Permanent Diesel Generators To Charge EVs - How Fucking Absurd - Where Be The Solar And Wind At? (AAFAAR)
(too old to reply)
2025-01-19 05:22:53 UTC







Here, where the solar and be at:




Thailand's Unusual Chill

Drought Of '77 Blamed On Cooling

America's Arctic Outbreak, Updated Forecast

Japan Resorts Near 5 Meters (16.4 Feet) Of Snow

England On For 7th Coldest January Since 1659

The World Is Burning Less

Hemisphere-Wide Freeze Incoming

Polar Conditions Grip SE Europe

Germany's Heating Demand Soars

U.S. Still On Course To Freeze

Wellington's Cold Start To Summer

Iran's Freeze Drives Gas Consumption To Record Highs

"Polar Vortex Watch"

Antarctic Sea Ice Extent Above 1979-1990 Average

Pio Xi Glacier Advances

Uk & Ireland Freeze, Gas "Concerningly Low"

All-Time Record Cold In Qatar

Rare Chill Sweeps Taiwan

56% Of The U.S. Is Under Snow, Extreme Cold Inbound

Ireland's Extreme Cold Warnings Extended

Heavy Snow Buries Japan

Northern Hemisphere Snow Trackers

UK Braces For -20c (-4f)

Ideology Above Energy Security

Finland To -38.9c (-38f)

Madhya Pradesh Freezes

Southern US States Expecting Heaviest Snow In Years

Kashmir's Cold Kills

Record Freeze Grips Pakistan

Depleting European Gas Reserves

Michael Mann Ordered To Pay $530,820.21 In Long-Running Lawsuit

UK Shivers At -13.3c (8f)

Cold Winter Exacerbates Romania Gas Crisis

Arctic Blast Continues Across The U.S.

Rare Snow Sweeps Sahara Desert

Europe Plunges Below -30C (-22F), Sees Heavy Snow

U.S. Endures Record Cold

Rare Tashkurgan Snow

Global Temperature Nudges Lower

Thailand Freezes

Record Snow In Japan

Parts Of Morocco See Snow For First Time In 50 Years

Cattle Futures Hit Record High Amid Looming Arctic Blast

Three-Day Snow Warning For UK

Extreme Snowfall Paralyzes Northern Norway

Siberia Nears -60c (-76f)

Record Snows For Uttarakhand

"Dangerous Cold"

Snow Reaches Athens

Delhi Plunges

U.S. To Freeze

Arctic Ice Up 26%

Dal Lake Freezes Over

Extreme Snow Roundup

Antarctic Sea Ice Recovering Quite Nicely, Thank You

Murcia's Record Lows

Red Alert In Bidar Amid India's Cold Wave

Italian Alps Hit -31.1c (-24f)

U.S. Cold-Deaths Double Since 1999-The Establishment Blames Global Warming

Japan's Record-Breaking Snowfall

BBC Still Pushing Polar Bear Propaganda

White Christmas For Europe

Bengaluru's Record Cold

Xinjiang Plummets To Record -42.5c

Antarctic Sea Ice Extent Higher Now Than In 1979

Bhopal Breaks 58-Year Record

Vostok At -40c (Again)

The Truth About Iceberg A-68

Extreme Cold And Heavy Snow Slam Finland

Europe Wind Power A "Shit Situation," Says Minister

Winter Weather Grips U.S.

India Reels

Vostok Below -40c

Snow Hits Malaga, Spain

Cold Wave Sweeps Pakistan

Canadian Prairies Near -40c

Texans Warned Of "Extreme Cold"

Antarctic Sea Ice Nearing 1979-1990 Average

"Excellent" Early-Season Snow Across The Alps

Delhi's Record Cold

Chilly Waters Stun Record Number Of Turtles

Record Cold Grips Indore

Asia Chills

Record Snowfall In Midwest

Another Round Of Arctic Air To Hit Much Of North America

Mumbai's Lowest Temp In A Decade

Northern Hemisphere Cold

Russia In The Freezer

India Chills

Northern India's Big Freeze Intensifies

Cold Wave Enters Vietnam

Freezing Lows And Heavy Snows Hit U.S., More To Come

Kashmir Freezes At -18c (-0.4f)

