Solar Panels Drain the Sun's Energy, Experts Say
(too old to reply)
R. Cheney
2024-05-13 09:31:19 UTC
National Report - This week, a scientific research facility in Wyoming
made a startling discovery that is certain to change the way millions of
Americans look at the environmentalism movement, after they found
conclusive evidence that solar panels not only convert the sun’s energy
into usable energy, but that they are also draining the sun of its own
energy, possibly with catastrophic consequences far worse than global

Scientists at the Wyoming Institute of Technology, a privately-owned
think tank located in Cheyenne, Wyoming, discovered that energy radiated
from the sun isn’t merely captured in solar panels, but that energy is
directly physically drawn from the sun by those panels, in a process
they refer to as “forced photovoltaic drainage.”

“Put into laymen’s terms, the solar panels capture the sun’s energy, but
pull on the sun over time, forcing more energy to be released than the
sun is actually producing,” WIT claims in a scientific white paper
published on Wednesday. “Imagine a waterfall, dumping water. But you
aren’t catching the water in buckets, but rather sucking it in with a
vacuum cleaner. Eventually, you’re going to suck in so much water that
you drain the river above that waterfall completely.”

WIT is adamant that there’s no immediate danger, however. “Currently,
solar panels are an energy niche, and do not pose a serious risk to the
sun. But if we converted our grids to solar energy in a big way, with
panels on domestic homes and commercial businesses, and paving our
parking lots with panels, we’d start seeing very serious problems over
time. If every home in the world had solar panels on their roofs,
global temperatures would drop by as much as thirty degrees over twenty
years, and the sun could die out within three hundred to four hundred

The study was commissioned in August 2011 by the Halliburton
corporation, who wanted to learn if the energy giant should start
manufacturing and selling solar panels domestically and internationally.
Halliburton’s executives wanted to know more about the sustainability
of solar energy and how photovoltaic technology might evolve over the
next ten years. But based on the findings of WIT’s research in the
field, Halliburton revealed on Friday that they will not be entering the
solar energy market.

“Solar panels destroying the sun could potentially be the worst man-made
climate disaster in the history of the world, and Halliburton will not
be taking part in that,” the company stated in a press release issued
Friday morning. “It’s obvious, based on the findings of this neutral
scientific research group, that humans needs to become more dependent on
fossil fuels like oil and coal, not less. Because these so-called
`green technologies’ are far more dangerous to the Earth than any
hydrofracking operation or deep-water drilling station. What good is
clean air when our very sun is no longer functional?”

Tags: energy, halliburton, institute, photovoltaic, science, solar,
solar panel, sun, Technology, Wyoming

R Kym Horsell
2024-05-13 09:40:15 UTC
Post by R. Cheney
National Report - This week, a scientific research facility in Wyoming
made a startling discovery that is certain to change the way millions of
Americans look at the environmentalism movement, after they found
conclusive evidence that solar panels not only convert the sun???s energy
into usable energy, but that they are also draining the sun of its own
energy, possibly with catastrophic consequences far worse than global

We'll file this with the "science" that argues heat energy can figure out
how hot the thing it is moving toward is and can avoid going to warmer
[Outsider science:]
"[Outsider art] could be by a mental patient, a [Wyoming think tank]
or a chimpanzee."
-- character Astrid Weller, "The Simpsons", 1999.
2024-05-13 18:04:06 UTC
In alt.global-warming R. Cheney
Post by R. Cheney
National Report - This week, a scientific research facility in
Wyoming made a startling discovery that is certain to change the way
millions of Americans look at the environmentalism movement, after
they found conclusive evidence that solar panels not only convert the
sun???s energy into usable energy, but that they are also draining
the sun of its own energy, possibly with catastrophic consequences
far worse than global warming.
We'll file this with the "science" that argues heat energy can figure
out how hot the thing it is moving toward is and can avoid going to
warmer locations.
That's how fire determines fuel availability and consumption.
R Kym Horsell
2024-05-13 20:22:10 UTC
Post by Iem
In alt.global-warming R. Cheney
Post by R. Cheney
National Report - This week, a scientific research facility in
Wyoming made a startling discovery that is certain to change the way
millions of Americans look at the environmentalism movement, after
they found conclusive evidence that solar panels not only convert the
sun???s energy into usable energy, but that they are also draining
the sun of its own energy, possibly with catastrophic consequences
far worse than global warming.
We'll file this with the "science" that argues heat energy can figure
out how hot the thing it is moving toward is and can avoid going to
warmer locations.
That's how fire determines fuel availability and consumption.
LOL. Fire is psychic you're saying.
Mundane science would have it fire works by suck and see and cant figure
out what is there before it gets there.

For "heat energy" == "electromagnetic radiation" finding out what is
there before it gets there needs faster than light information flow.
Obviously a big problem for the nutbars that propose it.
Post by Iem
That is 0.001 K not 0.001.
The measurument is not part of the equation.
(Delta Ts) / (Delta Te) = b/a x (Te^3)/(Ts^3)
Your move dumb shit!!
Tsk. Hopelessly demented.
-- Bill Snyder, 23 Apr 2012 13:05:20 -0500

