The Truth. Trump Was 100% Correct
(too old to reply)
2025-01-06 14:19:22 UTC
Trump to Joe Rogan: Windmills are killing the whales, it's horrible.

The left: Trump is a liar, windmills wouldn't do that. We need the windmills for cLiMaTe ChAnGe

The truth. Trump was 100% correct





Thailand Freezes

Record Snow In Japan

Parts Of Morocco See Snow For First Time In 50 Years

Cattle Futures Hit Record High Amid Looming Arctic Blast

Three-Day Snow Warning For UK

Extreme Snowfall Paralyzes Northern Norway

Siberia Nears -60c (-76f)

Record Snows For Uttarakhand

"Dangerous Cold"

Snow Reaches Athens

Delhi Plunges

U.S. To Freeze

Arctic Ice Up 26%

Dal Lake Freezes Over

Extreme Snow Roundup

Antarctic Sea Ice Recovering Quite Nicely, Thank You

Murcia's Record Lows

Red Alert In Bidar Amid India's Cold Wave

Italian Alps Hit -31.1c (-24f)

U.S. Cold-Deaths Double Since 1999-The Establishment Blames Global Warming

Japan's Record-Breaking Snowfall

BBC Still Pushing Polar Bear Propaganda

White Christmas For Europe

Bengaluru's Record Cold

Xinjiang Plummets To Record -42.5c

Antarctic Sea Ice Extent Higher Now Than In 1979

Bhopal Breaks 58-Year Record

Vostok At -40c (Again)

The Truth About Iceberg A-68

Extreme Cold And Heavy Snow Slam Finland

Europe Wind Power A "Shit Situation," Says Minister

Winter Weather Grips U.S.

India Reels

Vostok Below -40c

Snow Hits Malaga, Spain

Cold Wave Sweeps Pakistan

Canadian Prairies Near -40c

Texans Warned Of "Extreme Cold"

Antarctic Sea Ice Nearing 1979-1990 Average

"Excellent" Early-Season Snow Across The Alps

Delhi's Record Cold

Chilly Waters Stun Record Number Of Turtles

Record Cold Grips Indore

Asia Chills

Record Snowfall In Midwest

Another Round Of Arctic Air To Hit Much Of North America

Mumbai's Lowest Temp In A Decade

Northern Hemisphere Cold

Russia In The Freezer

India Chills

Northern India's Big Freeze Intensifies

Cold Wave Enters Vietnam

Freezing Lows And Heavy Snows Hit U.S., More To Come

Kashmir Freezes At -18c (-0.4f)

Below Average Antarctic Plateau

Another Round Of Lake-Effect Snow

Cold Waves Lifting Natural Gas Prices

Snow Returns To Scotland And Wider Europe

Global Temperature Tumbles

Antarctic Sea Ice Recovery

Severe Cold Hits Pakistan

Florida Set For Record Cold

Snowy November At Red Mountain

U.S. Battered By Cold And Record Snow

Parts Of Ontario Under A Meter Of Snow

Early-December To Deliver Another Burial To Europe
2025-01-06 17:48:36 UTC
Post by AlleyCat
Trump to Joe Rogan: Windmills are killing the whales, it's horrible.
The left: Trump is a liar, windmills wouldn't do that. We need the windmills for cLiMaTe ChAnGe
The truth. Trump was 100% correct
Because "Johnny Midnight" is a cetacean expert?
Post by AlleyCat
I can see why you'd post that screen shot rather than a link to the
actual article....

...which doesn't actually quote an marine environmental experts.
Chris Ahlstrom
2025-01-06 18:30:20 UTC
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
Trump to Joe Rogan: Windmills are killing the whales, it's horrible.
The left: Trump is a liar, windmills wouldn't do that. We need the windmills for cLiMaTe ChAnGe
The truth. Trump was 100% correct
Because "Johnny Midnight" is a cetacean expert?
I can see why you'd post that screen shot rather than a link to the
actual article....

“I don’t think there is a single scientist out there who thinks that these
deaths are being caused by wind energy activities,” Andrew Read, a marine
science and conservation expert also at Duke University, told the Gothamist
this month. “I think the people who are making those claims have other
reasons to make those claims.”

What is putting whales at risk?

The biggest threats facing whales include entanglements in fishing gear and
being struck by boats and plastic pollution. Other risks include a rise in
ocean noise and climate change, which threatens to alter whales’ habitat
and food sources.

For the Atlantic’s most at-risk whale, the numbers on this are crystal
clear: of the 30 known North Atlantic right whales deaths examined by
scientists between 2017-2024, 25 whales died from vessel strikes or
entanglement. Getting this highly endangered species’ population back on
track means tackling those two threats directly.
Post by Alan
...which doesn't actually quote an marine environmental experts.
What's doing the most killing of whales elsewhere are Japanese fishing boats,
The idea there was that consumers would bring their broken electronic
devices, such as television sets and VCR's, to the destruction centers,
where trained personnel would whack them (the devices) with sledgehammers.
With their devices thus permanently destroyed, consumers would then be free
to go out and buy new devices, rather than have to fritter away years of
their lives trying to have the old ones repaired at so-called "factory
service centers," which in fact consist of two men named Lester poking at
the insides of broken electronic devices with cheap cigars and going,
"Lookit all them WIRES in there!"
-- Dave Barry, "'Mister Mediocre' Restaurants"
2025-01-06 18:52:54 UTC
Post by Chris Ahlstrom
The biggest threats facing whales include entanglements in fishing gear and
being struck by boats and plastic pollution. Other risks include a rise in
ocean noise and climate change, which threatens to alter whales’ habitat
and food sources.
Dude, if you want to know how stupid you look right now then
do the Google on WHEN whales have evolved.

HINT: Humpback whales are significantly older than the Holocene.

They are significantly older than our current ice age.

They are significantly older than the circumpolar current, which
came into being when the planet was maybe 4C hotter and the
atmosphere had a great deal more CO2.

...you probably don't even need to know that wind farms do
transmit a great deal of noise into the waters. The "Climate
Change" idiocy should embarrass you enough.
2025-01-07 01:23:27 UTC
On Mon, 6 Jan 2025 13:30:20 -0500, Chris Ahlstrom says...
that these deaths are being caused by wind energy activities
LOL... you're funny.


THIS Is Why Chicken Shit Chicken Littles Screech About Climate And Weather And Global Warbling:

The UN Makes it Official: Global Warming Hysteria Is All About Redistributing Wealth

UN IPCC Official Admits 'We Redistribute World's Wealth By Climate Policy'

Global Study Reveals Wealth Redistribution From Blue-Carbon Ecosystems

Failed Climate Policies Are About Wealth Redistribution

"We Redistribute De Facto The World's Wealth By Climate Policy."

How Global Warming Has Made The Rich Richer

The U.N.'s Global Warming War On Capitalism: An Important History Lesson

The Doha Wealth Redistribution Process Moves On


"There is no doubt, that we need to have a complete transformation... the transformation of the economy, and that includes, of course, the private

A carbon tax will change NOTHING, other than the wealth of politicians and countries who beg us for money. THAT was the purpose of the Paris
Accord... the ONLY purpose.

Funny... when the government no longer pays for bogus money-grabbing data, the truth comes out.

"It's all about money in the end. Keeping the Gravy Train running."

"And we're like... the world is going to end in 12 years if we don't address climate change..."

AOC's Top Aide Admits Green New Deal About The Economy, Not Climate

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's chief of staff recently admitted that the Green New Deal was not conceived as an effort to deal with climate change,
but instead a "how-do-you-change-the-entire economy thing" -- a remark likely to fuel Republican claims that the deal is nothing more than a thinly
veiled socialist takeover of the U.S. economy. "The interesting thing about the Green New Deal is it wasn't originally a climate thing at all,"
Saikat Chakrabarti said in May, according to The Washington Post.


UN Official Admits That Climate Change Used As A Ruse To Control The World's Economy


"Unequal Distribution of Wealth and Power" Causes Climate Change


U.N. Official Reveals Real Reason Behind Warming Scare


Another Climate Alarmist Admits Real Motive Behind Warming Scare


United Nations Official Admits the Purpose of the Global Warming Hoax is to Destroy Capitalism
2025-01-06 18:45:06 UTC
Post by Alan
I can see why you'd post that screen shot rather than a link to the
actual article....
So that the stupid people who haven't figured out Google
yet can make themselves look batshit crazy, and not just
2025-01-07 00:29:05 UTC
On Mon, 6 Jan 2025 09:48:36 -0800, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Because "Johnny Midnight" is a cetacean expert?
Because news agencies are all cetacean experts?

What's Killing Whales Off The Northeast Coast? It's Not Wind ... - CNN

"Save The Whales" Was A Shining Success. Now Can Humpbacks Save Us From Ourselves? - CNN

Editor of Scientific Journal Says Fake Study Linking Whale Deaths To Wind Farms Is "Deliberate Misinformation" - ABCNews

Risk To Endangered Southern Right And Blue Whales From Offshore Wind Farms Largely Unknown, Researchers Say - ABC Australia

Why Ron Johnson Suggested Windmills Are Killing Whales - MSNBC

Fact-Checking Donald Trump's Claim That Wind Turbines Kill Whales - BBC

You don't HAVE to be an "expert" to report what others are saying...

... faggot.



Rare Snow Sweeps Sahara Desert

Europe Plunges Below -30C (-22F), Sees Heavy Snow

U.S. Endures Record Cold

Rare Tashkurgan Snow

Global Temperature Nudges Lower

Thailand Freezes

Record Snow In Japan

Parts Of Morocco See Snow For First Time In 50 Years

Cattle Futures Hit Record High Amid Looming Arctic Blast

Three-Day Snow Warning For UK

Extreme Snowfall Paralyzes Northern Norway

Siberia Nears -60c (-76f)

Record Snows For Uttarakhand

"Dangerous Cold"

Snow Reaches Athens

Delhi Plunges

U.S. To Freeze

Arctic Ice Up 26%

Dal Lake Freezes Over

Extreme Snow Roundup

Antarctic Sea Ice Recovering Quite Nicely, Thank You

Murcia's Record Lows

Red Alert In Bidar Amid India's Cold Wave

Italian Alps Hit -31.1c (-24f)

U.S. Cold-Deaths Double Since 1999-The Establishment Blames Global Warming

Japan's Record-Breaking Snowfall

BBC Still Pushing Polar Bear Propaganda

White Christmas For Europe

Bengaluru's Record Cold

Xinjiang Plummets To Record -42.5c

Antarctic Sea Ice Extent Higher Now Than In 1979

Bhopal Breaks 58-Year Record

Vostok At -40c (Again)

The Truth About Iceberg A-68

Extreme Cold And Heavy Snow Slam Finland

Europe Wind Power A "Shit Situation," Says Minister

Winter Weather Grips U.S.