Below Average Antarctic Plateau

Another Round Of Lake-Effect Snow

Cold Waves Lifting Natural Gas Prices

Snow Returns To Scotland And Wider Europe

Global Temperature Tumbles

Antarctic Sea Ice Recovery

Severe Cold Hits Pakistan

Florida Set For Record Cold

Snowy November At Red Mountain

U.S. Battered By Cold And Record Snow

Parts Of Ontario Under A Meter Of Snow

Early-December To Deliver Another Burial To Europe
2025-01-19 05:43:26 UTC
Post by AlleyCat
Thailand's Unusual Chill
Drought Of '77 Blamed On Cooling
America's Arctic Outbreak, Updated Forecast
Japan Resorts Near 5 Meters (16.4 Feet) Of Snow
England On For 7th Coldest January Since 1659
The World Is Burning Less
Hemisphere-Wide Freeze Incoming
Polar Conditions Grip SE Europe
Germany's Heating Demand Soars
U.S. Still On Course To Freeze
Wellington's Cold Start To Summer
Iran's Freeze Drives Gas Consumption To Record Highs
"Polar Vortex Watch"
Antarctic Sea Ice Extent Above 1979-1990 Average
Pio Xi Glacier Advances
Uk & Ireland Freeze, Gas "Concerningly Low"
All-Time Record Cold In Qatar
Rare Chill Sweeps Taiwan
56% Of The U.S. Is Under Snow, Extreme Cold Inbound
Ireland's Extreme Cold Warnings Extended
Heavy Snow Buries Japan
Northern Hemisphere Snow Trackers
UK Braces For -20c (-4f)
Ideology Above Energy Security
Finland To -38.9c (-38f)
Madhya Pradesh Freezes
Southern US States Expecting Heaviest Snow In Years
Kashmir's Cold Kills
Record Freeze Grips Pakistan
Depleting European Gas Reserves
Michael Mann Ordered To Pay $530,820.21 In Long-Running Lawsuit
UK Shivers At -13.3c (8f)
Cold Winter Exacerbates Romania Gas Crisis
Arctic Blast Continues Across The U.S.
Rare Snow Sweeps Sahara Desert
Europe Plunges Below -30C (-22F), Sees Heavy Snow
U.S. Endures Record Cold
Rare Tashkurgan Snow
Global Temperature Nudges Lower
Thailand Freezes
Record Snow In Japan
Parts Of Morocco See Snow For First Time In 50 Years
Cattle Futures Hit Record High Amid Looming Arctic Blast
Three-Day Snow Warning For UK
Extreme Snowfall Paralyzes Northern Norway
Siberia Nears -60c (-76f)
Record Snows For Uttarakhand
"Dangerous Cold"
Snow Reaches Athens
Delhi Plunges
U.S. To Freeze
Arctic Ice Up 26%
Dal Lake Freezes Over
Extreme Snow Roundup
Antarctic Sea Ice Recovering Quite Nicely, Thank You
Murcia's Record Lows
Red Alert In Bidar Amid India's Cold Wave
Italian Alps Hit -31.1c (-24f)
U.S. Cold-Deaths Double Since 1999-The Establishment Blames Global Warming
Japan's Record-Breaking Snowfall
BBC Still Pushing Polar Bear Propaganda
White Christmas For Europe
Bengaluru's Record Cold
Xinjiang Plummets To Record -42.5c
Antarctic Sea Ice Extent Higher Now Than In 1979
Bhopal Breaks 58-Year Record
Vostok At -40c (Again)
The Truth About Iceberg A-68
Extreme Cold And Heavy Snow Slam Finland
Europe Wind Power A "Shit Situation," Says Minister
Winter Weather Grips U.S.
India Reels
Vostok Below -40c
Snow Hits Malaga, Spain
Cold Wave Sweeps Pakistan
Canadian Prairies Near -40c
Texans Warned Of "Extreme Cold"
Antarctic Sea Ice Nearing 1979-1990 Average
"Excellent" Early-Season Snow Across The Alps
Delhi's Record Cold
Chilly Waters Stun Record Number Of Turtles
Record Cold Grips Indore
Asia Chills
Record Snowfall In Midwest
Another Round Of Arctic Air To Hit Much Of North America
Mumbai's Lowest Temp In A Decade
Northern Hemisphere Cold
Russia In The Freezer
India Chills
Northern India's Big Freeze Intensifies
Cold Wave Enters Vietnam
Freezing Lows And Heavy Snows Hit U.S., More To Come
Kashmir Freezes At -18c (-0.4f)
Below Average Antarctic Plateau
Another Round Of Lake-Effect Snow
Cold Waves Lifting Natural Gas Prices
Snow Returns To Scotland And Wider Europe
Global Temperature Tumbles
Antarctic Sea Ice Recovery
Severe Cold Hits Pakistan
Florida Set For Record Cold
Snowy November At Red Mountain
U.S. Battered By Cold And Record Snow
Parts Of Ontario Under A Meter Of Snow
Early-December To Deliver Another Burial To Europe
Look - doesn't matter WHAT the bad weather is, it's ALL
because of SUVs and cow farts ! Al Gore and Greta SAY so !
There were no blizzards or heat waves or floods or
droughts or fires or high winds or shifting ecological
ranges BEFORE SUVs and cow farts ya know !

