
Keep it up libbys.
You lost in 2024 because of this.
And unless you wake up you will lose the midterms as well.

Why did Joe Biden pardon his family?
Read below to learn the reason.
The Biden Crime Family Timeline here:
2025-03-01 02:09:37 UTC
Post by pothead
Post by AlleyCat
Glad I kept THAT one. I deleted all the others that showed Trump was right about hurricane Dorian, because I NEVER thought I'd have to dig them up again to prove to the TDS sufferers that he was
right. But WAIT... there's more. I forgot I backed them up years ago onto another drive.
LOOK at the paths projected.
Trump was right... again.
Did you, typical liberal, conveniently forget that CNN SAID that the hurricane
had a trajectory TOWARDS Alabama? Here... I'll help you remember.
Alabama WAS in the path, at MORE than a few points in time. It was plotted
in the projection map of Hurricane Dorian's path.
Don't believe me? Fine. Don't believe CNN, and you're a traitor to the
Don Lemon: "But, there are many states under threat right now, Derrick."
Derrick the WEATHERMAN: "At LEAST six. From the Carolinas, right through
Georgia coastline, into Florida, certainly. And then, also, even into the
Gulf of Mexico... Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi... YOU need to be on the
So... why aren't you buttercups making fun of CNN, for telling the
MILLIONS of Alabamans, they better watch out??
The NOAA said Trump was out of his mind, to suggest Alabama was in a projected
path, yet MANY people said they wee too.
Trump Derangement Syndrome at its best.
The libbys have run out of material to attack Trump with so they are recycling
the same old stale rhetoric.
Keep it up libbys.
You lost in 2024 because of this.
And unless you wake up you will lose the midterms as well.
Phil brought it up again, doofus.
2025-03-01 04:00:46 UTC
On Fri, 28 Feb 2025 18:09:37 -0800, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by pothead
The libbys have run out of material to attack Trump with so they are recycling
the same old stale rhetoric.
Keep it up libbys.
You lost in 2024 because of this.
And unless you wake up you will lose the midterms as well.
Phil brought it up again, doofus.

On Fri, 28 Feb 2025 09:06:14 -0500 (EST), Bradley K. Sherman says...

Trump Has A Sharpie, Who Needs Meteorologists?

Just following the topic, unlike you.

"Trump has a Sharpie"


Trump still winning after WINNING Presidency!

Donald Trump is the 47th U.S. president.

Republican Donald Trump was elected President of the United States in the 2024 election.

Trump, 78, began his second term early this year.

Donald Trump was inaugurated as the U.S. President on Monday, January 20, 2025, on the West Front of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C.

A Second Trump Administration is STILL going!
2025-03-01 04:13:26 UTC
Post by AlleyCat
On Fri, 28 Feb 2025 18:09:37 -0800, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by pothead
The libbys have run out of material to attack Trump with so they are recycling
the same old stale rhetoric.
Keep it up libbys.
You lost in 2024 because of this.
And unless you wake up you will lose the midterms as well.
Phil brought it up again, doofus.
On Fri, 28 Feb 2025 09:06:14 -0500 (EST), Bradley K. Sherman says...
Trump Has A Sharpie, Who Needs Meteorologists?
Just following the topic, unlike you.
"Trump has a Sharpie"
I'm replying in can.politics and there as no such post.
2025-03-01 06:00:53 UTC
On Fri, 28 Feb 2025 20:13:26 -0800, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
On Fri, 28 Feb 2025 18:09:37 -0800, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by pothead
The libbys have run out of material to attack Trump with so they are recycling
the same old stale rhetoric.
Keep it up libbys.
You lost in 2024 because of this.
And unless you wake up you will lose the midterms as well.
Phil brought it up again, doofus.
On Fri, 28 Feb 2025 09:06:14 -0500 (EST), Bradley K. Sherman says...
Trump Has A Sharpie, Who Needs Meteorologists?
Just following the topic, unlike you.
"Trump has a Sharpie"
I'm replying in can.politics and there as no such post.
Well, your loss... as usual.

If you wanna keep up with the poor people...

alt.global-warming, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, can.politics, alt.politics.trump, alt.politics.liberalism, alt.politics.democrats, alt.politics.usa.republican


Rich, Entitled, And Narcissistic

Socioeconomic Status Is A Contributing Factor To Narcissism

Narcissists are self-centered people who take the view that they are far more important than the people around them. They promote themselves to the exclusion of others and take other people's
successes as competition to their own. They also tend to suck the life out of groups, because they steal the limelight and push their own agenda at the expense of others.