India Reels

Vostok Below -40c

Snow Hits Malaga, Spain

Cold Wave Sweeps Pakistan

Canadian Prairies Near -40c

Texans Warned Of "Extreme Cold"

Antarctic Sea Ice Nearing 1979-1990 Average

"Excellent" Early-Season Snow Across The Alps

Delhi's Record Cold

Chilly Waters Stun Record Number Of Turtles

Record Cold Grips Indore

Asia Chills

Record Snowfall In Midwest

Another Round Of Arctic Air To Hit Much Of North America

Mumbai's Lowest Temp In A Decade

Northern Hemisphere Cold

Russia In The Freezer

India Chills

Northern India's Big Freeze Intensifies

Cold Wave Enters Vietnam

Freezing Lows And Heavy Snows Hit U.S., More To Come

Kashmir Freezes At -18c (-0.4f)

Below Average Antarctic Plateau

Another Round Of Lake-Effect Snow

Cold Waves Lifting Natural Gas Prices

Snow Returns To Scotland And Wider Europe

Global Temperature Tumbles

Antarctic Sea Ice Recovery

Severe Cold Hits Pakistan

Florida Set For Record Cold

Snowy November At Red Mountain

U.S. Battered By Cold And Record Snow

Parts Of Ontario Under A Meter Of Snow

Early-December To Deliver Another Burial To Europe
2025-01-07 00:46:37 UTC
Post by AlleyCat
On Mon, 6 Jan 2025 09:48:36 -0800, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Because "Johnny Midnight" is a cetacean expert?
Because news agencies are all cetacean experts?
What's Killing Whales Off The Northeast Coast? It's Not Wind ... - CNN
"...farm projects, experts say.

Happy to complete your quote!
Post by AlleyCat
"Save The Whales" Was A Shining Success. Now Can Humpbacks Save Us From Ourselves? - CNN
Editor of Scientific Journal Says Fake Study Linking Whale Deaths To Wind Farms Is "Deliberate Misinformation" - ABCNews
Risk To Endangered Southern Right And Blue Whales From Offshore Wind Farms Largely Unknown, Researchers Say - ABC Australia
Why Ron Johnson Suggested Windmills Are Killing Whales - MSNBC
Fact-Checking Donald Trump's Claim That Wind Turbines Kill Whales - BBC
You don't HAVE to be an "expert" to report what others are saying...
... faggot.
Weren't you saying something the other day about namecalling?

2025-01-08 03:31:32 UTC
On Mon, 6 Jan 2025 16:46:37 -0800, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
What's Killing Whales Off The Northeast Coast? It's Not Wind ... - CNN
"...farm projects, experts say.
So... CNN are also "Wind Farm Project" AND cetacean experts, KNOWING that's what's NOT killing whales?

Credentials, please.

Still... because news agencies are all cetacean experts and they KNOW what's NOT killing whales?

Show us CNN's credentials.

What's Killing Whales Off The Northeast Coast? It's Not Wind Farm Projects, EXPERTS SAY

SAME as what Johnny Midnight. He was simply posting what OTHERS have said.

See? You can't refute anything, so you focus on shit that doesn't matter.

Show us, EXACTLY, where "Johnny Midnight" said ANYTHING, let alone that he was an expert on cetaceans.

"Trump to Joe Rogan: Windmills are killing the whales, it's horrible." - correctly attributed quote

The left: Trump is a liar, windmills wouldn't do that. We need the windmills for cLiMaTe ChAnGe

The truth. Trump was 100% correct






'Worst In The World': Here Are All The Rankings In Which Canada Is Now Last

Most Unaffordable Housing, Highest Cell phone Bills And Worst Rate of Acute Care Beds, To Name A Few

If you spend any time on social media, it's likely that you've seen this
graphic compiled by columnist Stephen Lautens that assembles 11 international
indices which feature Canada near the top spot. "Canada is broken? I don't
think so. Neither does the world," reads a caption.

Next time someone rants on how about how "broken" Canada is; or how badly we
are doing on the international stage... share some facts.

Numbers don't lie, Felicia.


Naturally, it only tells a partial picture. While Canada may dominate abstract
indices such as "quality of life" and "peace," there are plenty of far more
empirical indicators in which we measurably rank as among the worst in the
developed world.

There's plenty to like about Canada, but below is a not-at-all comprehensive
list of all the ways in which we are indeed very broken.


The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development is essentially a
club of the world's 38 most developed countries. And when these 38 are ranked
against each other for housing unaffordability, Canada emerges as the clear
champion. OECD analysts rank affordability by comparing average home prices to
average incomes, and according to their latest quarterly rankings Canada was
No. 1 for salaries that were most out of whack with the cost of a home.

Housing by price to income ratio for the second quarter of 2022. That's Canada
on the extreme right.



Every year, the Finnish telecom analyst Rewheel ranks the world's most
expensive countries for wireless services. And last year, Canada once again
dominated. Across several metrics, Canada was found to be the most expensive
place in the world for mobile data. Analysts found that it would cost the
average Canadian the equivalent of at least 100 Euros to obtain a cell phone
plan with at least 100 gigabytes of mobile data. Across much of the EU, that
kind of cell phone plan could be had for less than 40 Euros.


Canadian telecoms charge more than 10 times as much for 100 gigabytes of mobile
data as companies in France or Ireland.

Canadian telecoms charge more than 10 times as much for 100 gigabytes of mobile
data as companies in France or Ireland. Photo by Rewheel


Canada's health system was particularly walloped by COVID-19 due to the simple
fact that most of our hospitals are at the breaking point even in good times.
Multiple times during the pandemic, provinces were forced into shutdown by
rates of COVID that had barely been noticed in better-prepared countries. A
ranking by the Canadian Institute for Health Information provides one clue as
to why. When ranked against peer countries, Canada's rate of per-capita acute
care beds was in last place, albeit tied with Sweden. Canada has two acute care
beds for every 1,000 people, against 3.1 in France and six in Germany.


For at least 15 years now, Canada has been a regular contender on rankings of
overheated housing markets. And the latest UBS index of world cities with
"bubbly" real estate markets is no exception. In their 2021 index, Toronto was
second only to Frankfurt in terms of bubble risk, while Vancouver ranked sixth.
Aside from Germany, Canada was the only country that saw two of its cities in
the top ten.


Only two cities in the entire Western Hemisphere qualified as likely "bubble
risks," and they're both in Canada.

Only two cities in the entire Western Hemisphere qualified as likely "bubble
risks," and they're both in Canada. Photo by UBS Global Real Estate Bubble
Index 2021


The COVID-19 pandemic ushered in the most feverish global accumulation of debt
in the history of human civilization. So it's rather remarkable that amidst
this international monsoon of debt, Canada still managed to out-debt everyone
else. Last year, analysts at Bloomberg tracked each country's rate of public
and private debt accumulated during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Canada came in with an overall debt burden equivalent to 352 per cent of GDP.
While a handful of countries (Japan, France and Hong Kong) came out of the
pandemic with higher overall debt burdens, Canada outranked all of them when it
came to how quickly that debt had been accumulated.

Containers on rail cars waiting to be shipped east by rail at the Port of
Vancouver Tuesday, June 21, 2022. Photo by (Photo by Jason Payne/ PNG)



Last year - just as the global supply chain crisis got going - the World Bank
decided to rank the performance of the world's 370 major ports. Authors weighed
factors such as how long the ports kept ships waiting, and how long crews took
to unload a vessel. And when everything was added together, the Port of
Vancouver ranked 368 out of 370. The only places with worse scores were the
Port of Los Angeles and the Port of Long Beach. And it's not like our other
ports are much better. If Vancouver is too gummed up, you can always sail north
to Prince Rupert, which ranks 339 out of 370.


Take that, Los Angeles and Long Beach. Photo by World Bank Group

Queues at Toronto Pearson International Airport. Photo by Peter J.
Thompson/National Post



Flight delays are another category in which basically the entire world is
feeling the pinch. And yet, Canada still managed to outdo all of them. Last
month, CNN used data from the website FlightAware to figure out which airports
were seeing the highest rates of flight delays. In the number one spot was
Toronto Pearson, with 52 per cent of all flights out of the airport
experiencing some kind of delay. And it was a commanding lead; the second-place
finisher, Frankfurt, only managed to see 45.4 per cent of its flights delayed.
Toronto was also a contender in flight cancellations; with 6.9 per cent of its
scheduled flights never getting off the ground, it ranked fourth worst in the


A 2020 study out of the University of Calgary tracked foreign investment flows
into a cross-section of developed countries between 2015 and 2019. Virtually
every country on the list saw a surge in foreign cash during that period;
Ireland topped out the ranking thanks to its foreign investment climbing by
more than 115 per cent. Only four countries actually saw a reduction in foreign
investment: Mexico, Brazil, Australia and Canada. A report by the Business
Council of Canada noticed the same trend. "Canada is the second-worst in the
OECD on openness to foreign direct investment," it concluded.



In 2019, the International Energy Agency examined the fuel economy of the
world's private car fleets. On almost every measure, Canada led the pack in
driving unnecessarily huge, gas-guzzling vehicles. Per kilometre driven, the
average Canadian burned more fuel and emitted more carbon dioxide than anyone
else. Canadian cars were also the largest and (second only to the U.S.) the
heaviest. While it would be convenient to blame this on Canada being a sparse,
cold country with lots of heavy industry, our ranking was well beyond plenty of
other countries where that was similarly the case.
2025-01-08 03:51:49 UTC
Post by AlleyCat
On Mon, 6 Jan 2025 16:46:37 -0800, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
What's Killing Whales Off The Northeast Coast? It's Not Wind ... - CNN
"...farm projects, experts say.
So... CNN are also "Wind Farm Project" AND cetacean experts, KNOWING that's what's NOT killing whales?
I don't know.

But what YOUR quote does is imply they're saying that windmill projects
are killing whales...

...and it doesn't actually say that.

In fact, CNN quotes actual experts:

'A preliminary necropsy on the humpback whale conducted last weekend by
scientists at the Marine Mammal Stranding Center found the whale
“suffered blunt trauma injuries consistent with those from a vessel
strike.” '

'“There are no known connections between any of these offshore wind
activities and any whale strandings, regardless of species,” said
Benjamin Laws, deputy chief for the permits and conservation division
with the NOAA Fisheries Office of Protected Resources.'