The absolute, innane, absurdity of using diesel gens to
charge those 'green' EVs ... makes PERFECT sense in
WokieWorld. So long as the celebs and execs can get
their greenie-points, be seen driving expensive EVs, it
doesn't MATTER if it's all just 'posing'.

Hey, maybe if every square foot of the Cal desert is
covered in (Chinese) PV panels ....... but what about
the beloved frilled purple-penis spit lizards ???
2025-01-19 15:45:51 UTC
Post by ***@ud0s4.net
Post by AlleyCat
Post by ***@ud0s4.net
Look - doesn't matter WHAT the bad weather is, it's ALL
because of SUVs and cow farts ! Al Gore and Greta SAY so !
There were no blizzards or heat waves or floods or
droughts or fires or high winds or shifting ecological
ranges BEFORE SUVs and cow farts ya know !
The absolute, innane, absurdity of using diesel gens to
charge those 'green' EVs ... makes PERFECT sense in
WokieWorld. So long as the celebs and execs can get
their greenie-points, be seen driving expensive EVs, it
doesn't MATTER if it's all just 'posing'.
Hey, maybe if every square foot of the Cal desert is
covered in (Chinese) PV panels ....... but what about
the beloved frilled purple-penis spit lizards ???
Welcome to the bizarre world of the libby.
Greeniac species to be accurate.

And watching the sheep worshiping the elite is hilarious.
They are like the guy who assists the hangman in putting
the rope around his own neck.


"Give a man a fish and you turn him into a Democrat for life"
"Teach a man to fish and he might become a self-sufficient conservative Republican"
"Don't underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up,"
--- Barack H. Obama
The Biden Crime Family Timeline here:
Dhu on Gate
2025-01-19 06:47:15 UTC
Post by AlleyCat
sez it all.

Je suis Canadien. Ce n'est pas Francais ou Anglais.
C'est une esp`ece de sauvage: ne obliviscaris, vix ea nostra voco;-)
Duncan Patton a Campbell
2025-01-19 21:21:35 UTC
Post by AlleyCat
In the Nullabor desert in Australia...

...where there is no electrical grid...

...and it was from more than 6 years ago...

...when it was being done as an experiment...

...and it was running on bio-diesel:

'Jon Edwards, a retired engineer who developed the roadhouse’s BiØfil EV
charger, told AAP FactCheck in an email that “the unit started, ran
perfectly on waste oil, fully charging my car” when he visited in
November 2022. Edwards confirmed that “for the majority of weather it
runs on the waste fryer oil.”'


'The stations feature a solar roof canopy, an integrated battery storage
system to store the excess solar, and a diesel backup generator.'
Post by AlleyCat
That's at the El Paso airport and the generator is for emergencies...

...for the buildings, not the charge points:

'Contacted by AFP, a spokesperson for Blink, the company listed on the
EV charging station, said: "The charging station is not powered by the
diesel generator or connected to it.

"To our knowledge, the generator is for emergency lighting and other
amenities for the parking lot only and is designed for backup power for
the terminal. The generator is not in operation unless there is an
emergency, and the main power is off."'
Post by AlleyCat
Again, for emergencies, just like you can have a can of gas delivered to
you if you run out.
Post by AlleyCat
All your other links are just inanities.
2025-01-20 06:04:08 UTC

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WHICH building are these generators powering?