Because of these negative influences of narcissism on relationships and in the workplace, it is valuable to understand where this collection of traits comes from. An interesting paper in the
January,2014 issue of Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin by Paul Piff explores the relationship between narcissism and wealth.

He argues that great wealth and higher levels of social class can lead people to have a greater sense of entitlement and that sense can lead to narcissism.

In one study, adults ranging in age from 18-72 filled out a series of surveys including two of importance for this project. One showed participants a ladder with ten rungs on it that represent people
of increasing levels of income, education, and prestige and asked them to select the run they belong to. This is a measure of perceived socioeconomic status (SES). The second measure was a
questionnaire measuring people's sense of entitlement with items like "I honestly feel that I am more deserving than others." This study found a small positive correlation between the measure of SES
and the measure of sense of entitlement.

A second study used college students. As a measure of SES, students reported their parents" income. As a measure of entitlement, the author used a scale that asked people to rate the relative
importance of themselves compared to others. This measure had a circle representing other people and circles of different sizes that could represent the self. They had to select a size of a circle
representing the self that corresponded to their feelings about their own importance compared to other people. Previous studies suggest that this measure relates to people's sense of entitlement.
Finally, participants filled out an inventory that assesses narcissism.

In this study, there was a small correlation between SES (as measured by parental income) and narcissism. There was also a small correlation between SES and the measure of entitlement. Statistical
tests suggested that the sense of entitlement explained the differences in narcissism between low- and high-SES participants.

A third study gathered measures of SES from college students in the lab. Other measures were collected including a measure of how much participants care about their appearance. Toward the end of the
study, participants were asked if they would allow the experimenter to take their picture for a future study on face recognition. Participants were given the opportunity to look in the mirror to fix
their appearance before the picture. The experimenter left the room to get a camera, and another RA measured whether the participant looked in the mirror. Overall, women tended to look in the mirror
more often than men. That reflects a general difference between men and women in how much they care about their appearance. Beyond that, high-SES individuals looked in the mirror more often than low-
SES individuals. This difference was not explained by differences in how much these individuals care about their appearance.

Finally, one study did an experimental manipulation to break the relationship between SES and narcissism. Participants drawn from a sample on Amazon's Mechanical Turk filled out a measure of SES.
Then, participants either listed three benefits of treating others as equals (which primes the concept of equality) or listed three activities they do in a normal day (a control condition). Finally,
participants filled out a narcissism scale.

For the participants in the control condition, there was a small positive relationship between SES and narcissism. That relationship disappeared for the group that wrote about equality.

Putting this together, then, there is a weak relationship between SES and narcissism. When people grow up and live in a privileged environment, it can increase their tendency to feel entitled. That
sense of entitlement leads to greater narcissism.

As interesting as these results are, it is important to recognize that the effects overall are small. There are plenty of people high in socioeconomic status who have neither a sense of entitlement
nor a tendency toward narcissism. Similarly, there are many people from a low-SES background who do have a sense of entitlement and narcissistic traits. But, it is valuable to know that there are
elements of a person's social situation that can make them more susceptible to being a narcissist.
2025-03-01 20:18:42 UTC
Post by AlleyCat
On Fri, 28 Feb 2025 20:13:26 -0800, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
On Fri, 28 Feb 2025 18:09:37 -0800, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by pothead
The libbys have run out of material to attack Trump with so they are recycling
the same old stale rhetoric.
Keep it up libbys.
You lost in 2024 because of this.
And unless you wake up you will lose the midterms as well.
Phil brought it up again, doofus.
On Fri, 28 Feb 2025 09:06:14 -0500 (EST), Bradley K. Sherman says...
Trump Has A Sharpie, Who Needs Meteorologists?
Just following the topic, unlike you.
"Trump has a Sharpie"
I'm replying in can.politics and there as no such post.
Well, your loss... as usual.
If you wanna keep up with the poor people...
alt.global-warming, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, can.politics, alt.politics.trump, alt.politics.liberalism, alt.politics.democrats, alt.politics.usa.republican
My, my, my...

...so many posts at 1am on a Friday night.

What a great life you must have!
2025-03-02 00:44:01 UTC
On Sat, 1 Mar 2025 12:18:42 -0800, Alan says...
Post by Alan
...so many posts at 1am on a Friday night.
LOL... you wanna know what side I'm on.

E or C?



Figure it out, rich kid.

CL wife and I WERE gonna go to the new Disco downtown, and stay till closing, but... we decided fucking would be more fun.

What did YOU do.

Never mind... gay shit does not interest me.


