Scientist confirm: All the sea ice along the equator has melted!
With a $720 million grant from USAID, the richest minds in all
of European climate science have recently determined that the
sea ice, which had bee prolific all the Cryogenian Period, is
suddenly GONE! It has entirely melted!
"GWOBULL WARBLING!" Screamed more than one 16 year old expert
at the Greta van Derp Center for Facebook Studies. "We knew
the Jews were going to do this!" they added. "It started with
climate injustice for Palestine, and now it's already melted
all the equatorial sea ice!"
Solutions are at the ready though. With a planned $1.8 billion
grant in USAID money, The Ice Capades show, Non-Binaries on
Ice, is intended to raise awareness of the crisis, as it tours
West Africa, and is expected to win further monies to address
the crisis.
"What we really need it higher taxes," spoke one middle schooler
at the Greta Institute. "That, and death to Israel."
Sanity could not be reached for comment.