Trump Back On The Warpath Against......Wind Turbines? - You Damn Skippy!
(too old to reply)
2025-01-06 01:15:30 UTC
And now we have a Baker's dozen... 13 dead whales in 31 days.

The New Year's Day 2025 dead whale is a humpback, Richmond Pond beach, just west of Atlantic Beach in Westport MA, on the Westport Land Conservation
Trust property.



NOAA Approved Permits To Harass And Kill Whales To Offshore Wind Companies


Dead whale December 2024 - Nine dead whales in 24 days. One dead whale every 2.6 days

JoeBiden requesting a federal investigation when six whales had died on our shores in 33 days.


Has it been enough yet?

How many have to die before it's enough?

Dec 3 Mince Cape May, NJ- Still Alive... Euthanized
Dec 10 Humpback East of Shark River Inlet, NJ. Offshore-Dead
Dec 10 Humpback, Plymouth Ma Young Male, Dead
Dec 12 Mince, Wellfleet MA, Dead
Dec 14 Humpback, Brewster MA, Dead
Dec 18 Humpback, Amagansett, LI (NY) Dead
Dec 18 Mince, Quinine Beach Charlestown RI, Dead
Dec 26 Humpback, Marshfield MA, Dead
Dec 27 Humpback, Kitty Hawk, NC, Dead
Dec 27 Humpback? Unknown Decomposed Whale West Side Hudson Canyon-Could Possibly Be Same As Seen East of Shark River Inlet on Dec 10. Not Counted.





THIS Is Why Chicken Shit Chicken Littles Screech About Climate And Weather And Global Warbling:

All for money!

The UN Makes it Official: Global Warming Hysteria Is All About Redistributing Wealth

UN IPCC Official Admits 'We Redistribute World's Wealth By Climate Policy'

Global Study Reveals Wealth Redistribution From Blue-Carbon Ecosystems

Failed Climate Policies Are About Wealth Redistribution

"We Redistribute De Facto The World's Wealth By Climate Policy."

How Global Warming Has Made The Rich Richer

The U.N.'s Global Warming War On Capitalism: An Important History Lesson

The Doha Wealth Redistribution Process Moves On


"There is no doubt, that we need to have a complete transformation... the transformation of the economy, and that includes, of course, the private

A carbon tax will change NOTHING, other than the wealth of politicians and countries who beg us for money. THAT was the purpose of the Paris
Accord... the ONLY purpose.

Funny... when the government no longer pays for bogus money-grabbing data, the truth comes out.

"It's all about money in the end. Keeping the Gravy Train running."

"And we're like... the world is going to end in 12 years if we don't address climate change..."

AOC's Top Aide Admits Green New Deal About The Economy, Not Climate

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's chief of staff recently admitted that the Green New Deal was not conceived as an effort to deal with climate change,
but instead a "how-do-you-change-the-entire economy thing" -- a remark likely to fuel Republican claims that the deal is nothing more than a thinly
veiled socialist takeover of the U.S. economy. "The interesting thing about the Green New Deal is it wasn't originally a climate thing at all,"
Saikat Chakrabarti said in May, according to The Washington Post.


UN Official Admits That Climate Change Used As A Ruse To Control The World's Economy


"Unequal Distribution of Wealth and Power" Causes Climate Change


U.N. Official Reveals Real Reason Behind Warming Scare


Another Climate Alarmist Admits Real Motive Behind Warming Scare


United Nations Official Admits the Purpose of the Global Warming Hoax is to Destroy Capitalism
2025-01-06 02:56:51 UTC
Post by AlleyCat
And now we have a Baker's dozen... 13 dead whales in 31 days.
The New Year's Day 2025 dead whale is a humpback, Richmond Pond beach, just west of Atlantic Beach in Westport MA, on the Westport Land Conservation
Trust property.
The self imposed elite LOVE wind! They actually decided that they
wanted to build an offshore windfarm here, in a marine sanctuary,
and of course this corrupt government let them.

People scream "Conspiracy theory" but we're honestly run by the
Masons and they see their #1 job as buttfucking the public.

If they say, "I want to build there. Re-write the zoning laws" they
actually do it! It's unheard of in less corrupt states...

They have literally put people out of business, and more often kept
them from ever opening, if you're not one of them.

So the fact that they're into Gwobull Warbling and selling the
"Alternative" farce can't be a surprise...

They benefit. Everything is gamed for them.
Siri Cruise
2025-01-06 04:14:18 UTC
The self imposed elite LOVE wind!  They actually decided that they
wanted to build an offshore windfarm here, in a marine sanctuary,
and of course this corrupt government let them.
People scream "Conspiracy theory" but we're honestly run by the
Masons and they see their #1 job as buttfucking the public.

Nothing more to say.
Siri Seal of Disavowal #000-001. Disavowed. Denied. @
'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' /|\
The Church of the Holey Apple .signature 3.2 / \
of Discordian Mysteries. This post insults Islam. Mohamed
2025-01-06 05:29:38 UTC
Post by Siri Cruise
Nothing more to say.
And yet you will.

Probably our worst governor, Deval Patrick, was also the worst
at hiding it. At a time when you could walk into any mall in
the state and ask 100 people "Who is Deval Patrick" and get
ZERO answers, yet Mass Ave in Lexington, right up the street from
the Masons, was absolutely filthy with sign-waving fans.

...my observations were also helped by the fact that my
friend's dad was a member and knew all about it...

That's when they made it obvious for even the mouth breathers.
The guy has no political talents what so ever. He literally
shut down public transportation & banned driving FOR SNOW
STORMS, because folks in Boston didn't have any experience
with that sort of thing. One time the storm missed us and we
got a dusting. The fuhrer chucked out constitutional government
over nothing.

He ordered -- yes, ordered -- like 2 million people to stay
indoors while an army of police hunted uselessly for a
frightened 19 year old. When they did find him it was because
in a temporary moment of sanity he had called off the lockdown,
and a resident found the kid in a boat. They bravely pumped
like 200 bullets into that boat... I think they killed it, not
sure though. They needed to shoot it at least 201 times for

The next one was the second worst governor in the nation during
CoronaPanic. He was a Republican, and despised constitutional
government just as much. Charlie Baker was his name. Loved
outsourcing to well connected millionaires, loved ruling by