[The real algrebra:
The undisturbed system is aTs^4 = bTe^4
=> (a/b)^(1/4) = Te/Ts
=> x = (Te/Ts)(Ts+.001)-Te
= .001 Te/Ts
I.e. 1 mK over the Sun is ~.05 mK over the Earth.
I.e. the temp variation is a tiny fraction of the temp variation of the Sun.
I.e. to explain a +1C variation at earth the sun would need to warm 100s
of K -- something that is not expected and has not been noted since modern
solar observations began in the 17th cent].
2024-05-13 22:47:10 UTC
Post by Iem
In alt.global-warming R. Cheney
Post by R. Cheney
National Report - This week, a scientific research facility in
Wyoming made a startling discovery that is certain to change the way
millions of Americans look at the environmentalism movement, after
they found conclusive evidence that solar panels not only convert the
sun???s energy into usable energy, but that they are also draining
the sun of its own energy, possibly with catastrophic consequences
far worse than global warming.
We'll file this with the "science" that argues heat energy can figure
out how hot the thing it is moving toward is and can avoid going to
warmer locations.
That's how fire determines fuel availability and consumption.
The sun is a nuclear reaction, not a chemical reaction.
Martin Τrautmann
2024-05-13 10:11:11 UTC
Post by R. Cheney
Is this the April 1st issue or just a trojan web site?

Oh, and did you now that you could reverse climate change if you radiate
back the sun's energy when you turn on your smartphone lights after
22:00 (for US: 10:00 PM) for at least 30 minutes outdoors,
directing the light to the sky? For clouded nights you will need at
least 90 minutes!
2024-05-13 14:56:26 UTC
Post by R. Cheney
National Report - This week, a scientific research facility in Wyoming
made a startling discovery that is certain to change the way millions
of Americans look at the environmentalism movement, after they found
conclusive evidence that solar panels not only convert the sun’s
energy into usable energy, but that they are also draining the sun of
its own energy, possibly with catastrophic consequences far worse than
global warming.
Scientists at the Wyoming Institute of Technology, a privately-owned
think tank located in Cheyenne, Wyoming, discovered that energy
radiated from the sun isn’t merely captured in solar panels, but
that energy is directly physically drawn from the sun by those panels,
in a process they refer to as “forced photovoltaic drainage.”
This is MAGAt "science".

"Think tank" - LOL.
Jonathan Ball's dismay
2024-05-13 16:49:20 UTC
On Mon, 13 May 2024 14:56:26 -0000 (UTC)
Post by Baxter
"Think tank"

Trump rally in Wildwood.

85,000 happy people who don't hate America.


Excellent highlight from New Jersey MAGA beach party.

Trump tells jihadis and foreign agitators...

I will immediately deport your asses.


Trump criticized the pro-Palestine protests on American college campuses, saying, “When I’m president, we will not allow colleges to be taken over by violent radicals.”

“If you come here from another country and try to bring jihadism, or
anti-Americanism, or antisemitism to our campuses we will immediately
deport you, you’ll be out of that school,” Trump continued.


“When I’m president, we will not allow our colleges to be taken over by violent radicals,” he said. “If you come here from another country and try to bring jihadism or anti-Americanism or antisemitism to campuses, we will immediately deport you. You’ll be out of that school.”

2024-05-14 19:15:30 UTC
Post by Baxter
Post by R. Cheney
National Report - This week, a scientific research facility in Wyoming
made a startling discovery that is certain to change the way millions
of Americans look at the environmentalism movement, after they found
conclusive evidence that solar panels not only convert the sun’s
energy into usable energy, but that they are also draining the sun of
its own energy, possibly with catastrophic consequences far worse than
global warming.
Scientists at the Wyoming Institute of Technology, a privately-owned
think tank located in Cheyenne, Wyoming, discovered that energy
radiated from the sun isn’t merely captured in solar panels, but
that energy is directly physically drawn from the sun by those panels,
in a process they refer to as “forced photovoltaic drainage.”
This is MAGAt "science".
"Think tank" - LOL.
This is Portland Science, "drug rehab", lol.

2024-05-14 19:48:45 UTC
Post by afield
Post by Baxter
Post by R. Cheney
National Report - This week, a scientific research facility in Wyoming
made a startling discovery that is certain to change the way millions
of Americans look at the environmentalism movement, after they found
conclusive evidence that solar panels not only convert the sun’s
energy into usable energy, but that they are also draining the sun of
its own energy, possibly with catastrophic consequences far worse than
global warming.
Scientists at the Wyoming Institute of Technology, a privately-owned
think tank located in Cheyenne, Wyoming, discovered that energy
radiated from the sun isn’t merely captured in solar panels, but
that energy is directly physically drawn from the sun by those panels,
in a process they refer to as “forced photovoltaic drainage.”
This is MAGAt "science".
"Think tank" - LOL.
This is Portland Science, "drug rehab", lol.
Totally unrelated to the nonsense claim that solar panels 'drain the
2024-05-15 15:19:29 UTC
On Tue, 14 May 2024 19:48:45 -0000 (UTC)
Post by Baxter
Totally unrelated to the nonsense claim that solar panels 'drain the
Lol @ u were trolled bigly!
2024-05-18 21:04:42 UTC
Post by jballs
On Tue, 14 May 2024 19:48:45 -0000 (UTC)
Post by Baxter
Totally unrelated to the nonsense claim that solar panels 'drain the
Sounds like AOC!
"Of course we can land on the sun. We just have to do it at night"....
And yea, it's a joke.
Joe Biden is the absolute WORST President Of the U.S. ever.
Nobody else is even close. Including Jimmy Carter.
Vote for ANYBODY but Joe Biden in 2024.
Dr. J. Biden
2024-05-14 05:25:09 UTC
Post by Martin Τrautmann
Post by R. Cheney
Is this the April 1st issue or just a trojan web site?
Oh, and did you now that you could reverse climate change if you radiate
back the sun's energy when you turn on your smartphone lights after
directing the light to the sky? For clouded nights you will need at
least 90 minutes!
I did not know that. I will begin doing that every night now.