AGW impact on health much more widespread than advertised
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2024-09-26 22:51:22 UTC
- Several studies found human sperm counts have declined world-wide
since the 1980s. We find here they have declined in "spooky
parallel" with the global increase in atm CO2 levels.
- Other studies have found hospital admissions for acidosis --
above-normal levels of CO2 in the blood -- in the US
have risen over the past 20y. Again we find the rise is in spooky
parallel with atm levels of CO2.

Yet another article on impacts of AGW on public health:

Unchecked Climate Change Could Triple US Heat-related Deaths, Warn Experts;
Know Who Is At The Highest Risk?
Times Now, 24 Sep 2024
If global warming continues the way it is now, the number of US citizens who
succumb to extreme heat will triple by mid-century, new projections estimate.

There are dozens of such items in the news. Also seen are articles
published by the World Bank and various UN organisations worrying
about the impact of heat on poorer populations in Africa and Asia.

But there is an even bigger impact. Just the atm CO2 levels seem to be
having an affect on human populations. Despite all the doggerel from
fossil-powered agents of misinformation, higher levels of CO2 are not
harmless to people. It's long been noted that even modest "office
levels" can dull humans enough to affect performance at work and on
test scores.

But there is yet another even more widespread effect. There are
suggestions atm CO2 levels are decreasing male fertility.

One study I looked at years ago found male sperm counts worldwide were
declining. The data looks like this:

Year Decrease in sperm count (%)
averaged over studies from many countries
1989 0
1990 -5
1991 -10
1992 -15
1993 -17
1994 -18
1995 -21
1996 -23
1997 -25
1998 -25
1999 -25
2000 -24
2001 -24
2002 -25
2003 -27
2004 -29
2005 -30
2006 -31

If we call 1989 "100%" and compare against atm CO2 levels measured at
e.g. Mauna Loa over the same period we find:

Year Av atm CO2(ppm) Spermcnt(%) Model
1991 355.608 90 83.6961**
1992 356.446 85 83.1578*
1993 357.1 83 82.741
1994 358.833 82 81.6504
1998 366.7 75 76.9395*
1999 368.377 75 75.9832
2000 369.55 76 75.3244
2001 371.143 76 74.4416*
2002 373.279 75 73.2801*
2003 375.803 73 71.9397*
2004 377.523 71 71.045
2005 379.796 70 69.8858
2006 381.896 69 68.8377
2002 373.279 75 73.2801*
2003 375.803 73 71.9397*
2004 377.523 71 71.045
2005 379.796 70 69.8858

Durbin-Watson d = 0.812131
d < dL (1.160000): Positive auto-corr at 5%
(AUTO CORR CORRECTION; estimated rho = 0.593934)
y = 8.18813393e+08 * x^-2.74032121e+00
beta in -2.74032 +- 0.561669 (90% CI)
alpha in 20.5234 +- 1.35133
T-test: P(beta<0) = 1.000000
limits for alpha at 90.0% CI
Rank test: calculated Spearman corr = -0.968137
Crit val = 0.582500 2-sided at 1%; reject H0:not_connected
r2 = 0.82984011

I.e. the stats is convinced with 2 tests the atm CO2 is linked to the
observed global decrease in male fertility.

And as another added affect another project Quant Central did
processing for a few years back found that cases of acidosis may be on
the rise also related to increasing atm CO2 levels. Acidosis comes in
many forms but is essentially high levels of CO2 in the blood. It
seems fairly obvious if atm CO2 is rising -- up almost 40% since the
start of the Industrial Revolution in the 1850s -- then it should be
increasing in the blood of animal life on earth. One of the effects
may be decreased fertility (as above). But it can also affect people
with chronic conditions like diabetes, or just the frail and infirm.

Several studies have found hospital admissions in the US for one form
of the condition have been rising over time. Fortunately, the same
studies generally conclude that medical technology has improved over
time and fatalities related to diabetic acidosis (DKA) have actually
fallen. But it's the thought that counts. ;)

The numbers I had from a prev study look like this:

age-adjusted rates of US hospital admissions for DKA per 1000 capita:
2000 22
2001 23
2002 25
2003 27
2004 26
2005 23
2006 20
2007 25
2008 24
2009 20
2010 24
2011 25
2012 27
2013 26
2014 29

Which we can line up with atm CO2 levels again and get this kind of thing:

Year Av atm CO2 (ppm) DKA admiss Model
2000 369.550001 22 23.1756
2001 371.143333 23 23.3383
2002 373.279167 25 23.5564*
2004 377.522502 26 23.9897*
2005 379.795832 23 24.2219
2007 383.791667 25 24.6299
2008 385.604164 24 24.815
2010 389.898338 24 25.2535*
2011 391.652496 25 25.4326
2012 393.853327 27 25.6573*
2013 396.520002 26 25.9296

(No serial corr detected).
y = 1.021129e-01*x + -1.456016e+01
beta in 0.102113 +- 0.0753457 (90% CI)
alpha in -14.5602 +- 28.8627
T-test: P(beta>0) = 0.982628
Rank test: calculated Spearman corr = 0.700000
Crit val = 0.534000 2-sided at 5%; reject H0:not_connected
r2 = 0.40679959

I.e. for each ppmv of CO2 admissions have gone up ~1 per 10,000
capita. The stats is again better than 90% sure 2 different ways.