'“Ship strike and entanglement are real threats and they’re happening
continuously,” Sieswerda [executive director of the New York-based
nonprofit Gotham Whale, which studies and advocates for the local whale
population.] said. “People are overlooking the obvious just because
there’s some news going on about wind farms.”
Post by AlleyCat
Credentials, please.

You lose.

2025-01-08 06:03:24 UTC
On Tue, 7 Jan 2025 19:51:49 -0800, Alan says...
CNN quotes...
Are not the topic.

The Truth. Trump Was 100% Correct

Trump to Joe Rogan: Windmills are killing the whales, it's horrible.

The left: Trump is a liar, windmills wouldn't do that. We need the windmills for cLiMaTe ChAnGe

The truth. Trump was 100% correct


"1000% that is the boat... dead stop. I saw another whale had washed up. It's becoming a pattern. Is it the windmills? Is it the pounding of the sea
floor? How many whales is it going to take? There aren't many places where the North Atlantic right whale can go. It's destined to extinction. It
sounds something like they're (unintelligible) pile drive. What the United States is looking at is thousands of wind turbines in an area that our
whales, are dolphins, our marine life, where they live, where they migrate, where they breed. It's only when they started going East into the wind-
lease areas, that we believe that the whales are dying. So those red dots are whale deaths. Precisely. What a scandal."


How many whales were washing up in these numbers before Wind Turbine construction started?


What do YOU think is killing these whales?

If you have no answer, then we know YOU don't know and you're proving exactly what I said... that you are NOT here to refute... only to argue to make
you feel better about yourself.

The beaching of whales, 99% of the time, is related to their echo-sounding capabilities. So... what ELSE is causing them to beach and die?



Thailand Freezes

Record Snow In Japan

Parts Of Morocco See Snow For First Time In 50 Years

Cattle Futures Hit Record High Amid Looming Arctic Blast

Three-Day Snow Warning For UK

Extreme Snowfall Paralyzes Northern Norway

Siberia Nears -60c (-76f)

Record Snows For Uttarakhand

"Dangerous Cold"

Snow Reaches Athens

Delhi Plunges

U.S. To Freeze

Arctic Ice Up 26%

Dal Lake Freezes Over

Extreme Snow Roundup

Antarctic Sea Ice Recovering Quite Nicely, Thank You

Murcia's Record Lows

Red Alert In Bidar Amid India's Cold Wave

Italian Alps Hit -31.1c (-24f)

U.S. Cold-Deaths Double Since 1999-The Establishment Blames Global Warming

Japan's Record-Breaking Snowfall

BBC Still Pushing Polar Bear Propaganda

White Christmas For Europe

Bengaluru's Record Cold

Xinjiang Plummets To Record -42.5c

Antarctic Sea Ice Extent Higher Now Than In 1979

Bhopal Breaks 58-Year Record

Vostok At -40c (Again)

The Truth About Iceberg A-68

Extreme Cold And Heavy Snow Slam Finland

Europe Wind Power A "Shit Situation," Says Minister

Winter Weather Grips U.S.

India Reels

Vostok Below -40c

Snow Hits Malaga, Spain

Cold Wave Sweeps Pakistan

Canadian Prairies Near -40c

Texans Warned Of "Extreme Cold"

Antarctic Sea Ice Nearing 1979-1990 Average

"Excellent" Early-Season Snow Across The Alps

Delhi's Record Cold

Chilly Waters Stun Record Number Of Turtles

Record Cold Grips Indore

Asia Chills

Record Snowfall In Midwest

Another Round Of Arctic Air To Hit Much Of North America

Mumbai's Lowest Temp In A Decade

Northern Hemisphere Cold

Russia In The Freezer

India Chills

Northern India's Big Freeze Intensifies

Cold Wave Enters Vietnam

Freezing Lows And Heavy Snows Hit U.S., More To Come

Kashmir Freezes At -18c (-0.4f)

Below Average Antarctic Plateau

Another Round Of Lake-Effect Snow

Cold Waves Lifting Natural Gas Prices

Snow Returns To Scotland And Wider Europe

Global Temperature Tumbles

Antarctic Sea Ice Recovery

Severe Cold Hits Pakistan

Florida Set For Record Cold

Snowy November At Red Mountain

U.S. Battered By Cold And Record Snow

Parts Of Ontario Under A Meter Of Snow

Early-December To Deliver Another Burial To Europe
2025-01-08 22:25:33 UTC
You know that Trust in CNN is at an all time low, along
with the rest of the mainstream media.

You don't have to tell anyone what CNN is "Reporting."

We know. We all know. They finished 7th in ratings amongst
cable "News." Which is shocking, considering how bad their
competitors are.

After the election even their brainwashed fans could see
it, and walked away...

2025-01-08 23:01:20 UTC
Post by JTEM
You know that Trust in CNN is at an all time low, along
with the rest of the mainstream media.
You don't have to tell anyone what CNN is "Reporting."
We know. We all know. They finished 7th in ratings amongst
cable "News." Which is shocking, considering how bad their
competitors are.
After the election even their brainwashed fans could see
it, and walked away...
You're once again imagining that reality is decide by polls.
2025-01-08 23:08:14 UTC
Post by Alan
You're once again imagining that reality is decide by polls.
Odd you should say this when you know for a fact that windmills
create a lot of noise, and one of the problems whales face is
noise, yet conclude that windmills have no ill effects on
2025-01-08 23:13:51 UTC
Post by JTEM
Post by Alan
You're once again imagining that reality is decide by polls.
Odd you should say this when you know for a fact that windmills
create a lot of noise, and one of the problems whales face is
noise, yet conclude that windmills have no ill effects on
Can you produce any authoritative source that cites this as an issue?
2025-01-08 23:21:31 UTC
Post by Alan
Post by JTEM
Post by Alan
You're once again imagining that reality is decide by polls.
Odd you should say this when you know for a fact that windmills
create a lot of noise, and one of the problems whales face is
noise, yet conclude that windmills have no ill effects on
Can you produce any authoritative source that cites this as an issue?
Yes. Of course I could. But I don't need to because you don't
care. If you did, you could have just Googled: Whales harmed
by noise.

Because, people who actually care about being informed will
inform themselves at every given opportunity. And worthless
trolls trying to pretend that they're smarter than they really
are will isolate themselves from information.

Go fuck yourself.
2025-01-08 23:28:38 UTC
Post by JTEM
Post by Alan
Post by JTEM
Post by Alan
You're once again imagining that reality is decide by polls.
Odd you should say this when you know for a fact that windmills
create a lot of noise, and one of the problems whales face is
noise, yet conclude that windmills have no ill effects on
Can you produce any authoritative source that cites this as an issue?
Yes. Of course I could. But I don't need to because you don't
care. If you did, you could have just Googled:  Whales harmed
by noise.
So do so.
Post by JTEM
Because, people who actually care about being informed will
inform themselves at every given opportunity. And worthless
trolls trying to pretend that they're smarter than they really
are will isolate themselves from information.
Go fuck yourself.
2025-01-09 01:37:47 UTC
On Wed, 8 Jan 2025 15:28:38 -0800, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by JTEM
Go fuck yourself.




Rare Snow Sweeps Sahara Desert

Europe Plunges Below -30C (-22F), Sees Heavy Snow

U.S. Endures Record Cold

Rare Tashkurgan Snow

Global Temperature Nudges Lower

Thailand Freezes

Record Snow In Japan

Parts Of Morocco See Snow For First Time In 50 Years

Cattle Futures Hit Record High Amid Looming Arctic Blast

Three-Day Snow Warning For UK

Extreme Snowfall Paralyzes Northern Norway

Siberia Nears -60c (-76f)

Record Snows For Uttarakhand

"Dangerous Cold"

Snow Reaches Athens

Delhi Plunges

U.S. To Freeze

Arctic Ice Up 26%

Dal Lake Freezes Over

Extreme Snow Roundup

Antarctic Sea Ice Recovering Quite Nicely, Thank You

Murcia's Record Lows

Red Alert In Bidar Amid India's Cold Wave

Italian Alps Hit -31.1c (-24f)

U.S. Cold-Deaths Double Since 1999-The Establishment Blames Global Warming

Japan's Record-Breaking Snowfall

BBC Still Pushing Polar Bear Propaganda

White Christmas For Europe

Bengaluru's Record Cold

Xinjiang Plummets To Record -42.5c

Antarctic Sea Ice Extent Higher Now Than In 1979

Bhopal Breaks 58-Year Record

Vostok At -40c (Again)

The Truth About Iceberg A-68

Extreme Cold And Heavy Snow Slam Finland

Europe Wind Power A "Shit Situation," Says Minister

Winter Weather Grips U.S.

India Reels

Vostok Below -40c

Snow Hits Malaga, Spain

Cold Wave Sweeps Pakistan

Canadian Prairies Near -40c

Texans Warned Of "Extreme Cold"

Antarctic Sea Ice Nearing 1979-1990 Average

"Excellent" Early-Season Snow Across The Alps

Delhi's Record Cold

Chilly Waters Stun Record Number Of Turtles

Record Cold Grips Indore

Asia Chills

Record Snowfall In Midwest

Another Round Of Arctic Air To Hit Much Of North America

Mumbai's Lowest Temp In A Decade

Northern Hemisphere Cold

Russia In The Freezer

India Chills

Northern India's Big Freeze Intensifies

Cold Wave Enters Vietnam

Freezing Lows And Heavy Snows Hit U.S., More To Come

Kashmir Freezes At -18c (-0.4f)

Below Average Antarctic Plateau

Another Round Of Lake-Effect Snow

Cold Waves Lifting Natural Gas Prices

Snow Returns To Scotland And Wider Europe

Global Temperature Tumbles

Antarctic Sea Ice Recovery

Severe Cold Hits Pakistan

Florida Set For Record Cold

Snowy November At Red Mountain

U.S. Battered By Cold And Record Snow

Parts Of Ontario Under A Meter Of Snow

Early-December To Deliver Another Burial To Europe
2025-01-09 02:39:47 UTC
Post by AlleyCat
On Wed, 8 Jan 2025 15:28:38 -0800, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by JTEM
Go fuck yourself.
Oh, look!

An utterly empty reply!
2025-01-09 01:38:38 UTC
On Wed, 8 Jan 2025 15:28:38 -0800, Alan says...
Post by JTEM
Go fuck yourself.