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This is from September 30, 2023.

In 2017, Tesla CEO said that all Superchargers in the automaker's network were being converted to solar.

7 years later, and...?

Superchargers charge vehicles up to the 80% sweet spot in as little as 20 minutes, but to provide that kind of power for nearly 100 bays takes
something solar can't provide - diesel generators.

Investigative journalist Edward Niedermeyer discovered that the station was powered by diesel generators hidden behind a Shell station. Reporters at
SF Gate tried to find out how much of the station's electricity was from the generators, but couldn't get a response from Tesla.

The station isn't connected to any dedicated solar farms, which means that absent the diesel generators, the station is powered by California's grid.

According to the U.S. Energy and Information Administration, in June 2023, natural gas supplied nearly 5,000 megawatt hours of electricity in
California, whereas non-hydroelectric renewables supplied about 7,250 megawatt hours.



Have an answer for this one, faggot?

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Wher be's da buildin, mane?

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Using Diesel To Charge EVs In The Outback Is Greener Than You Think

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THIS Is Why Chicken Shit Chicken Littles Screech About Climate And Weather And Global Warbling:

The UN Makes it Official: Global Warming Hysteria Is All About Redistributing Wealth

UN IPCC Official Admits 'We Redistribute World's Wealth By Climate Policy'

Global Study Reveals Wealth Redistribution From Blue-Carbon Ecosystems

Failed Climate Policies Are About Wealth Redistribution

"We Redistribute De Facto The World's Wealth By Climate Policy."

How Global Warming Has Made The Rich Richer

The U.N.'s Global Warming War On Capitalism: An Important History Lesson

The Doha Wealth Redistribution Process Moves On


"There is no doubt, that we need to have a complete transformation... the transformation of the economy, and that includes, of course, the private

A carbon tax will change NOTHING, other than the wealth of politicians and countries who beg us for money. THAT was the purpose of the Paris
Accord... the ONLY purpose.

Funny... when the government no longer pays for bogus money-grabbing data, the truth comes out.

"It's all about money in the end. Keeping the Gravy Train running."

"And we're like... the world is going to end in 12 years if we don't address climate change..."

AOC's Top Aide Admits Green New Deal About The Economy, Not Climate

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's chief of staff recently admitted that the Green New Deal was not conceived as an effort to deal with climate change,
but instead a "how-do-you-change-the-entire economy thing" -- a remark likely to fuel Republican claims that the deal is nothing more than a thinly
veiled socialist takeover of the U.S. economy. "The interesting thing about the Green New Deal is it wasn't originally a climate thing at all,"
Saikat Chakrabarti said in May, according to The Washington Post.


UN Official Admits That Climate Change Used As A Ruse To Control The World's Economy


"Unequal Distribution of Wealth and Power" Causes Climate Change


U.N. Official Reveals Real Reason Behind Warming Scare


Another Climate Alarmist Admits Real Motive Behind Warming Scare


United Nations Official Admits the Purpose of the Global Warming Hoax is to Destroy Capitalism
2025-01-20 20:15:29 UTC
Post by AlleyCat
WHICH building are these generators powering?
Asked and answered... ...twice.
2025-01-20 06:59:03 UTC
On Sun, 19 Jan 2025 13:21:35 -0800, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
In the Nullabor desert in Australia...
Post by Alan
...where there is no electrical grid...
Post by Alan
...and it was from more than 6 years ago...
Solar AND wind existed 6 years ago.

What... Bio-Diesel doesn't spew CO²?




Thailand's Unusual Chill

Drought Of '77 Blamed On Cooling

America's Arctic Outbreak, Updated Forecast

Japan Resorts Near 5 Meters (16.4 Feet) Of Snow

England On For 7th Coldest January Since 1659

The World Is Burning Less

Hemisphere-Wide Freeze Incoming

Polar Conditions Grip SE Europe

Germany's Heating Demand Soars

U.S. Still On Course To Freeze

Wellington's Cold Start To Summer

Iran's Freeze Drives Gas Consumption To Record Highs

"Polar Vortex Watch"

Antarctic Sea Ice Extent Above 1979-1990 Average

Pio Xi Glacier Advances

Uk & Ireland Freeze, Gas "Concerningly Low"

