LOL - Well... We Have Only 11 Years To Reverse THIS Bullshit
(too old to reply)
2024-12-23 04:33:04 UTC
Biden Admin Grants California Permission To Ban New Gas Car Sales By 2035

The Biden administration has officially permitted California to ban new gas car sales in the Golden State by 2035.

California set a strict emissions standard that would ban new gas cars in the state by 2035, but officials needed to obtain a waiver from the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to proceed with the mandate.

The EPA on Wednesday announced that it would approve two waivers under the Clean Air Act that grant California permission to phase out gas cars in
the state-one of President Biden's final acts pushing the auto industry into the green energy sector.

One waiver grants California's near-future request to mandate that 35% of new cars and light-duty truck sales have zero emissions by 2026 and achieve
90% below current emissions by 2027.

The other EPA waiver allows California officials to mandate that all new car sales be zero-emission within the decade - the most strict EV mandate in
the country.

However, the waivers could soon be revoked by President-elect Trump, who is reportedly planning to rescind both federal EV requirements and any
waiver issued for California by the Biden administration.

"Fresh off imposing his insane, job-killing electric vehicle mandate at the federal level, Crooked Joe Biden is preparing to slaughter the remnants
of the U.S. auto industry by approving California's waiver request outlawing the sale of all gasoline-powered automobiles," incoming White House
press secretary Karoline Leavitt told Fox News Digital during the campaign.

EPA Administrator Michael Regan said that the waivers will "protect its residents from dangerous air pollution coming from mobile sources like cars
and trucks."

However, American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers CEO and President Chet Thompson described the mandate as "unlawful."

"Contrary to claims on the campaign trail that they would never tell Americans what kinds of cars we have to drive, the Biden-Harris EPA just did
exactly that by green-lighting California's ban on sales of all new gas and traditional hybrid vehicles," Thompson said.

"These policies will harm consumers - millions of whom don't even live in California - by taking away their ability to buy new gas cars in their home
states and raising vehicle and transportation costs."



Murcia's Record Lows

Red Alert In Bidar Amid India's Cold Wave

Italian Alps Hit -31.1c (-24f)

U.S. Cold-Deaths Double Since 1999-The Establishment Blames Global Warming

Japan's Record-Breaking Snowfall

BBC Still Pushing Polar Bear Propaganda

White Christmas For Europe

Bengaluru's Record Cold

Xinjiang Plummets To Record -42.5c

Antarctic Sea Ice Extent Higher Now Than In 1979

Bhopal Breaks 58-Year Record

Vostok At -40c (Again)

Extreme Cold And Heavy Snow Slams Finland

Europe Wind Power A "Shit Situation," Says Minister

Winter Weather Grips U.S.

India Reels

Vostok Below -40c

Earth's Magnetic Field: Shifting Poles And A Fragile Future

Snow Hits Malaga, Spain

Cold Wave Sweeps Pakistan

Canadian Prairies Near -40c

Texans Warned Of "Extreme Cold"

Antarctic Sea Ice Nearing 1979-1990 Average

"Excellent" Early-Season Snow Across The Alps

Delhi's Record Cold

Chilly Waters Stun Record Number Of Turtles

Record Cold Grips Indore

Asia Chills

Record Snowfall In Midwest

Another Round Of Arctic Air To Hit Much Of North America

Mumbai's Lowest Temp In A Decade

Northern Hemisphere Cold

Solar Storms Are Possessing Tractors

Russia In The Freezer

India Chills

Northern India's Big Freeze Intensifies

Cold Wave Enters Vietnam

Freezing Lows And Heavy Snows Hit U.S., More To Come

Kashmir Freezes At -18c (-0.4f)