Rare Snow Sweeps Sahara Desert

Europe Plunges Below -30C (-22F), Sees Heavy Snow

U.S. Endures Record Cold

Rare Tashkurgan Snow

Global Temperature Nudges Lower

Thailand Freezes

Record Snow In Japan

Parts Of Morocco See Snow For First Time In 50 Years

Cattle Futures Hit Record High Amid Looming Arctic Blast

Three-Day Snow Warning For UK

Extreme Snowfall Paralyzes Northern Norway

Siberia Nears -60c (-76f)

Record Snows For Uttarakhand

"Dangerous Cold"

Snow Reaches Athens

Delhi Plunges

U.S. To Freeze

Arctic Ice Up 26%

Dal Lake Freezes Over

Extreme Snow Roundup

Antarctic Sea Ice Recovering Quite Nicely, Thank You

Murcia's Record Lows

Red Alert In Bidar Amid India's Cold Wave

Italian Alps Hit -31.1c (-24f)

U.S. Cold-Deaths Double Since 1999-The Establishment Blames Global Warming

Japan's Record-Breaking Snowfall

BBC Still Pushing Polar Bear Propaganda

White Christmas For Europe

Bengaluru's Record Cold

Xinjiang Plummets To Record -42.5c

Antarctic Sea Ice Extent Higher Now Than In 1979

Bhopal Breaks 58-Year Record

Vostok At -40c (Again)

The Truth About Iceberg A-68

Extreme Cold And Heavy Snow Slam Finland

Europe Wind Power A "Shit Situation," Says Minister

Winter Weather Grips U.S.

India Reels

Vostok Below -40c

Snow Hits Malaga, Spain

Cold Wave Sweeps Pakistan

Canadian Prairies Near -40c

Texans Warned Of "Extreme Cold"

Antarctic Sea Ice Nearing 1979-1990 Average

"Excellent" Early-Season Snow Across The Alps

Delhi's Record Cold

Chilly Waters Stun Record Number Of Turtles

Record Cold Grips Indore

Asia Chills

Record Snowfall In Midwest

Another Round Of Arctic Air To Hit Much Of North America

Mumbai's Lowest Temp In A Decade

Northern Hemisphere Cold

Russia In The Freezer

India Chills

Northern India's Big Freeze Intensifies

Cold Wave Enters Vietnam

Freezing Lows And Heavy Snows Hit U.S., More To Come

Kashmir Freezes At -18c (-0.4f)

Below Average Antarctic Plateau

Another Round Of Lake-Effect Snow

Cold Waves Lifting Natural Gas Prices

Snow Returns To Scotland And Wider Europe

Global Temperature Tumbles

Antarctic Sea Ice Recovery

Severe Cold Hits Pakistan

Florida Set For Record Cold

Snowy November At Red Mountain

U.S. Battered By Cold And Record Snow

Parts Of Ontario Under A Meter Of Snow

Early-December To Deliver Another Burial To Europe
2025-01-09 02:40:09 UTC
Post by AlleyCat
On Wed, 8 Jan 2025 15:28:38 -0800, Alan says...
Post by JTEM
Go fuck yourself.
Run away, little PusseyCat!
2025-01-09 03:28:48 UTC
On Wed, 8 Jan 2025 18:40:09 -0800, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
On Wed, 8 Jan 2025 15:28:38 -0800, Alan says...
Post by JTEM
Go fuck yourself.
Run away, little PusseyCat!
From a stalker pedophile like you?



Alan Baker, The Creepy Internet Stalker!

MuahMan's profile photo
Feb 13, 2008, 12:19:48AM

Yikes. He's spent the last 48 hours researching me.

They should make internet stalking illegal, I think Alan Baker has had
practice researching the little kiddies he likes to molest.

Anyone thinking of hiring this internet stalker Alan Baker from Vancouver,
BC should certainly give him a psych eval. As according to this website
people that

stalk others on the internet more times than not leads to pedophilia. Alan
Baker is obviously bordering on or has become a child predator.


Yikes. If something happens to me please make sure the local, and Canadian
police no that I was being stalked online by Alan Baker, A Macintosh bench
tech from Vancouver, BC.

Please post this every newsgroup so your children know to avoid him and thus
remove themselves from danger.

Alan Baker's profile photo
Alan Baker
Feb 13, 2008, 2:47:35AM

Post by Alan
Yikes. He's spent the last 48 hours researching me.
Nope. I took about 45 minutes.
Post by Alan
They should make internet stalking illegal, I think Alan Baker has had
practice researching the little kiddies he likes to molest.
People whose lives are so public shouldn't say things that could get
them sued.
Post by Alan
Anyone thinking of hiring this internet stalker Alan Baker from Vancouver,
BC should certainly give him a psych eval. As according to this website
people that
stalk others on the internet more times than not leads to pedophilia. Alan
Baker is obviously bordering on or has become a child predator.
Or perhaps I should just inform the IRS about the possessions you've
bragged about to clear up that tax lien...

Did your mother, Patricia, even know that you had a federal tax lien
hanging over your head when she agreed to put you on the deed to her
Post by Alan
Yikes. If something happens to me please make sure the local, and Canadian
police no that I was being stalked online by Alan Baker, A Macintosh bench
tech from Vancouver, BC.
Please post this every newsgroup so your children know to avoid him and thus
remove themselves from danger.
Alan Baker
Vancouver, British Columbia
"If you raise the ceiling four feet, move the fireplace from that wall
to that wall, you'll still only get the full stereophonic effect if you
sit in the bottom of that cupboard."

MuahMan's profile photo
Feb 13, 2008, 2:55:05AM

Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
Yikes. He's spent the last 48 hours researching me.
Nope. I took about 45 minutes.
Post by AlleyCat
They should make internet stalking illegal, I think Alan Baker has had
practice researching the little kiddies he likes to molest.
People whose lives are so public shouldn't say things that could get
them sued.
Hire a lawyer and sue away. Two people can do research you sick perv.
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
Anyone thinking of hiring this internet stalker Alan Baker from
BC should certainly give him a psych eval. As according to this website
people that
stalk others on the internet more times than not leads to pedophilia.
Baker is obviously bordering on or has become a child predator.
Or perhaps I should just inform the IRS about the possessions you've
bragged about to clear up that tax lien...
Post by Alan
Did your mother, Patricia, even know that you had a federal tax lien
hanging over your head when she agreed to put you on the deed to her
Do your parents know you harass elderly people at 1am and threaten to kill
them on the phone?
Seriously get over your obsession with me. Find a hobby and quit spending
day and night worrrying, stalking, and threatening my family.
Keep bothering my family and you'll have another restraining order against
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
Yikes. If something happens to me please make sure the local, and
police no that I was being stalked online by Alan Baker, A Macintosh
tech from Vancouver, BC.
Please post this every newsgroup so your children know to avoid him and
remove themselves from danger.
Alan Baker
Vancouver, British Columbia
"If you raise the ceiling four feet, move the fireplace from that wall
to that wall, you'll still only get the full stereophonic effect if you
sit in the bottom of that cupboard."
Alan Baker's profile photo
Alan Baker
Feb 13, 2008, 2:59:07AM

Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
Yikes. He's spent the last 48 hours researching me.
Nope. I took about 45 minutes.
They should make internet stalking illegal, I think Alan Baker has had
practice researching the little kiddies he likes to molest.
People whose lives are so public shouldn't say things that could get
them sued.
Hire a lawyer and sue away. Two people can do research you sick perv.

I'm sure 'two people" can. You: no.
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
Anyone thinking of hiring this internet stalker Alan Baker from
BC should certainly give him a psych eval. As according to this website
people that
stalk others on the internet more times than not leads to pedophilia.
Baker is obviously bordering on or has become a child predator.
Or perhaps I should just inform the IRS about the possessions you've
bragged about to clear up that tax lien...
Is that an invitation?
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
Did your mother, Patricia, even know that you had a federal tax lien
hanging over your head when she agreed to put you on the deed to her
Do your parents know you harass elderly people at 1am and threaten to kill
them on the phone?
Seriously get over your obsession with me. Find a hobby and quit spending
day and night worrrying, stalking, and threatening my family.
Keep bothering my family and you'll have another restraining order against
I've never bothered anyone, Pratt-fall. Not even you. I've just found
out a few facts.

But say, "Uncle" and I'll stop posting 'em.


MuahMan's profile photo
Feb 13, 2008, 3:05:31AM


"Alan Baker" <***@telus.net> wrote in message news:alangbaker-***@...

I believe that's a website.
I didn't invite you to call my grandparents at all hours of the night that
sure didn't stop you.
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
Did your mother, Patricia, even know that you had a federal tax lien
hanging over your head when she agreed to put you on the deed to her
Do your parents know you harass elderly people at 1am and threaten to
them on the phone?
Seriously get over your obsession with me. Find a hobby and quit spending
day and night worrrying, stalking, and threatening my family.
Keep bothering my family and you'll have another restraining order
I've never bothered anyone, Pratt-fall. Not even you. I've just found
out a few facts.
But say, "Uncle" and I'll stop posting 'em.
You're not capable of bothering me. However when you bother my elderly
grandparents and get family involved you are crossing the line from online
weirdo, to complete psycho that needs help. You even stated it was fun
earlier finding personal information on people online. If your life really
that void. Perhaps instead of souring website after website trying to verify
if I have this motorcycle or that car, or that house you should get involved
in your own life. This sort of behavior has burned you before and left you
so you are unemployable and must work fixing computers for a living. You
should have learned your lesson the first time.

Hey Alan Baker. You trolling fucking cunt.
texas gate
Dec 27, 2023, 8:34:49?PM

Nothing of substance to post in the off season?

You fucking simple, piece of shit, useless, cock sucker.

News's profile photo News
Jan 3, 2024, 2:24:19?PM

You mean 'Dave Royal' ?