If diabetics are seeing an increase in blood CO2 leading to more
hospitalisations then it's a fairly sure bet it's affecting every man,
woman and child as well.

It certainly seems the little swimmers have been taking notes.

Researchers find people in below-average income brackets more likely to die
in heat waves: 'This is extremely urgent'
The Cool Down on MSN, 26 Sep 2024 03:42Z
This alarming discovery underscores a growing divide. Researchers find
people in below-average income brackets more likely to die in heat waves:
'This is extremely urgent' first appeared on The Cool ...

[Humans == 40 Gt CO2/yr; volcanoes <0.1 Gt/yr].
Global carbon dioxide emission to the atmosphere by volcanoes
Volcanic CO2 presently represents only 0.22% of anthropogenic emissions but
may have contributed to significant "greenhouse" effects at times in Earth
-- Science Direct

Climate crimes must be brought to justice
UNESCO 26 June 2023
Climate denial has increased the risk of catastrophic global change. Should
international criminal law be used against those who promote ...

Year-round emergency climate shelters could be coming to LA County
LAist, 26 Sep 2024 19:15Z
The shelters would be available 24/7 to protect unhoused people from heat
waves, dry summers, and other extreme weather ...

Tropical Weather Latest: Helene becomes a major Category 3 hurricane as it
heads toward Florida
New Haven Register, 26 Sep 2024 19:46Z
Helene strengthened into a major Category 3 hurricane Thu as it
barreled across the Gulf of Mexico on a path to Florida.

Millions depend on the Mississippi--but the mighty river is running dry
National Geographic news, 26 Sep 2024 19:35Z
Tons of grains and crops are shipped down the Mississippi River every year.
What will happen if increasingly persistent droughts shrink America's
longest river?

Poll: Under half of all adults over 50 are likely to get new COVID vaccine
FOX 2 Detroit, 23 Sep 2024

Scientists discover troubling brain changes in COVID-19 patients who lost
sense of smell
PsyPost, 25 Sep 2024 12:14Z

Global Surge in Nearsightedness Linked to Covid-19, Study Finds
GIZMODO, 25 Sep 2024 20:11Z

Bird flu is spreading rapidly in California; infected herds double over weekend
Ars Technica, 23 Sep 2024

Mpox cases in Australia have risen by 570pc since July, but vaccination
rates remain low
ABC, 26 Sep 2024 20:20Z
Between July and Sept 26, the number of mpox cases increased by more
than 570 per cent to a total of 724. One way to address to growing...
[There are 720 cases now, up from 6 at the start of the y].

Ice age clues point to more extreme weather patterns in our future
University of Arizona News, 26 Sep 2024 17:17Z
A new U of A-led study combines data from ancient shells with advanced
climate modeling to shed light on how El Niño weather patterns might change
in a...

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ScAm, 26 Sep 2024 11:09Z
An office in the Pentagon investigated UFOs--and the paranormal--over a
decade ago, segueing into a long saga leading to Congressional hearings and

US and allies call for an immediate 21-day cease-fire between Israel and
AP, 26 Sep 2024 12:42Z

Death toll in Lebanon nears 500 as Israel launches 100s of air strikes
ABC News, 24 Sep 2024 00:10Z
Thousands are fleeing Lebanon as Israel launches 100s of air
strikes, killing 492 people and wounding 1,645 more in the most
deadly day of the cross-border conflict in 2 decades.

Israel-Hamas war latest: Fears of all-out war rise as Israel and Hezbollah
step up attacks
AP, 22 Sep 2024 21:37Z

[Dear John:]
Two 'Devastating' Hurricanes Could Hit North America in Under 72 Hours
Newsweek, 25 Sep 2024

Japan vessel joins Australia and New Zealand in its first Taiwan Strait transit
South China Morning Post, 26 Sep 2024 02:48Z

[Tropical Health!]
'A warmer, sicker world': Mosquitoes carrying deadly diseases are
infiltrating the US
BBC, 26 Sep 2024 09:04Z
West Nile virus, Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE), malaria and dengue are
gaining new ground in the US. The mosquitoes that ...

Hurricane Helene threatens 'unsurvivable' storm surge and vast inland damage,
forecasters say
AP, 26 Sep 2024 05:05Z
[Sheesh. It's only 15 ft of surge].

[Not Ready!]
Storms caused record delays on the railways in past year
The Times, 25 Sep 2024 21:44Z
Extreme weather led to more than 1.5 mn minutes of delays.

Why corn ethanol is worse for the climate than petrol
The Guardian, 26 Sep 2024 04:40Z
Ethanol made from maize has been touted as a green fuel, but a closer look
at its production puts paid to this claim.
Paul Aubrin
2024-09-27 13:30:37 UTC
Post by k***@gmail.com
- Several studies found human sperm counts have declined world-wide
since the 1980s. We find here they have declined in "spooky
parallel" with the global increase in atm CO2 levels.
The number of hotdogs consumed by Nathan's Hot dog eating competition
champion correlates highly with total automotive recalls (R²=0,87).