All-Time Record Cold In Qatar

Rare Chill Sweeps Taiwan

56% Of The U.S. Is Under Snow, Extreme Cold Inbound

Ireland's Extreme Cold Warnings Extended

Heavy Snow Buries Japan

Northern Hemisphere Snow Trackers

UK Braces For -20c (-4f)

Ideology Above Energy Security

Finland To -38.9c (-38f)

Madhya Pradesh Freezes

Southern US States Expecting Heaviest Snow In Years

Kashmir's Cold Kills

Record Freeze Grips Pakistan

Depleting European Gas Reserves

Michael Mann Ordered To Pay $530,820.21 In Long-Running Lawsuit

UK Shivers At -13.3c (8f)

Cold Winter Exacerbates Romania Gas Crisis

Arctic Blast Continues Across The U.S.

Rare Snow Sweeps Sahara Desert

Europe Plunges Below -30C (-22F), Sees Heavy Snow

U.S. Endures Record Cold

Rare Tashkurgan Snow

Global Temperature Nudges Lower

Thailand Freezes

Record Snow In Japan

Parts Of Morocco See Snow For First Time In 50 Years

Cattle Futures Hit Record High Amid Looming Arctic Blast

Three-Day Snow Warning For UK

Extreme Snowfall Paralyzes Northern Norway

Siberia Nears -60c (-76f)

Record Snows For Uttarakhand

"Dangerous Cold"

Snow Reaches Athens

Delhi Plunges

U.S. To Freeze

Arctic Ice Up 26%

Dal Lake Freezes Over

Extreme Snow Roundup

Antarctic Sea Ice Recovering Quite Nicely, Thank You

Murcia's Record Lows

Red Alert In Bidar Amid India's Cold Wave

Italian Alps Hit -31.1c (-24f)

U.S. Cold-Deaths Double Since 1999-The Establishment Blames Global Warming

Japan's Record-Breaking Snowfall

BBC Still Pushing Polar Bear Propaganda

White Christmas For Europe

Bengaluru's Record Cold

Xinjiang Plummets To Record -42.5c

Antarctic Sea Ice Extent Higher Now Than In 1979

Bhopal Breaks 58-Year Record

Vostok At -40c (Again)

The Truth About Iceberg A-68

Extreme Cold And Heavy Snow Slam Finland

Europe Wind Power A "Shit Situation," Says Minister

Winter Weather Grips U.S.

India Reels

Vostok Below -40c

Snow Hits Malaga, Spain

Cold Wave Sweeps Pakistan

Canadian Prairies Near -40c

Texans Warned Of "Extreme Cold"

Antarctic Sea Ice Nearing 1979-1990 Average

"Excellent" Early-Season Snow Across The Alps

Delhi's Record Cold

Chilly Waters Stun Record Number Of Turtles

Record Cold Grips Indore

Asia Chills

Record Snowfall In Midwest

Another Round Of Arctic Air To Hit Much Of North America

Mumbai's Lowest Temp In A Decade

Northern Hemisphere Cold

Russia In The Freezer

India Chills

Northern India's Big Freeze Intensifies

Cold Wave Enters Vietnam

Freezing Lows And Heavy Snows Hit U.S., More To Come

Kashmir Freezes At -18c (-0.4f)

Below Average Antarctic Plateau

Another Round Of Lake-Effect Snow

Cold Waves Lifting Natural Gas Prices

Snow Returns To Scotland And Wider Europe

Global Temperature Tumbles

Antarctic Sea Ice Recovery

Severe Cold Hits Pakistan

Florida Set For Record Cold

Snowy November At Red Mountain

U.S. Battered By Cold And Record Snow

Parts Of Ontario Under A Meter Of Snow

Early-December To Deliver Another Burial To Europe
2025-01-20 20:16:37 UTC
Post by AlleyCat
On Sun, 19 Jan 2025 13:21:35 -0800, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
In the Nullabor desert in Australia...
So it was an EXPERIMENT.
Post by AlleyCat
Post by Alan
...where there is no electrical grid...
Post by Alan
...and it was from more than 6 years ago...
Solar AND wind existed 6 years ago.
And today, that's what they're using.
Post by AlleyCat
What... Bio-Diesel doesn't spew CO²?
Of course it does...