Below Average Antarctic Plateau

Another Round Of Lake-Effect Snow

Cold Waves Lifting Natural Gas Prices

Snow Returns To Scotland And Wider Europe

Global Temperature Tumbles

Antarctic Sea Ice Recovery

Severe Cold Hits Pakistan

Florida Set For Record Cold

Snowy November At Red Mountain

U.S. Battered By Cold And Record Snow

Parts Of Ontario Under A Meter Of Snow

Early-December To Deliver Another Burial To Europe


Six Dead As Record Snowfall Hits South Korea
Farmers In Northern China Struggle During Record Cold/Snow
Harsh Chill Grips India
Canada At -40.6c, Greenland Sees -56.3c
Record Snows Hit Siberia And Russian Far East
ECMWF Forecasts Cold Winter For Europe
Half Of China Registers Record Low Temps, Snow Records Broken
NH Snow Cover Steps Up
Record Russia Snow
Seoul's Heaviest November Snow Since Records Began (In 1907)
Arctic Blast To Impact 230 Million Americans
+ U.S. Cold Front Sends Natgas Futures Soaring Amid Falling Production
India's Cold Wave
Israel's First Snows Of The Season
31 Inches Hit Ukraine
Parts Of Russia Buried
Big White
Northern Hemisphere Burial
Record Cold Headed For Greenland
France Sees Heavy Snow
Turkey Blanketed
Winter Arrives In The U.S.
Record Snowfall In Calgary
Beijing Braces For Cold Wave
Cold, Snowy Europe
England's Lowest Temp Since 2014
Ireland Hits Record Electric Demand
Fierce Winter Forecast For India
Record Snow Clips The U.S.
UK Issued Fresh Snow Warnings
Global Cooling And Storminess
Record Cold And Heavy Snow Grip The Uk
Norway Chills
Harsh Freeze Sweeps Siberia And Mongolia
Siri Cruise
2024-12-23 05:08:54 UTC
Post by AlleyCat
However, the waivers could soon be revoked by President-elect Trump, who is reportedly planning to rescind both federal EV requirements and any
waiver issued for California by the Biden administration.
And if California helps other states take Don Fatso to court?
Siri Seal of Disavowal #000-001. Disavowed. Denied. @
'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' /|\
The Church of the Holey Apple .signature 3.2 / \
of Discordian Mysteries. This post insults Islam. Mohamed
2024-12-25 13:37:08 UTC
Post by Siri Cruise
Post by AlleyCat
However, the waivers could soon be revoked by President-elect Trump,
who is reportedly planning to rescind both federal EV requirements and
waiver issued for California by the Biden administration.
And if California helps other states take Don Fatso to court?
"Your honor, we in the state of California feel that the President
is overweight and is unfairly NOT mandating us to do things! Please
rule in our favor and order him to mandate EV requirements whether
we want them or not. Thank you and pay us taxes."
2024-12-25 13:35:17 UTC
Post by AlleyCat
Biden Admin Grants California Permission To Ban New Gas Car Sales By 2035
It took California about 20 years to "Achieve" it's 1990 Zero Emissions
requirements, as far as EV sales went. Ironically, the state itself took
even longer, with the vehicles it owned. People were quicker to adopt
EVs, thanks largely (or entirely) to the extremely high fuel prices
there, But it's never the driver's money when it comes to fueling state
owned vehicles... so that took a lot longer.

Assuming they ever made it.

2035 was projected as "Peak Oil" -- when demand (at present growth
levels) was projected to surpass production.

Search THIS very group, like on the old Google Group archive, and
find it overloaded to the 2035 date. I just checked, though I didn't
bother looking further back than 2016...

If Trump does one thing I hope it's pulling out of all the "Climate"
idiocy. We're telling Americans "No gas stoves" and "No new homes
connected to the gas grid," even as TRILLION OF CUBIC FEET of NG are
exported to ungrateful "Friends" every single day!

If we simply mandated an NG pump at every gas station, people would
gladly choose to switch and the air in all our most polluted cities
would be cleaner.

IT'S OUR GAS! Most of it is coming from public lands or public
offshore sources. Shouldn't it benefit Americans and not ungrateful
"Allies" who throw us under the bus at every conceivable opportunity?
Mitchell Holman
2024-12-25 14:54:24 UTC
Post by JTEM
IT'S OUR GAS! Most of it is coming from public lands or public
offshore sources.
Post by JTEM
Shouldn't it benefit Americans and not ungrateful
"Allies" who throw us under the bus at every conceivable opportunity?
Like our "ally" Israel?

