This Is Evidence That Europe Knew Net Zero Was A Farce From The Beginning
(too old to reply)
2024-12-31 02:44:20 UTC
This is evidence that Europe knew this was a farce from the beginning, it just needed permission from incoming legitimate U.S. President to abandon
the agenda.

Even Europe Now Retreating From Green Energy - 'Starting to throw in the towel on windmills & solar panels' - Climate Depot

We've often reported on the crippling effect of Europe's high energy costs due to the continent's climate change fanaticism. So we were delighted to
see that finally, European energy companies are starting to throw in the towel on windmills and solar panels.

Reuters reports that the European "Big Oil" companies are 'slowing the roll out of green energy programs" that were all the rage a few years ago. BP,
Shell, and even Norway's state-owned Equinor are having second thoughts on the wisdom of green energy.

If you want a chuckle, listen to Douglas McIntyre, Editor-in-Chief at global warming newsletter Climate Crisis, who somberly admits that the green
dream may be dying in Europe. His predictable solution is more taxes on oil and gas.





Dallas Lake Freezes Over

Extreme Snow Roundup

Antarctic Sea Ice Recovering Quite Nicely, Thank You

Murcia's Record Lows

Red Alert In Bidar Amid India's Cold Wave

Italian Alps Hit -31.1c (-24f)

U.S. Cold-Deaths Double Since 1999-The Establishment Blames Global Warming

Japan's Record-Breaking Snowfall

BBC Still Pushing Polar Bear Propaganda

White Christmas For Europe

Bengaluru's Record Cold

Xinjiang Plummets To Record -42.5c

Antarctic Sea Ice Extent Higher Now Than In 1979

Bhopal Breaks 58-Year Record

Vostok At -40c (Again)

The Truth About Iceberg A-68

Extreme Cold And Heavy Snow Slam Finland

Europe Wind Power A "Shit Situation," Says Minister

Winter Weather Grips U.S.

India Reels

Vostok Below -40c

Snow Hits Malaga, Spain

Cold Wave Sweeps Pakistan

Canadian Prairies Near -40c

Texans Warned Of "Extreme Cold"

Antarctic Sea Ice Nearing 1979-1990 Average

"Excellent" Early-Season Snow Across The Alps

Delhi's Record Cold

Chilly Waters Stun Record Number Of Turtles

Record Cold Grips Indore

Asia Chills

Record Snowfall In Midwest

Another Round Of Arctic Air To Hit Much Of North America

Mumbai's Lowest Temp In A Decade

Northern Hemisphere Cold

Russia In The Freezer

India Chills

Northern India's Big Freeze Intensifies

Cold Wave Enters Vietnam

Freezing Lows And Heavy Snows Hit U.S., More To Come

Kashmir Freezes At -18c (-0.4f)

Below Average Antarctic Plateau

Another Round Of Lake-Effect Snow

Cold Waves Lifting Natural Gas Prices

Snow Returns To Scotland And Wider Europe

Global Temperature Tumbles

Antarctic Sea Ice Recovery

Severe Cold Hits Pakistan

Florida Set For Record Cold

Snowy November At Red Mountain

U.S. Battered By Cold And Record Snow

Parts Of Ontario Under A Meter Of Snow

Early-December To Deliver Another Burial To Europe
2025-01-01 22:37:42 UTC
Post by AlleyCat
This is evidence that Europe knew this was a farce from the beginning, it just needed permission from incoming legitimate U.S. President to abandon
the agenda.
Of course they knew. They invented the scam!

Gwobull Warbling and all the "Solutions" were invented BEFORE China
was a thing. Back in the 1980s, China didn't even rate on the world
energy market. India, which has yet to catch up to China, didn't

The simple fact is, and it's never not been the case, the scam
created a fossil fuel "Budget," expressed in terms of CO2, and
divided it equally on a per capita basis.

Every nation would get their share of "Carbon Credits.

And then the plan was, and this was broadcasted on BBC television,
that Europe would buy these "Carbon Credits" from the Third World
and everyone would win!

Only problem, and they somehow failed to mention it, the plan
required that the developing world not develop. They had to keep
the Third World in a Third World status, or they'd use their own
Carbon Credits and not sell them...

Like how they saddle African nations with debt, especially (these
days) loans for alternative energy.

Some estimates place embezzlement at about 20%, official estimates
are much lower, others higher but you get the idea. Pay them just
enough to get a project done, at least some of that money vanishes
so it never gets done, or they need more loans to finish it...

It's quite easy to bury developing nations in debt, then the now
rich dictators have to sell off their "Carbon Credits" to service
that debt...

This is also why China keeps building coal plants for "Emerging
Nations." They are actively combating the Gwobull Warbling scheme,
not just cheating.
Post by AlleyCat
Even Europe Now Retreating From Green Energy - 'Starting to throw in the towel on windmills & solar panels' - Climate Depot
We've often reported on the crippling effect of Europe's high energy costs due to the continent's climate change fanaticism. So we were delighted to
see that finally, European energy companies are starting to throw in the towel on windmills and solar panels.
Reuters reports that the European "Big Oil" companies are 'slowing the roll out of green energy programs" that were all the rage a few years ago. BP,
Shell, and even Norway's state-owned Equinor are having second thoughts on the wisdom of green energy.
If you want a chuckle, listen to Douglas McIntyre, Editor-in-Chief at global warming newsletter Climate Crisis, who somberly admits that the green
dream may be dying in Europe. His predictable solution is more taxes on oil and gas.
Dallas Lake Freezes Over
Extreme Snow Roundup
Antarctic Sea Ice Recovering Quite Nicely, Thank You
Murcia's Record Lows
Red Alert In Bidar Amid India's Cold Wave
Italian Alps Hit -31.1c (-24f)
U.S. Cold-Deaths Double Since 1999-The Establishment Blames Global Warming
Japan's Record-Breaking Snowfall
BBC Still Pushing Polar Bear Propaganda
White Christmas For Europe
Bengaluru's Record Cold
Xinjiang Plummets To Record -42.5c
Antarctic Sea Ice Extent Higher Now Than In 1979
Bhopal Breaks 58-Year Record
Vostok At -40c (Again)
The Truth About Iceberg A-68
Extreme Cold And Heavy Snow Slam Finland
Europe Wind Power A "Shit Situation," Says Minister
Winter Weather Grips U.S.
India Reels
Vostok Below -40c
Snow Hits Malaga, Spain
Cold Wave Sweeps Pakistan
Canadian Prairies Near -40c
Texans Warned Of "Extreme Cold"
Antarctic Sea Ice Nearing 1979-1990 Average
"Excellent" Early-Season Snow Across The Alps
Delhi's Record Cold
Chilly Waters Stun Record Number Of Turtles
Record Cold Grips Indore
Asia Chills
Record Snowfall In Midwest
Another Round Of Arctic Air To Hit Much Of North America
Mumbai's Lowest Temp In A Decade
Northern Hemisphere Cold
Russia In The Freezer
India Chills
Northern India's Big Freeze Intensifies
Cold Wave Enters Vietnam
Freezing Lows And Heavy Snows Hit U.S., More To Come
Kashmir Freezes At -18c (-0.4f)
Below Average Antarctic Plateau
Another Round Of Lake-Effect Snow
Cold Waves Lifting Natural Gas Prices
Snow Returns To Scotland And Wider Europe
Global Temperature Tumbles
Antarctic Sea Ice Recovery
Severe Cold Hits Pakistan
Florida Set For Record Cold
Snowy November At Red Mountain
U.S. Battered By Cold And Record Snow
Parts Of Ontario Under A Meter Of Snow
Early-December To Deliver Another Burial To Europe