Rich, Entitled, And Narcissistic

Socioeconomic Status Is A Contributing Factor To Narcissism

Narcissists are self-centered people who take the view that they are far more important than the people around them. They promote themselves to the exclusion of others and take other people's
successes as competition to their own. They also tend to suck the life out of groups, because they steal the limelight and push their own agenda at the expense of others.

Because of these negative influences of narcissism on relationships and in the workplace, it is valuable to understand where this collection of traits comes from. An interesting paper in the
January,2014 issue of Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin by Paul Piff explores the relationship between narcissism and wealth.

He argues that great wealth and higher levels of social class can lead people to have a greater sense of entitlement and that sense can lead to narcissism.

In one study, adults ranging in age from 18-72 filled out a series of surveys including two of importance for this project. One showed participants a ladder with ten rungs on it that represent people
of increasing levels of income, education, and prestige and asked them to select the run they belong to. This is a measure of perceived socioeconomic status (SES). The second measure was a
questionnaire measuring people's sense of entitlement with items like "I honestly feel that I am more deserving than others." This study found a small positive correlation between the measure of SES
and the measure of sense of entitlement.

A second study used college students. As a measure of SES, students reported their parents" income. As a measure of entitlement, the author used a scale that asked people to rate the relative
importance of themselves compared to others. This measure had a circle representing other people and circles of different sizes that could represent the self. They had to select a size of a circle
representing the self that corresponded to their feelings about their own importance compared to other people. Previous studies suggest that this measure relates to people's sense of entitlement.
Finally, participants filled out an inventory that assesses narcissism.

In this study, there was a small correlation between SES (as measured by parental income) and narcissism. There was also a small correlation between SES and the measure of entitlement. Statistical
tests suggested that the sense of entitlement explained the differences in narcissism between low- and high-SES participants.

A third study gathered measures of SES from college students in the lab. Other measures were collected including a measure of how much participants care about their appearance. Toward the end of the
study, participants were asked if they would allow the experimenter to take their picture for a future study on face recognition. Participants were given the opportunity to look in the mirror to fix
their appearance before the picture. The experimenter left the room to get a camera, and another RA measured whether the participant looked in the mirror. Overall, women tended to look in the mirror
more often than men. That reflects a general difference between men and women in how much they care about their appearance. Beyond that, high-SES individuals looked in the mirror more often than low-
SES individuals. This difference was not explained by differences in how much these individuals care about their appearance.

Finally, one study did an experimental manipulation to break the relationship between SES and narcissism. Participants drawn from a sample on Amazon's Mechanical Turk filled out a measure of SES.
Then, participants either listed three benefits of treating others as equals (which primes the concept of equality) or listed three activities they do in a normal day (a control condition). Finally,
participants filled out a narcissism scale.

For the participants in the control condition, there was a small positive relationship between SES and narcissism. That relationship disappeared for the group that wrote about equality.

Putting this together, then, there is a weak relationship between SES and narcissism. When people grow up and live in a privileged environment, it can increase their tendency to feel entitled. That
sense of entitlement leads to greater narcissism.

As interesting as these results are, it is important to recognize that the effects overall are small. There are plenty of people high in socioeconomic status who have neither a sense of entitlement
nor a tendency toward narcissism. Similarly, there are many people from a low-SES background who do have a sense of entitlement and narcissistic traits. But, it is valuable to know that there are
elements of a person's social situation that can make them more susceptible to being a narcissist.
Mitchell Holman
2025-03-01 03:07:47 UTC
Post by pothead
Post by AlleyCat
Glad I kept THAT one. I deleted all the others that showed Trump was
right about hurricane Dorian, because I NEVER thought I'd have to dig
them up again to prove to the TDS sufferers that he was right. But
WAIT... there's more. I forgot I backed them up years ago onto
another drive.
LOOK at the paths projected.
Trump was right... again.
Did you, typical liberal, conveniently forget that CNN SAID that the
hurricane had a trajectory TOWARDS Alabama? Here... I'll help you
Alabama WAS in the path, at MORE than a few points in time. It was
plotted in the projection map of Hurricane Dorian's path.
Don't believe me? Fine. Don't believe CNN, and you're a traitor to
the leftards.
Don Lemon: "But, there are many states under threat right now, Derrick."
Derrick the WEATHERMAN: "At LEAST six. From the Carolinas, right
through Georgia coastline, into Florida, certainly. And then, also,
even into the Gulf of Mexico... Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi...
YOU need to be on the lookout."
So... why aren't you buttercups making fun of CNN, for telling the
MILLIONS of Alabamans, they better watch out??
The NOAA said Trump was out of his mind, to suggest Alabama was in a
projected path, yet MANY people said they wee too.
Trump Derangement Syndrome at its best.
The libbys have run out of material to attack Trump with so they are
recycling the same old stale rhetoric.
Modern Conservative: Someone who has spent
years complaining about "deep state liberals"
but accuses others of "recycling stale rhetoric".
2025-03-01 04:00:43 UTC
On Sat, 01 Mar 2025 03:07:47 +0000, Mitchell Holman says...
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by pothead
The libbys have run out of material to attack Trump with so they are
recycling the same old stale rhetoric.
Modern Conservative: Someone who has spent
years complaining about "deep state liberals"
but accuses others of "recycling stale rhetoric".
Like your fella faggot buddy, SpermMan?