United States Exports of crude oil
to Israel was US$64.68 Million during
2023, according to the United Nations
COMTRADE database on international
2024-12-25 19:36:39 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Like our "ally" Israel?
They actually appreciate us, unlike Europe that meddles all
over the world and then blames us. Always have.

The British worked FOR YEARS to topple the Iranian government,
back in the 1950s. They even contemplated an invasion only
they realized that Stalin would not have hesitated to intervene.

Truman would have no part of it.

Of course, THEN Truman lost and before Ike was even sworn in
the plans were underway. Pretty much the sole role of the
U.S. was 400 lbs gorilla: If it looked like a U.S. operation
then Stalin would back off. So Ike is in power, the Shah is
installed and they plant the story in the U.S. press, just
to make double certain that Russians see U.S. fingerprints...

Funny thing? Back then, the U.S. press wasn't very cooperative.
They didn't want to report a "Covert U.S. Operation."

Too patriotic.

The NY Times would out so they went with, what? The Saturday
Evening Post?

Of course things have only gotten a lot worse in the 70
years since... just look at the EuroCrats!
Siri Cruise
2024-12-25 20:51:15 UTC
Post by JTEM
The British worked FOR YEARS to topple the Iranian government,
back in the 1950s. They even contemplated an invasion only
they realized that Stalin would not have hesitated to intervene.
UK was stealing Iranian oil. When Iran got upset UK was violating
the treaty, UK fought back.
Post by JTEM
Of course, THEN Truman lost and before Ike was even sworn in
the plans were underway. Pretty much the sole role of the
U.S. was 400 lbs gorilla:  If it looked like a U.S. operation
then Stalin would back off. So Ike is in power, the Shah is
The US overthrew the democratic Iranian republic to let UK to
continue to steal.

The Shah and his beloved secret police tortured their way into a
revolution. To keep that straight, we overthrow a democratic
republic, installed a vicious Shah, and ended up with modern Iran
which we have declared our worst enemy.
Siri Seal of Disavowal #000-001. Disavowed. Denied. @
'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' /|\
The Church of the Holey Apple .signature 3.2 / \
of Discordian Mysteries. This post insults Islam. Mohamed
2024-12-25 21:16:04 UTC
Post by Siri Cruise
Post by JTEM
The British worked FOR YEARS to topple the Iranian government,
back in the 1950s. They even contemplated an invasion only
they realized that Stalin would not have hesitated to intervene.
UK was stealing Iranian oil.
Not according to them! They owned it! It was their oil, according
to them.

They overthrew the Shah during WWII because the Shah saw a Hitler
victory as his ticket to independence from under the British boot.
So even as the British WERE LOSING, and so wasn't Russia, they
cut a deal and invaded Iran, deposed the Shah and installed a
parliamentary form of government. Well after the war that same
parliamentary government decided to nationalize the oil. That, and
a so-conservative-that-they-loved-hitler monarchy was always
appealing to the British anyway...

(Do the Google for the images of the young Lizzy doing the Hitler
salute, pre Queen days)

So the British decided to restore the monarchy and keep their oil...

The point is that it was a British operation, the planning was
YEARS long and Truman wouldn't play. And then after Ike won
the election -- but months before he was sworn in -- they started
to move forward. Ike had been President for 7 months when it
actually happened.

'til this day the British are still successful at blaming America!

Oo! Another one: The French program that spread AIDS in the Congo.
It was an oral vaccine program that took small amounts of an
experimental vaccine from the U.S. and "amplified" it locally using
tissue from Chimps... the ultimate source of AIDS. Our excellent
friends and allies have never once failed to deny it even as they
blame Americans...
Mitchell Holman
2024-12-25 22:48:35 UTC
Post by JTEM
Post by Mitchell Holman
Like our "ally" Israel?
They actually appreciate us,

When America needed allies in
Korea where was Israel?

When America needed allies in
Vietnam where was Israel?

When America needed allies in
Afghanistan where was Israel?

When America needed allies in
Iraq where was Israel?