...but the source comes from plants, and so it is a balanced cycle.

Only fossil fuels create CO2 that isn't balanced.
Dhu on Gate
2025-01-21 11:08:11 UTC
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
On Sun, 19 Jan 2025 13:21:35 -0800, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
In the Nullabor desert in Australia...
So it was an EXPERIMENT.
Post by AlleyCat
Post by Alan
...where there is no electrical grid...
Post by Alan
...and it was from more than 6 years ago...
Solar AND wind existed 6 years ago.
And today, that's what they're using.
Post by AlleyCat
What... Bio-Diesel doesn't spew CO²?
Of course it does...
...but the source comes from plants, and so it is a balanced cycle.
Only fossil fuels create CO2 that isn't balanced.
Bio-diesel is still a looong ways offa bein' "energy efficient".
Currently it's co$t is sufficient that it is economically warranted
only in underground mines and other places where operators cannot
avoid direct exhaust. Turning corn that people or cows can eat
into coal to burn buys us nothing.

Synthesising long-chain hydro-carbon directly from solar seems to me to be
the grail: leaving the plant step in involves the temptation to futz with
the underlying mechanisms of plant metabolism, something I think best
to avoid on-planet. Long-chain alcohols might be a good first step.

As for st8 battery-electrics, they make sense inside big cities, but
batteries are a 4 century-old (or more) tech that's the achilles's heal
of our technology...


Je suis Canadien. Ce n'est pas Francais ou Anglais.
C'est une esp`ece de sauvage: ne obliviscaris, vix ea nostra voco;-)
Duncan Patton a Campbell
2025-01-21 13:41:13 UTC
Post by Dhu on Gate
Bio-diesel is still a looong ways offa bein' "energy efficient".
Currently it's co$t is sufficient that it is economically warranted
only in underground mines and other places where operators cannot
avoid direct exhaust. Turning corn that people or cows can eat
into coal to burn buys us nothing.
That's the point!

EVs save oil, not energy and not the environment.

Biofuels save oil, not energy and not the environment.

Bitumen saves oil, certainly no energy or the environment. In
fact it uses tons more energy...

There's no magic here. Nothing, and I do mean absolutely NOTHING
in all the Gwobull Warbling "Solutions" maps to a cleaner
environment. It all maps to saving oil. All of it.

Turn back the clock to even the 1990s and there was not a single
economist who wouldn't tell you that the economy rides on oil.

Germany not only lost WWII because of oil but largely fought it
for oil! One reason why they did so well is because the British
and the French just kind of expected them to run out. All they
had to do was keep them mobilized and they'd burn through what
they had.

Google it: Back when the U.K. was losing on all fronts and
Stalin wasn't doing so great either, they both stopped what
they were doing and invaded Iran, the British empire's chief
source of oil.

In the 1970s, the "Oil" embargo sent the entire west into a
bad recession.

Gasoline was rationed in much of the country. People were
only allowed so many gallons (I think it was 10 here) and often
had to wait in long lines to get it.

When the Shah of Iran lost power and Iran withdrew into itself
the planet suddenly lost about 2 million barrels per day, and
the U.S. suffered from Stagflation and double-digit mortgage rates.


We imposed a new national 55 MPH speed limit just to save fuel.

It's never not been about oil.

Yet, we never banned private jets, much less private aviation.

You can buy backyard heaters and even outdoor air conditioners.

ALL OF THE SAVINGS, 100% of the conservation is being ripped
from "The Bottom" 80 to 99% of the people... the smaller your
"Carbon Footprint," the harder you're hit by the insanely
regressive "Carbon" taxes, trading, credits & auctions.

The poorer you are the larger the percentage of your income
goes to these "Carbon" schemes, so the less you can afford. The
higher your income the easier it is for you to just pay the
tax schemes and pretend your EV is saving the polar bears.
Dhu on Gate
2025-01-21 15:17:42 UTC
Post by JTEM
EVs save oil, not energy and not the environment.
They make sense in dense urban environments.
Kinda like burnin' corn-oil in a uranium mine
'cause it tastes better'n diesel.


Je suis Canadien. Ce n'est pas Francais ou Anglais.
C'est une esp`ece de sauvage: ne obliviscaris, vix ea nostra voco;-)
Duncan Patton a Campbell