"Trump Derangement Syndrome" Is a Real Mental Condition

All you need to know about "Trump Derangement Syndrome," or TDS.

"Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is a mental condition in which a person has been driven effectively insane due to their dislike of Donald Trump, to the point at which they will abandon all logic
and reason."

Justin Raimondo, the editorial director of Antiwar.com, wrote a piece in the Los Angeles Times in 2016 that broke TDS down into three distinct phases or stages:

"In the first stage of the disease, victims lose all sense of proportion. The president-elect's every tweet provokes a firestorm, as if 140 characters were all it took to change the world."

"The mid-level stages of TDS have a profound effect on the victim's vocabulary: Sufferers speak a distinctive language consisting solely of hyperbole."

"As TDS progresses, the afflicted lose the ability to distinguish fantasy from reality."

The Point here is simple: TDS is, in the eyes of its adherents, the knee-jerk opposition from liberals to anything and everything Trump does. If Trump announced he was donating every dollar he's ever
made, TDS sufferers would suggest he was up to something nefarious, according to the logic of TDS. There's nothing - not. one. thing. - that Trump could do or say that would be received positively by

The history of Trump Derangement Syndrome actually goes back to the early 2000s - a time when the idea of Trump as president was a punch line for late-night comics and nothing more.

Wikipedia traces its roots to "Bush Derangement Syndrome" - a term first coined by the late conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer back in 2003. The condition, as Krauthammer defined it, was "the
acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal people in reaction to the policies, the presidency - nay - the very existence of George W. Bush."

Added Krauthammer:

"Some clinicians consider this delusion - that Americans can only get their news from one part of the political spectrum - the gravest of all. They report that no matter how many times sufferers in
padded cells are presented with flash cards with the symbols ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, PBS, Time, Newsweek, New York Times, Washington Post, L.A. Times - they remain unresponsive, some in a
terrifying near-catatonic torpor."

(If you don't realize the idea of TDS or BDS is - in no small part - meant in a tongue-in-cheek manner then, well, you may well have it.)

Trump allies believe that TDS is worse than ODS or BDS - by a lot. Wrote conservative pundit Bernie Goldberg on Real Clear Politics in early 2017:

"Before the election, the victims of TDS routinely compared Donald Trump to Hitler. Guess what. They're still doing it. Articles in respectable publications written by professors at elite
universities are warning us to be on guard, that a Trump presidency could imperil democracy-as-we-know-it and may very well spell doom for American civilization.

"On election night, as it became obvious that their worst nightmare was about to come true, some libs fainted. Some vomited. Many more threatened to leave the country, but I'm pretty sure none
actually did. As Donald Trump might say in a tweet: so sad!"

The truth is that TDS is just the preferred nomenclature of Trump defenders who view those who oppose him and his policies as nothing more than the blind hatred of those who preach tolerance and free
speech. Viewed more broadly, the rise of presidential derangement syndromes is a function of increased polarization - not to mention our national self-sorting - at work in the country today.

We no longer live around, work around or pal around with people who think any differently than us. We watch cable news that affirms what we already think. We read ideological "news" sites that tell
us how good our side is and how bad the other one is. And on and on and on.

Is it any wonder then that we are increasingly willing to lump those who disagree with us into the "deranged" category? To say that those who don't share our views are mentally deficient in some way?

What does it say about a President - and about a country - when the standard response to those with whom you disagree is that they must be crazy? Nothing good, for sure.


Many clinicians, political commentators, and members of the public have speculated upon the mental health of President Donald Trump. Indeed, over 70,000 people self-identifying as "mental health
professionals" have signed a petition declaring that "Trump is mentally ill and must be removed." In sociological terms, the "medical gaze" has been hitherto focused on President Trump, and to a
lesser extent his ardent supporters.