Post by Alan
"Dave Royal is Alan Baker and he lives on Mount Stupid"
Post by AlleyCat
There were others but that one had a few to start with for now.
'Andy Burnelli' who started that thread has a familiar style! And it
doesn't mention DroidEdit or a couple of others I've tried over the years
and not preferred such as Simple Text Editor.
This is my _last_ post to "Dave Royal" as he will be plonked (along with
his other nym of Alan Baker and all the other Alan Baker nyms out there).
OT. Please ignore if you care about the subject matter of this thread.
The only _relevant_ information in the post below are these screenshots.
<Loading Image...> Edit plain text files
<Loading Image...> Simple Text Editor shows up
<Loading Image...> Shortcut can be created
<Loading Image...> Shortcut opens as a text file
<Loading Image...> Sometimes it does NOT show up
<Loading Image...> Sometimes it can't SAVE it
<Loading Image...> Simple Text Editor Permissions
<Loading Image...> WriterP Permissions
Now back to the "Dave Royal" (aka Alan Baker) response...
<Loading Image...>
Some people try to add value in every post.
Others subtract it in every post.
In decades on Usenet, I've only plonked a handful of people who _can't_ add
value such as Snit, Dustin Cook, Sn!pe, and every nym of Alan Baker (of
which Dave Royal is but one - where there are so many I can't count them).
The nyms are OK, as with my newsreader setup, I don't even see who posts
unless I look - which is kind of like Trump words - where I don't look up
what he said unless someone tells me and I say "did he really say that?).
Point being, nothing from Dave Royal adds value (as he's Alan Baker).
In fact, Dave Royal _subtracts_ vale (aka Alan Baker) in every post.
Even if he's not Alan Baker - he has the same IQ of about 40 (which is why
he loudly proclaims to the world that he is an utter genius when he finally
figures out what was never hidden from anyone - except from dumb robots).
It irks me that people this incredibly stupid, actually exist - which is
exactly why the Mount Stupid graphs exist - which fits the iKooks well.
<Loading Image...>
Jesus Christ. Every time these low-IQ iKooks have nothing to say, they say
it. Dave Royal _is_ Alan Baker who _is_ Jack_Of_All_Trades_Master_of_None
childish kindergarten attempts at "outing" what they think they're geniuses
at, but which only proves they live squarely atop the D-K Mount Stupid.
*These strange low-IQ uneducated ignorant iKooks live squarely atop Mount Stupid*
If it takes an _adult_ more than five seconds to figure out my posts, then
they're idiots because the only purpose of the random headers is privacy
from robots - which these ignorant uneducated iKooks can't comprehend.
For God's sake, when I post a thousand screenshots to the Windows newsgroup
that have the _exact same screen_, how long can it take an idiot like you?
<Loading Image...> Windows browsers
<Loading Image...> No cortana search icon
<Loading Image...> Menus are just folders
<Loading Image...> Menu comments displayed
<Loading Image...> Comments can be changed
<Loading Image...> (deleted)
<Loading Image...> Hierarchies should match
<Loading Image...> One web browser per task
<Loading Image...> Need to organize os
How many of these does a normal person take to figure it out?
One right? Two maybe?
But iKooks? It takes them a thousand. Two thousand. Three thousand.
And then they declare that they're a "genius" for figuring it out.
When it was never hidden.
Who is that stupid?
Hell, I post a thousand screenshots to the Android newsgroup like this,
and it takes more than a thousand for you to claim you're a genius?
<https://i.postimg.cc/nVWkJT35/text01.jpg> Edit plain text files
<https://i.postimg.cc/j5dkpx5j/text02.jpg> Simple Text Editor shows up
<https://i.postimg.cc/0jzXNV7R/text03.jpg> Shortcut can be created
<https://i.postimg.cc/4yjLHp1K/text04.jpg> Shortcut opens as a text file
<https://i.postimg.cc/mDX6Rvzy/text05.jpg> Sometimes it does NOT show up
<https://i.postimg.cc/L6rwJFyy/text06.jpg> Sometimes it can't SAVE it
<https://i.postimg.cc/KzbPK6vB/text07.jpg> Simple Text Editor Permissions
<https://i.postimg.cc/50mw8s6G/text08.jpg> WriterP Permissions
I even post a thousand screenshots to the child-like Apple newsgroups,
where only the child-like Apple religious iKooks claim that they're a
genius for "finally figuring out" what was never hidden in the 1st place.
<Loading Image...> Apple _forces_ a log in!
<Loading Image...> 3 iOS 16.7.3 nag items
<Loading Image...> 2 iOS 16.7.3 nag items
<Loading Image...> 1 Update Apple ID settings
It doesn't occur to these fantastically ignorant iKooks that the
screenshots are the same, year after year, for thousands of them.
Who is _that_ stupid?
Nobody right?
Except the iKooks are.
They're so stupid, they don't even know how stupid they really are.
Post by AlleyCat
croy: there are loads of them. Just search playstore for 'text editor' and
try a few. Or FDroid or whatever you get apps from.
That's something only an idiot would say, which is why Alan Baker said it.
It means you don't know the first thing about Android text editors, Alan.
That's because you live on Mount Stupid.
It irks me that people this incredibly stupid, actually exist - which is
exactly why the Mount Stupid graphs exist - which fits the iKooks well.
Alan's profile photo
Jan 3, 2024, 3:31:33?PM
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
Nothing of substance to post in the off season?
You fucking simple, piece of shit,
useless, cock sucker.
You mean 'Dave Royal' ?
And you believe this?

texas gate's profile photo
texas gate
Jan 3, 2024, 3:51:25?PM
Post by Alan
And you believe this?
Alan Baker, The Creepy Internet Stalker!

MuahMan's profile photo
Feb 13, 2008, 12:19:48AM

Yikes. He's spent the last 48 hours researching me.

They should make internet stalking illegal, I think Alan Baker has had
practice researching the little kiddies he likes to molest.

Anyone thinking of hiring this internet stalker Alan Baker from Vancouver,
BC should certainly give him a psych eval. As according to this website
people that

stalk others on the internet more times than not leads to pedophilia. Alan
Baker is obviously bordering on or has become a child predator.


Yikes. If something happens to me please make sure the local, and Canadian
police no that I was being stalked online by Alan Baker, A Macintosh bench
tech from Vancouver, BC.

Please post this every newsgroup so your children know to avoid him and thus
remove themselves from danger.

Alan Baker's profile photo
Alan Baker
Feb 13, 2008, 2:47:35AM

Post by Alan
Yikes. He's spent the last 48 hours researching me.
Nope. I took about 45 minutes.
Post by Alan
They should make internet stalking illegal, I think Alan Baker has had
practice researching the little kiddies he likes to molest.
People whose lives are so public shouldn't say things that could get
them sued.
Post by Alan
Anyone thinking of hiring this internet stalker Alan Baker from Vancouver,
BC should certainly give him a psych eval. As according to this website
people that
stalk others on the internet more times than not leads to pedophilia. Alan
Baker is obviously bordering on or has become a child predator.
Or perhaps I should just inform the IRS about the possessions you've
bragged about to clear up that tax lien...

Did your mother, Patricia, even know that you had a federal tax lien
hanging over your head when she agreed to put you on the deed to her
Post by Alan
Yikes. If something happens to me please make sure the local, and Canadian
police no that I was being stalked online by Alan Baker, A Macintosh bench
tech from Vancouver, BC.
Please post this every newsgroup so your children know to avoid him and thus
remove themselves from danger.
Alan Baker
Vancouver, British Columbia
"If you raise the ceiling four feet, move the fireplace from that wall
to that wall, you'll still only get the full stereophonic effect if you
sit in the bottom of that cupboard."

MuahMan's profile photo
Feb 13, 2008, 2:55:05AM

Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
Yikes. He's spent the last 48 hours researching me.
Nope. I took about 45 minutes.
Post by AlleyCat
They should make internet stalking illegal, I think Alan Baker has had
practice researching the little kiddies he likes to molest.
People whose lives are so public shouldn't say things that could get
them sued.
Hire a lawyer and sue away. Two people can do research you sick perv.
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
Anyone thinking of hiring this internet stalker Alan Baker from
BC should certainly give him a psych eval. As according to this website
people that
stalk others on the internet more times than not leads to pedophilia.
Baker is obviously bordering on or has become a child predator.
Or perhaps I should just inform the IRS about the possessions you've
bragged about to clear up that tax lien...
Post by Alan
Did your mother, Patricia, even know that you had a federal tax lien
hanging over your head when she agreed to put you on the deed to her
Do your parents know you harass elderly people at 1am and threaten to kill
them on the phone?
Seriously get over your obsession with me. Find a hobby and quit spending
day and night worrrying, stalking, and threatening my family.
Keep bothering my family and you'll have another restraining order against
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
Yikes. If something happens to me please make sure the local, and
police no that I was being stalked online by Alan Baker, A Macintosh
tech from Vancouver, BC.
Please post this every newsgroup so your children know to avoid him and
remove themselves from danger.
Alan Baker
Vancouver, British Columbia
"If you raise the ceiling four feet, move the fireplace from that wall
to that wall, you'll still only get the full stereophonic effect if you
sit in the bottom of that cupboard."
Alan Baker's profile photo
Alan Baker
Feb 13, 2008, 2:59:07AM

Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
Yikes. He's spent the last 48 hours researching me.
Nope. I took about 45 minutes.
They should make internet stalking illegal, I think Alan Baker has had
practice researching the little kiddies he likes to molest.
People whose lives are so public shouldn't say things that could get
them sued.
Hire a lawyer and sue away. Two people can do research you sick perv.

I'm sure 'two people" can. You: no.
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
Anyone thinking of hiring this internet stalker Alan Baker from
BC should certainly give him a psych eval. As according to this website
people that
stalk others on the internet more times than not leads to pedophilia.
Baker is obviously bordering on or has become a child predator.
Or perhaps I should just inform the IRS about the possessions you've
bragged about to clear up that tax lien...
Is that an invitation?
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
Did your mother, Patricia, even know that you had a federal tax lien
hanging over your head when she agreed to put you on the deed to her
Do your parents know you harass elderly people at 1am and threaten to kill
them on the phone?
Seriously get over your obsession with me. Find a hobby and quit spending
day and night worrrying, stalking, and threatening my family.
Keep bothering my family and you'll have another restraining order against
I've never bothered anyone, Pratt-fall. Not even you. I've just found
out a few facts.

But say, "Uncle" and I'll stop posting 'em.


MuahMan's profile photo
Feb 13, 2008, 3:05:31AM


"Alan Baker" <***@telus.net> wrote in message news:alangbaker-***@...

I believe that's a website.
I didn't invite you to call my grandparents at all hours of the night that
sure didn't stop you.
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
Did your mother, Patricia, even know that you had a federal tax lien
hanging over your head when she agreed to put you on the deed to her
Do your parents know you harass elderly people at 1am and threaten to
them on the phone?
Seriously get over your obsession with me. Find a hobby and quit spending
day and night worrrying, stalking, and threatening my family.
Keep bothering my family and you'll have another restraining order
I've never bothered anyone, Pratt-fall. Not even you. I've just found
out a few facts.
But say, "Uncle" and I'll stop posting 'em.
You're not capable of bothering me. However when you bother my elderly
grandparents and get family involved you are crossing the line from online
weirdo, to complete psycho that needs help. You even stated it was fun
earlier finding personal information on people online. If your life really
that void. Perhaps instead of souring website after website trying to verify
if I have this motorcycle or that car, or that house you should get involved
in your own life. This sort of behavior has burned you before and left you
so you are unemployable and must work fixing computers for a living. You
should have learned your lesson the first time.
2025-01-09 03:40:35 UTC
Post by Alan
Post by JTEM
Yes. Of course I could. But I don't need to because you don't
care. If you did, you could have just Googled:  Whales harmed
by noise.
So do so.
You're proving my point: You don't give a fuck. You honestly are
messed in the head, pretending you're somehow "Smart" for
contradicting and pretending you're arguing.

