If it rains or doesn't rain: Gwobull Warbling!!!!!
(too old to reply)
2024-11-01 12:56:47 UTC
Remember when Spain had a drought? That was Gwobull Warbling.
And now Spain just had a flood, the opposite of a drought. So
that's Gwobull Warbling too.

Gwobull Warbling is responsible for EVERYTHING, and it's

Agree. Believe. Comply.

The ABCs of WokeTardia...
Paul Aubrin
2024-11-02 19:12:29 UTC
Remember when Spain had a drought?  That was Gwobull Warbling.
And now Spain just had a flood, the opposite of a drought. So
that's Gwobull Warbling too.
Gwobull Warbling is responsible for EVERYTHING, and it's
Agree. Believe. Comply.
The ABCs of WokeTardia...
Global warming caused droughts followed by floods as soon as 1517 (
September 27th). During two centuries t(1321-1517) there was, on the
average, a major flood in Valencia (Spain) every 20 years.


"en casi doscientos años, entre 1321 y 1517, se produ-
jeron nueve avenidas del Turia sobre València, es decir, con un pro-
medio de una cada veinte años, aunque sin una periodicidad fija
ya que, por ejemplo, mientras entre las dos primeras riadas docu-
mentadas transcurrió un periodo de sólo 7 años, entre la riada de
1427 y la de 1487 pasaron 60 años"
R Kym Horsell
2024-11-02 23:09:38 UTC
Paul /D\ubrin <***@invalid.org> wrote:
Post by Paul Aubrin
Global warming caused droughts followed by floods as soon as 1517 (
September 27th). During two centuries t(1321-1517) there was, on the
average, a major flood in Valencia (Spain) every 20 years.

The famous 1 point comparison. :)

Yes, surprise, since the earth had an atomosphere with water vapor there
has been rain.

The main point of interest on this group is how has mankind's addition
of 50% more GHG to the atm affected things?

In the US major floods have doubled every 27 years since the 1980s.

In the Med the maximum annual rainfall event around the Med has increases
100s of mm since 1900.

We suspect that compared with the 16th cent the 21st century is
1 or 2 orders of magnitude (i.e. 10x maybe 100x) more frequent
because the atm contains 10% or more water vapor now than at least
the 1850s.

Various papers in Nature suggest worldwide flooding has doubled since 2000.
E.g. the number of countries judged to be flood prone doubled in that time.
I noticed France seems to be having a typical problem with the events.
Kinda poetic justice French people pay $600 per head to the fossil
industry to maintain their oil and gas supply and they get a commensurate
damage bill from weather disasters associated with using that supply.

You are free to stop punching yourself in the face anytime but I
assume it's a habit by now.
Flood exposure and poverty in 188 countries
Nature Communications, 28 June 2022
Global and regional flood exposure Our estimates show that globally,
1.81 billion people (23% of the world population) live in locations that are
exposed to a significant level of flood risk, facing inundation depths
greater than 0.15 meters in the event of a 1-in-100-year flood, or at least
medium risk (Fig. 1).
[See also <https://resoilfoundation.org/en/environment/world-flood-study/>].
Paul Aubrin
2024-11-03 09:10:12 UTC
Post by R Kym Horsell
The main point of interest on this group is how has mankind's addition
of 50% more GHG to the atm affected things?
The european green activists unanimously claimed that the Valencia
(Spain) flood was unprecedented in human memory. Yet some Spaniards
still remembered what occurred in 1957, 67 years ago. But, replied the
activists, global-warming increased the frequency and severity of those
disasters. How do you explain that, for centuries, before
global-warming, those floods were one in twenty years events ?


That said, higher temperatures increase the water content of the
atmosphere. It's a very good thing, particularly for arid countries,
especially combined with the known fertilizing effect of carbon dioxide.