However, in recent months, many have been questioning the direction of this "medical gaze." In fact, more and more people are suggesting that this "medical gaze" should be reversed and refocused on
President Trump's most embittered and partisan opponents. Some have even suggested that these opponents are experiencing a specific mental condition-a condition which has been labelled "Trump
Derangement Syndrome" (TDS).
What does DSM-5 say about "Trump Derangement Syndrome"?

Mental illnesses are officially classified in a dense and dry book published by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) known as the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth
Edition (DSM-5). This book contains 947 pages and lists hundreds of mental disorders; TDS is nowhere to be seen. Similarly, a review of scholarly databases such as MEDLINE and Google Scholar reveal
no academic papers on this alleged syndrome. Officially at least, TDS is not a real, diagnosable, or treatable mental disorder.

That said, medical anthropologists and critical sociologists have convincingly argued that DSM-5 is a flawed document. Indeed, social scientists have long recognized that there are numerous "folk
categories" of mental disorders that are considered real conditions by the general public, even though they are not recognized as such in the DSM. These include categories such as "burnout" or
"nervous breakdown."

As such, lack of official recognition does not mean that TDS is not a real mental condition.

Lay Understandings of "Trump Derangement Syndrome"

There is no shared lay understanding of TDS, mainly because it is a folk category rather than a professional category. As such, there is currently much armchair speculation about the nature and
existence of TDS, without consensus.

The name itself explicitly suggests a "syndrome," which the Oxford English Dictionary defines as "a characteristic combination of opinions, emotions, or behavior." Several commentators have run with
this, putting forth suggestions about opinions, emotions and behaviors characterizing TDS.

Shared amongst these is a notion that the everyday activities of President Trump trigger some people into distorted opinions, extreme emotions and hysterical behaviors. Well-known writer Bernard
Goldberg gives supposed behavioral examples of TDS among Trump's political opponents, including fainting, vomiting, students retreating to "safe spaces" and others demanding "therapy dogs." Political
commentator Justin Raimondo focuses on opinions, language and cognition, writing in the LA Times that "sufferers speak a distinctive language consisting of hyperbole [leading to] a constant state of
hysteria... the afflicted lose touch with reality."

Such forms of highly emotional reaction could be something akin to the fainting and screaming characterizing American Beatlemania in the 1960s. Unlike the Beatles, however, the extreme emotional
reaction alleged to characterize TDS is not based on adoration and admiration, but on fear and loathing.

Contrariwise, many others ridicule the notion that TDS is anything but a malicious slur term used to discredit and delegitimize criticism of President Trump. For example, CNN's Chris Cillizza may
speak for many when he stated: "The truth is that TDS is just the preferred nomenclature of Trump defenders who view those who oppose him and his policies as nothing more than blind hatred."
Likewise, Adam Gopnik writes that "our problem is not TDS; our problem is Deranged Trump Self-Delusion."

In other words, there are polarized opinions about the nature, reality and existence of TDS.


The wider public may be unaware that psychiatrists and social scientists spend considerable time and energy behind closed doors pondering over the existence and reality of mental conditions. This has
led the APA to revise the DSM five times since 1952, considerably expanding the list of official mental disorders with each revision. As far as I am aware, few psychiatrists are currently arguing
that DSM-6 should contain TDS as a mental disorder.

That said, in its official definition of mental disorder, the DSM-5 states that "a mental disorder is a syndrome characterized by clinically significant disturbance in an individual's cognition,
emotion regulation, or behavior... mental disorders are usually associated with significant distress in social, occupational, or other important activities."

Many have argued that some people have been seriously disturbed and distressed by the policies, speech, behavior, and tweets of President Trump, so much so that it has affected their cognitive,
affective, and behavioral functioning. Such people may need mental health support. As such, further research is necessary to investigate the extreme reactions toward President Trump, in the same way
that researchers investigate other extreme social phenomena, such as Beatlemania or the like. This will shed light on the reality of this emerging folk category that has been labelled by many as
"Trump Derangement Syndrome."
2025-03-03 22:09:27 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Modern Conservative: Someone who has spent
years complaining about "deep state liberals"
but accuses others of "recycling stale rhetoric".
Not years, decades.

2025-03-03 22:08:45 UTC
Post by pothead
The libbys have run out of material to attack Trump with so they are recycling
the same old stale rhetoric.
Keep it up libbys.
You lost in 2024 because of this.
And unless you wake up you will lose the midterms as well.
Trump has the lowest approval ratings of any President at this point in his
presidency. Vance was picketed and screamed at by crowds as he vacationed in
Vermont. Constituents across the country are shouting at their reps in the
House and Senate when they hold town halls or other public events.

Yeah, it's the 'libbys' who need to wake up. /s