Seriously. Open up Google and type in: Whales harmed by sound

That's it.

See if you can manage THAT. Go ahead.
2025-01-09 03:48:52 UTC
On Wed, 8 Jan 2025 22:40:35 -0500, JTEM says...
Post by JTEM
Post by Alan
Post by JTEM
Yes. Of course I could. But I don't need to because you don't
care. If you did, you could have just Googled:  Whales harmed
by noise.
So do so.
You're proving my point: You don't give a fuck.
He doesn't. He's not here to "set the truth straight"... he's here to troll.
Post by JTEM
You honestly are
messed in the head, pretending you're somehow "Smart" for
contradicting and pretending you're arguing.
Seriously. Open up Google and type in: Whales harmed by sound
He will, but he won't admit it, because that would mean he's wrong, and with HIS low self-esteem, we might not see him for a week, while he hides out
under his bed because GASP... he was proven wrong.
Post by JTEM
That's it.
See if you can manage THAT. Go ahead.
Don't expect anything other than a not so smart quip that's to pithy to matter.



Rare Snow Sweeps Sahara Desert

Europe Plunges Below -30C (-22F), Sees Heavy Snow

U.S. Endures Record Cold

Rare Tashkurgan Snow

Global Temperature Nudges Lower

Thailand Freezes

Record Snow In Japan

Parts Of Morocco See Snow For First Time In 50 Years

Cattle Futures Hit Record High Amid Looming Arctic Blast

Three-Day Snow Warning For UK

Extreme Snowfall Paralyzes Northern Norway

Siberia Nears -60c (-76f)

Record Snows For Uttarakhand

"Dangerous Cold"

Snow Reaches Athens

Delhi Plunges

U.S. To Freeze

Arctic Ice Up 26%

Dal Lake Freezes Over

Extreme Snow Roundup

Antarctic Sea Ice Recovering Quite Nicely, Thank You

Murcia's Record Lows

Red Alert In Bidar Amid India's Cold Wave

Italian Alps Hit -31.1c (-24f)

U.S. Cold-Deaths Double Since 1999-The Establishment Blames Global Warming

Japan's Record-Breaking Snowfall

BBC Still Pushing Polar Bear Propaganda

White Christmas For Europe

Bengaluru's Record Cold

Xinjiang Plummets To Record -42.5c

Antarctic Sea Ice Extent Higher Now Than In 1979

Bhopal Breaks 58-Year Record

Vostok At -40c (Again)

The Truth About Iceberg A-68

Extreme Cold And Heavy Snow Slam Finland

Europe Wind Power A "Shit Situation," Says Minister

Winter Weather Grips U.S.

India Reels

Vostok Below -40c

Snow Hits Malaga, Spain

Cold Wave Sweeps Pakistan

Canadian Prairies Near -40c

Texans Warned Of "Extreme Cold"

Antarctic Sea Ice Nearing 1979-1990 Average

"Excellent" Early-Season Snow Across The Alps

Delhi's Record Cold

Chilly Waters Stun Record Number Of Turtles

Record Cold Grips Indore

Asia Chills

Record Snowfall In Midwest

Another Round Of Arctic Air To Hit Much Of North America

Mumbai's Lowest Temp In A Decade

Northern Hemisphere Cold

Russia In The Freezer

India Chills

Northern India's Big Freeze Intensifies

Cold Wave Enters Vietnam

Freezing Lows And Heavy Snows Hit U.S., More To Come

Kashmir Freezes At -18c (-0.4f)

Below Average Antarctic Plateau

Another Round Of Lake-Effect Snow

Cold Waves Lifting Natural Gas Prices

Snow Returns To Scotland And Wider Europe

Global Temperature Tumbles

Antarctic Sea Ice Recovery

Severe Cold Hits Pakistan

Florida Set For Record Cold

Snowy November At Red Mountain

U.S. Battered By Cold And Record Snow

Parts Of Ontario Under A Meter Of Snow

Early-December To Deliver Another Burial To Europe
2025-01-09 19:49:17 UTC
Post by Alan
Post by JTEM
Yes. Of course I could. But I don't need to because you don't
care. If you did, you could have just Googled:  Whales harmed
by noise.
So do so.
You're proving my point:  You don't give a fuck. You honestly are
messed in the head, pretending you're somehow "Smart" for
contradicting and pretending you're arguing.
Seriously. Open up Google and type in:  Whales harmed by sound
That's it.
See if you can manage THAT. Go ahead.
YOU are making the claim, so YOU do it.

Give me your best source.
2025-01-10 00:44:43 UTC
Post by Alan
YOU are making the claim
I'm not making any claim. I said you don't give a shit and
I DEMONSTRATED THAT FACT. You want to argue. You want to
be "On the right side." You don't give a fuck what reality
is. Do you think anyone has to tell me or ANYONE who cares
to Google something? Why would we wait until someone else
provides us a cite? We know how to find information AND WE

You don't. THAT is what I was doing. I was proving that you're
a chicken shit little troll who honestly doesn't care and
just thinks he's "Rad" for arguing.
2025-01-10 01:02:01 UTC
Post by JTEM
Post by Alan
YOU are making the claim
I'm not making any claim. I said you don't give a shit and
I DEMONSTRATED THAT FACT. You want to argue. You want to
be "On the right side." You don't give a fuck what reality
is. Do you think anyone has to tell me or ANYONE who cares
to Google something? Why would we wait until someone else
provides us a cite? We know how to find information AND WE
You don't. THAT is what I was doing. I was proving that you're
a chicken shit little troll who honestly doesn't care and
just thinks he's "Rad" for arguing.
I want those who make claims...

(in this case, some one claiming "Trump was 100% correct")

...need to support those claims.
2025-01-10 02:44:20 UTC
On Thu, 9 Jan 2025 17:02:01 -0800, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by JTEM
You don't. THAT is what I was doing. I was proving that you're
a chicken shit little troll who honestly doesn't care and
just thinks he's "Rad" for arguing.
I want those who make claims...
Run away little boy coward game-player.


Why Do People With Narcissistic Personality Disorder Play Games?

At times, it may appear that the goal of someone living with NPD is to get their needs met, which may involve other people who consciously and
unconsciously help them achieve that end, says Dena DiNardo, PhD, a clinical psychologist in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

"These 'games' are strategic manipulations," she adds. "Often, they're completely unconscious. People having trouble with this level of narcissism
are usually in such deep pain that their ability to empathetically connect with the pain of others is low."

What games do people with narcissistic personality disorder play?

Those who live with NPD often HAVE LOW SELF-ESTEEM.

As a result, many games they play may revolve around maintaining a sense of control, so they don't have to be confronted with the shame that they may
feel inside.

This is why Ski Bunny can't post his own shit.

"People with narcissistic personality disorder tend to use strategies to gain power and control over the individual in order to assert superiority
and/or dominance over them," says Rahmah Albugami, a licensed professional counselor in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. "In this way, they get their needs

Poor Ski Bunny. :-(

Some common games someone with narcissistic personality disorder might engage in include:

blame shifting
playing the victim

While these games may be common for someone with NPD, not everyone who plays them will have this condition or another personality disorder.

How can you recognize when games are being played?

Becoming more familiar with these games may help you spot them in action and set appropriate personal boundaries.


Gaslighting refers to denying the truth of a situation as you saw or heard it, which can confuse your sense of reality. They may be trying to avoid
getting caught for something by turning it back around on you.

"One of the most common things to look out for are if you're constantly questioning yourself," says Albugami.


Having a fragile sense of self is not uncommon for someone with NPD.

If you call them out on their behaviors, it may create a narcissistic rage or injury. Rather than sit with the difficult emotion and self-reflect,
they may instead externalize the agony they feel in the form of revenge.
2025-01-10 03:27:45 UTC
Post by AlleyCat
On Thu, 9 Jan 2025 17:02:01 -0800, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by JTEM
You don't. THAT is what I was doing. I was proving that you're
a chicken shit little troll who honestly doesn't care and
just thinks he's "Rad" for arguing.
I want those who make claims...
Run away little boy coward game-player.
Says the guy who whines "PLONK!"...

...without actually knowing what that means!
2025-01-10 12:01:52 UTC
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
On Thu, 9 Jan 2025 17:02:01 -0800, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by JTEM
You don't. THAT is what I was doing. I was proving that you're
a chicken shit little troll who honestly doesn't care and
just thinks he's "Rad" for arguing.
I want those who make claims...
Run away little boy coward game-player.
Says the guy who whines "PLONK!"...
...without actually knowing what that means!
Do you?
2025-01-10 19:52:09 UTC
On Thu, 9 Jan 2025 19:27:45 -0800, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
Run away little boy coward game-player.
Says the guy who whines "PLONK!"...

Hmmm... first he said he can read the minds of Russian sports officials, NOW he says he can read inflection from words without knowing HOW they were

Since when does an exclamation mark mean "whining"?
Post by Alan
...without actually knowing what that means!
I know EXACTLY what it means.

It means that it bugs the ever-lovin' SHIT out of you.

It has another meaning, but I'll keep THAT one a secret.




Trump WINS!

Donald Trump is the 47th U.S. president, defeating Vice President Kamala Harris.

Republican Donald Trump was elected President of the United States in the 2024 election, defeating Vice President Kamala Harris.

Trump, 78, will begin his second term early next year.

Donald Trump will be inaugurated as the U.S. President on Monday, January 20, 2025, on the West Front of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C.

A Second Trump Administration
2025-01-10 07:21:40 UTC
Nobody cares. You've been exposed as a fraud, a tiny-minded little
excuse for a (f)Lamewarrior.
2025-01-10 07:40:34 UTC
If you don't have Facebook or aren't logged on, click the
x in the top right corner of the box trying to force you
to log in:


EVs suck.

Like *All* Gwobull Warbling "Solutions," they save oil but
do not spare the environment. In fact, they are often far

NOTHING proposed by the AGW scam is capable of resulting in
lower CO2, much less CO2 lower than they claim is enough to
creation AGW. Nothing they ever suggested is capable of
doing so. It all saves oil at the expense of the people who
use the least.
Mitchell Holman
2025-01-10 15:00:30 UTC
Post by JTEM
If you don't have Facebook or aren't logged on, click the
x in the top right corner of the box trying to force you
EVs suck.
Then don't buy one.