In fact when did Israel EVER
pitch in to help when America
needed assistance?
Post by JTEM
unlike Europe that meddles all
over the world and then blames us.
The EU provides help when
America needs it (see above). All
Israel does is sit on the sidelines
and demand money.
2024-12-26 01:36:25 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by JTEM
Post by Mitchell Holman
Like our "ally" Israel?
They actually appreciate us,
Yes. Really. Absolutely.
Post by Mitchell Holman
When America needed allies in
Korea where was Israel?
Lol! We weren't the close ally that we are now.

Today isn't a carbon copy of 1950. It's not the
same day only we have smartphones now. It was very
Post by Mitchell Holman
When America needed allies in
Vietnam where was Israel?
Why did we need allies? Dude. Read the room.
Post by Mitchell Holman
When America needed allies in
Afghanistan where was Israel?
If you think Israeli troops on the ground in an
Islamic state, by our side, would have helped us,
you are in no position to hold an opinion on

You pretend to be looking at the world but you see
only yourself.
2024-12-26 02:22:54 UTC
Post by JTEM
Post by JTEM
      Like our "ally" Israel?
They actually appreciate us,
Yes. Really. Absolutely.
     When America needed allies in
Korea where was Israel?
Lol!  We weren't the close ally that we are now.
Today isn't a carbon copy of 1950. It's not the
same day only we have smartphones now. It was very
     When America needed allies in
Vietnam where was Israel?
Why did we need allies? Dude. Read the room.
     When America needed allies in
Afghanistan where was Israel?
If you think Israeli troops on the ground in an
Islamic state, by our side, would have helped us,
you are in no position to hold an opinion on
You pretend to be looking at the world but you see
only yourself.
i heard you died
2024-12-26 02:40:55 UTC
On Wed, 25 Dec 2024 19:22:54 -0700, % says...
Post by %
Post by JTEM
You pretend to be looking at the world but you see
only yourself.
i heard you died
Must have been on a shit-stain news site like The New York Times or CNN or MSNBC.

They're known liars.


Trump WINS!

Donald Trump is the 47th U.S. president, defeating Vice President Kamala Harris.

Republican Donald Trump was elected President of the United States in the 2024 election, defeating Vice President Kamala Harris.

Trump, 78, will begin his second term early next year.

Donald Trump will be inaugurated as the U.S. President on Monday, January 20, 2025, on the West Front of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C.

A Second Trump Administration
2024-12-26 04:00:30 UTC
Post by %
i heard you died
Put your tongue back in your mouth.
Mitchell Holman
2024-12-26 02:49:06 UTC
Post by JTEM
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by JTEM
Post by Mitchell Holman
Like our "ally" Israel?
They actually appreciate us,
Yes. Really. Absolutely.
Post by Mitchell Holman
When America needed allies in
Korea where was Israel?
Lol! We weren't the close ally that we are now.
Today isn't a carbon copy of 1950. It's not the
same day only we have smartphones now. It was very
Post by Mitchell Holman
When America needed allies in
Vietnam where was Israel?
Why did we need allies? Dude.
Australia helped us, the British
helped us, Canada helped us - but not
Post by JTEM
Post by Mitchell Holman
When America needed allies in
Afghanistan where was Israel?
If you think Israeli troops on the ground in an
Islamic state, by our side, would have helped us,
you are in no position to hold an opinion on
Even the French helped America in
Afghanistan - but not Israel.

Israel has never come to the
aid America, ever. All they do is
ask for money and ask for technology.
And we DO provide them with sensitive
goodies they turn around and sell it
to the Chinese and Russians.

This is our "trusted ally":

Israel Passes U.S. Military Technology to China
24 Dec 2013

Israel Caught Selling Nukes To North Korea
February 7, 2018

Israel Confirms It Has Been Selling
Arms to China, as CIA Reported
OCT. 13, 1993

Israeli Arms Exports to China of
Growing Concern to U.S.
August 27, 2018
Siri Cruise
2024-12-26 05:04:34 UTC
Post by JTEM
     When America needed allies in
Vietnam where was Israel?
Why did we need allies? Dude. Read the room.
Australia and ROK joined the USA.

Siri Seal of Disavowal #000-001. Disavowed. Denied. @
'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' /|\
The Church of the Holey Apple .signature 3.2 / \
of Discordian Mysteries. This post insults Islam. Mohamed