Get jacked at a gas station, get your
catalytic converter stolen, be dependant on
Big Oil, your choice.

The Rise in Catalytic Converter Theft
May 29, 2024

Catalytic Converter Thefts Up 400% Since 2019
Oct 13, 2022
2025-01-10 15:27:45 UTC
In article <***@>, ***@aol.com
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by JTEM
If you don't have Facebook or aren't logged on, click the
x in the top right corner of the box trying to force you
EVs suck.
Then don't buy one.
Get jacked at a gas station, get your
catalytic converter stolen, be dependant on
Big Oil, your choice.
You really have nothing but you do try. Gas powered vehicles have been
around a long time. Where does the electricity come from to charge your
Post by Mitchell Holman
The Rise in Catalytic Converter Theft
May 29, 2024
Catalytic Converter Thefts Up 400% Since 2019
Oct 13, 2022
Mitchell Holman
2025-01-10 18:52:10 UTC
Post by AlleyCat
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by JTEM
If you don't have Facebook or aren't logged on, click the
x in the top right corner of the box trying to force you
EVs suck.
Then don't buy one.
Get jacked at a gas station, get your
catalytic converter stolen, be dependant on
Big Oil, your choice.
You really have nothing but you do try. Gas powered vehicles have been
around a long time.
So have car thieves, who will
steal your car but not mine.
Post by AlleyCat
Where does the electricity come from to charge your
From the solar panels on my roof.
I can create my electriciy to power my
car, can you create your own gas to power
YOUR car?
Post by AlleyCat
Post by Mitchell Holman
The Rise in Catalytic Converter Theft
May 29, 2024
Catalytic Converter Thefts Up 400% Since 2019
Oct 13, 2022
Blue Lives Matter
2025-01-10 20:05:37 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by AlleyCat
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by JTEM
If you don't have Facebook or aren't logged on, click the
x in the top right corner of the box trying to force you
EVs suck.
Then don't buy one.
Get jacked at a gas station, get your
catalytic converter stolen, be dependant on
Big Oil, your choice.
You really have nothing but you do try. Gas powered vehicles have been
around a long time.
So have car thieves, who will
steal your car but not mine.
Post by AlleyCat
Where does the electricity come from to charge your
From the solar panels on my roof.
I can create my electriciy to power my
car, can you create your own gas to power
YOUR car?
Hollowhead wants people to believe that he has an electric car and
solar panels on his roof. I'm more inclined to believe his only mode
of transportation is his group home's short bus.
Siri Cruise
2025-01-10 20:58:35 UTC
Post by Blue Lives Matter
Hollowhead wants people to believe that he has an electric car and
solar panels on his roof. I'm more inclined to believe his only mode
of transportation is his group home's short bus.
What a devastation in logick.
Siri Seal of Disavowal #000-001. Disavowed. Denied. @
'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' /|\
The Church of the Holey Apple .signature 3.2 / \
of Discordian Mysteries. This post insults Islam. Mohamed
2025-01-10 21:09:48 UTC
Post by Blue Lives Matter
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by AlleyCat
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by JTEM
If you don't have Facebook or aren't logged on, click the
x in the top right corner of the box trying to force you
EVs suck.
Then don't buy one.
Get jacked at a gas station, get your
catalytic converter stolen, be dependant on
Big Oil, your choice.
You really have nothing but you do try. Gas powered vehicles have been
around a long time.
So have car thieves, who will
steal your car but not mine.
Post by AlleyCat
Where does the electricity come from to charge your
From the solar panels on my roof.
I can create my electriciy to power my
car, can you create your own gas to power
YOUR car?
Hollowhead wants people to believe that he has an electric car and
solar panels on his roof. I'm more inclined to believe his only mode
of transportation is his group home's short bus.
He spends 24/7 looking up bullshit to post. No time for a job.
Governor Swill
2025-01-12 00:52:40 UTC
On Fri, 10 Jan 2025 15:05:37 -0500, Blue Lives Matter
Post by Blue Lives Matter
Hollowhead wants people to believe that he has an electric car and
solar panels on his roof. I'm more inclined to believe his only mode
of transportation is his group home's short bus.
Speaking of the short bus - I'm moving all the assholes to it today.
Chris Ahlstrom
2025-01-12 11:50:07 UTC
Post by Governor Swill
On Fri, 10 Jan 2025 15:05:37 -0500, Blue Lives Matter
Post by Blue Lives Matter
Hollowhead wants people to believe that he has an electric car and
solar panels on his roof. I'm more inclined to believe his only mode
of transportation is his group home's short bus.
Speaking of the short bus - I'm moving all the assholes to it today.
That's a hella lotta work, there's so many of them.
Q: How many Californians does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: Five. One to screw in the light bulb and four to share the
experience. (Actually, Californians don't screw in
light bulbs, they screw in hot tubs.)
Q: How many Oregonians does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: Three. One to screw in the light bulb and two to fend off all
those Californians trying to share the experience.
Governor Swill
2025-01-13 20:27:10 UTC
Post by Chris Ahlstrom
Post by Governor Swill
On Fri, 10 Jan 2025 15:05:37 -0500, Blue Lives Matter
Post by Blue Lives Matter
Hollowhead wants people to believe that he has an electric car and
solar panels on his roof. I'm more inclined to believe his only mode
of transportation is his group home's short bus.
Speaking of the short bus - I'm moving all the assholes to it today.
That's a hella lotta work, there's so many of them.
Two clicks each. I'll rub some Bengay on my finger later. :)
Governor Swill
2025-01-13 20:33:35 UTC
Post by Chris Ahlstrom
Q: How many Californians does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: Five. One to screw in the light bulb and four to share the
experience. (Actually, Californians don't screw in
light bulbs, they screw in hot tubs.)
Q: How many Oregonians does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: Three. One to screw in the light bulb and two to fend off all
those Californians trying to share the experience.
Q: How many drag queens does it take to change a light bulb?

A: Two. One to mix the drinks and one to call the electrician.

NP: Rob Thomas - Now Comes The Night (live)

2025-01-10 21:07:08 UTC
In article <***@>, ***@aol.com
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by AlleyCat
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by JTEM
If you don't have Facebook or aren't logged on, click the
x in the top right corner of the box trying to force you
EVs suck.
Then don't buy one.
Get jacked at a gas station, get your
catalytic converter stolen, be dependant on
Big Oil, your choice.
You really have nothing but you do try. Gas powered vehicles have been
around a long time.
So have car thieves, who will
steal your car but not mine.
Even a crackhead knows it's a piece of shit.
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by AlleyCat
Where does the electricity come from to charge your
From the solar panels on my roof.
I can create my electriciy to power my
car, can you create your own gas to power
YOUR car?
So everyone doesn't have solar panels idiot. I'm guessing you don't
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by AlleyCat
Post by Mitchell Holman
The Rise in Catalytic Converter Theft
May 29, 2024
Catalytic Converter Thefts Up 400% Since 2019
Oct 13, 2022
2025-01-10 23:00:54 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
So have car thieves, who will
steal your car but not mine.
On the bright side, as all that lithium leaches out of the
batteries it may help to balance your mind, nudge you to
2025-01-10 22:28:07 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by JTEM
If you don't have Facebook or aren't logged on, click the
x in the top right corner of the box trying to force you
EVs suck.
Then don't buy one.
Then STOP the subsidies!

If they had simply mandated a natural gas pump at every gas station,
all our most polluted cities would already be cleaner! People would
choose a simple, workable solution. But instead maggots tax the
crap out of everyone to hand money to those who can afford to spend
money on EVs, PLUS all the subsidies for the chargers needed, PLUS
we have to deal with the strain on the already strained power grid...

Why are asswipes reinventing the wheel?
Mitchell Holman
2025-01-11 02:53:37 UTC
Post by JTEM
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by JTEM
If you don't have Facebook or aren't logged on, click the
x in the top right corner of the box trying to force you
EVs suck.
Then don't buy one.
Then STOP the subsidies!

"Fossil fuel subsidies are energy subsidies
on fossil fuels, and in 2023 totalled over
1 trillion US dollars"
Post by JTEM
If they had simply mandated
I thought you guys were opposed to
"big government mandates".
Post by JTEM
a natural gas pump at every gas station,
all our most polluted cities would already be cleaner! People would
choose a simple, workable solution.
Do YOU drive an LNG or CNG car?
Post by JTEM
But instead maggots tax the
crap out of everyone to hand money to those who can afford to spend
money on EVs, PLUS all the subsidies for the chargers needed, PLUS
we have to deal with the strain on the already strained power grid...
Why are asswipes reinventing the wheel?
So instead of paying whatever Big Oil charges
for gasoline you will be paying whatever Big Oil
charges for natural gas.

You consider that an improvement why, again?
2025-01-11 06:26:26 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
"Fossil fuel subsidies are
Did you ever read some of the "Subsidies" claims they make
against fossil fuels, chased all the sources? They don't
mean it. They say that the fact that fossil fuels aren't
tax to pay for non-existing Gwobull Warbling is a subsidy.

Taxes on energy are hyper regressive. They hurt the people
at the bottom -- the "Bottom" 80 to 90% that is -- WAY out
of proportion to the rich. It's an incredibly stupid, neo
feudalistic solution to a non-existing problem.

If you want to pretend we're in a crisis, enact RATIONING
and only then if CEOs and billions (including people like
Elon Musk & Jeff Bezos) get the exact same ration as everyone

We are in this together or we are victims of the evil
billionaire class.

Damn. I'm so old I can remember when liberals and leftists
cared far more about the poor and working class than they
did about the self imposed elite...

You're fucked up. Brained? Probably just trolling.
2025-01-10 08:59:09 UTC
Post by JTEM
Nobody cares. You've been exposed as a fraud, a tiny-minded little
excuse for a (f)Lamewarrior.
So this is you... ...not caring?

2025-01-10 12:18:24 UTC
Post by Alan
Post by JTEM
Nobody cares. You've been exposed as a fraud, a tiny-minded little
excuse for a (f)Lamewarrior.
So this is you... ...not caring?
and here is you not being able to "not respond".
2025-01-10 19:52:10 UTC
On Fri, 10 Jan 2025 05:18:24 -0700, Skeeter says...
Post by Skeeter
Post by Alan
and here is you not being able to "not respond".
LOL... nailed it/him.

Hence, this...

Alan's Low Self Esteem FORCES Him To Reply, Even When There's NOTHING To Reply TO

"YOU... get the last word? Never. My self-esteem needs boosting, and I think I'm the smartest nerd, since Stephen Hawking died, so..." - Ski Bunny

This Is Why Alan Can't Admit He's Wrong

They say it takes a big person to admit their mistakes, but for Alan, saying he's wrong feels impossible.

But why does Alan do it? We've asked psychologist Dr. Tim Sharp, chief happiness officer at The Happiness Institute, to explain:

They think being wrong means they're unworthy - Yup... Low-Self-Esteem

For Alan, conceding that he's fallible can evoke a deep psychological anxiety regarding 'the risks or the consequences associated with loss or
failure," says Sharp.

"I think the reason Alan can't apologize isn't actually because he doesn't like to be wrong, but because it's seen as an inherent character fault,"
he explains.

Sharp says that for non-apologists, the irrational need to always be "perfect" rules their ego and they feel their screw-ups are unforgivable.

"The difficulty in admitting failure largely comes from the unrealistic expectation that 'I should get it right all the time, or not even try or make
it seem as if I am'" he says.

Alan Thinks Never Admitting Fault Makes Him Look Stronger

For Alan, appearing wrong is congruent to appearing weak, but Sharp says they could not be more wrong, because a good leader admits their mistakes.

"There's some actually very interesting research that leaders who express vulnerability and are more open to being fallible tend to be more highly
regarded," the expert explains.

"This makes sense because if someone is saying, 'I'm 100 percent perfect, I'm 100 percent right all the time,' that's pretty hard to believe," says
the psychologist.

(But, THAT'S Ski Bunny)

"I'd find it hard to trust that person because there's no one I know 100 percent perfect.

Whereas if Alan would say, 'You know, I'm going to do my best but I'll make mistakes sometimes, I'll get it wrong, I'm sorry but I'll try to fix
it,'... to me, that's more believable. I'd be more trusting of that sort of person."

They Don't Value The Truth

(NO liberal does... THAT'S their M.O.)

For Alan, the fact is he "doesn't necessarily value truth and honesty," says Sharp.

"While I personally value truth and honesty, what I've come to learn, which I find hard to understand but it's just a reality, is that Alan doesn't
value those things as highly as me," says Sharp.

Taking political discussion as an example, the expert says Alan, who eats up "fake news" propaganda, doesn't value facts. When it comes to the truth,
the expert warns that Alan "will literally say, 'I don't really care.'"

"Alan doesn't care about it because he values other aspects of what they're perceiving much more," he says.

Citing the upsurge of alt-left political movements around the world, Sharp says how Alan approaches a situation will often reveal whether facts or
feelings will influence them more.

" will look for facts and information and data and make their decisions accordingly," he explains. "Other people make their decisions
based on much more emotion. Now the problem comes when you try to talk logic to an emotional person because it just won't wear... you're talking
different languages.
2025-01-11 06:29:37 UTC
Are you such a pussy you can't even bear to admit things to yourself?

You're a fraud. I exposed you. Borrow some manhood and accept the
2025-01-11 08:15:30 UTC
Post by JTEM
Are you such a pussy you can't even bear to admit things to yourself?
You're a fraud. I exposed you. Borrow some manhood and accept the
2025-01-10 12:01:11 UTC
Post by Alan
Post by JTEM
Post by Alan
YOU are making the claim
I'm not making any claim. I said you don't give a shit and
I DEMONSTRATED THAT FACT. You want to argue. You want to
be "On the right side." You don't give a fuck what reality
is. Do you think anyone has to tell me or ANYONE who cares
to Google something? Why would we wait until someone else
provides us a cite? We know how to find information AND WE
You don't. THAT is what I was doing. I was proving that you're
a chicken shit little troll who honestly doesn't care and
just thinks he's "Rad" for arguing.
I want those who make claims...
(in this case, some one claiming "Trump was 100% correct")
...need to support those claims.
Says the moron that runs and snips.

No one cares what YOU want.
Siri Cruise
2025-01-09 00:44:18 UTC
Post by Alan
Post by JTEM
Post by Alan
You're once again imagining that reality is decide by polls.
Odd you should say this when you know for a fact that windmills
create a lot of noise, and one of the problems whales face is
noise, yet conclude that windmills have no ill effects on
Can you produce any authoritative source that cites this as an issue?
Some of it can. Navy sonar is known to hurt whales, so USN avoids
sonar around whales if it can. The measured sound of ship
propellers is known to match to long range whale song reducing
clarity of whales, but nothing is done because we have no cheap

Coastal windfarms are located in many parts of worlds. No one has
produced any correlation between windmills and dead whales.

New Jersey? Maybe Snooki escaped captivity and made it to the
Siri Seal of Disavowal #000-001. Disavowed. Denied. @
'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' /|\
The Church of the Holey Apple .signature 3.2 / \
of Discordian Mysteries. This post insults Islam. Mohamed
2025-01-08 03:31:31 UTC
On Mon, 6 Jan 2025 09:48:36 -0800, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
Trump to Joe Rogan: Windmills are killing the whales, it's horrible.
The left: Trump is a liar, windmills wouldn't do that. We need the windmills for cLiMaTe ChAnGe
The truth. Trump was 100% correct
Because "Johnny Midnight" is a cetacean expert?
Show us EXACTLY where "Johnny Midnight" said HE was an expert. You quote sites that say this or that, does that make YOU an "expert" on any of those?


See? You can't refute anything, so you focus on shit that doesn't matter.


Show us EXACTLY where "Johnny Midnight" said HE was an expert.

Trump to Joe Rogan: Windmills are killing the whales, it's horrible.

The left: Trump is a liar, windmills wouldn't do that. We need the windmills for cLiMaTe ChAnGe

The truth. Trump was 100% correct



You don't HAVE to be an "expert" to report what others are saying...

... faggot.


Because news agencies are all cetacean experts?

What's Killing Whales Off The Northeast Coast? It's Not Wind Farm Projects - CNN

"Save The Whales" Was A Shining Success. Now Can Humpbacks Save Us From Ourselves? - CNN

Editor of Scientific Journal Says Fake Study Linking Whale Deaths To Wind Farms Is "Deliberate Misinformation" - ABCNews

Risk To Endangered Southern Right And Blue Whales From Offshore Wind Farms Largely Unknown, Researchers Say - ABC Australia

Why Ron Johnson Suggested Windmills Are Killing Whales - MSNBC

Fact-Checking Donald Trump's Claim That Wind Turbines Kill Whales - BBC


Gay Narcissistic Personality Disorder And Gay Alan

Gay Narcissistic personality disorder is a condition often erroneously mistaken for overconfidence or conceitedness.

Sufferers will often monopolize conversations, BELITTLE OTHERS, freely express their sense of SUPERIORITY and ENTITLEMENT and BECOME DEPRESSED, ANGRY
and ABUSIVE in the face of perceived criticism which raises feelings of insecurity and shame.

There is a theory that gay men, like Alan, may be particularly susceptible to narcissistic personality disorder(BINGO!), as a result of subconscious
feelings of intense inadequacy, for which narcissism is an over-compensation.

Counseling for gay men can offer the opportunity to discuss and resolve these issues. Unresolved, the symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder
can have serious consequences, in terms of failure to form meaningful relationships, build friendships, develop careers and...


Common indicators

Criteria for diagnosing narcissistic personality disorder are generally considered to be an exaggerated sense of self-importance, feeling superior
and expecting to be considered superior by others, exaggerating achievements, fantasizing about spectacular successes, demanding constant admiration
and compliance, taking advantage of others while struggling to recognize their needs and feelings, believing they are envied by others and generally
behaving arrogantly. Psychotherapy and counseling for gay men, like Alan, can help open the process of exploring issues that underlie these

When to seek help

Often people experiencing narcissistic personality disorder put off seeking clinical intervention. Their erroneous self-perception as powerful and
perfect isolates them from others including medical professionals, and they generally only seek treatment when they experience associated symptoms of
depression, as a result of perceived slights or rejections with which they struggle to cope.

Early medical intervention

If you recognize personality traits that are common to narcissistic personality disorder, or you're experiencing depression, anxiety or a disabling
sadness, you should consider contacting your own doctor to discuss these feelings and related concerns, or contacting an experienced counselor or
psychiatrist in London who may be able to offer insight, perspective and the counseling that allows you to confront this life-limiting condition.
Getting appropriate treatment could make your life more rewarding and enjoyable.
2025-01-08 03:52:29 UTC
Post by AlleyCat
On Mon, 6 Jan 2025 09:48:36 -0800, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
Trump to Joe Rogan: Windmills are killing the whales, it's
The left: Trump is a liar, windmills wouldn't do that. We need
the windmills for cLiMaTe ChAnGe
The truth. Trump was 100% correct
Because "Johnny Midnight" is a cetacean expert?
Show us EXACTLY where "Johnny Midnight" said HE was an expert. You
quote sites that say this or that, does that make YOU an "expert" on
any of those?
You have that the wrong way around.

YOU are quoting him as if his opinion is valuable.
2025-01-08 06:12:07 UTC
On Tue, 7 Jan 2025 19:52:29 -0800, Alan says...
Post by Alan
YOU are quoting him as if his opinion is valuable.
YOU have that the wrong way around.

YOU are quoting me as if I'm saying his opinion is valuable.

That's not how it works, faggot.

Show us where I SAID "Johnny Midnight's" opinion is valuable.

You can't fucking win, faggot... especially when you go off the rails and talk about those who post OTHERS' words, pictures and videos, who DO happen
to be the experts YOU are not.

Can't refute... failure faggot.

These ARE whale experts (CNN are NOT):

"1000% that is the boat... dead stop. I saw another whale had washed up. It's becoming a pattern. Is it the windmills? Is it the pounding of the sea
floor? How many whales is it going to take? There aren't many places where the North Atlantic right whale can go. It's destined to extinction. It
sounds something like they're (unintelligible) pile drive. What the United States is looking at is thousands of wind turbines in an area that our
whales, are dolphins, our marine life, where they live, where they migrate, where they breed. It's only when they started going East into the wind-
lease areas, that we believe that the whales are dying. So those red dots are whale deaths. Precisely. What a scandal."


Those people STUDY whales.

CNN does NOT.



The UN Makes it Official: Global Warming Hysteria Is All About Redistributing Wealth

UN IPCC Official Admits "We Redistribute World's Wealth By Climate Policy"

Global Study Reveals Wealth Redistribution From Blue-Carbon Ecosystems

Failed Climate Policies Are About Wealth Redistribution

"We Redistribute De Facto The World's Wealth By Climate Policy."

How Global Warming Has Made The Rich Richer

The U.N.'s Global Warming War On Capitalism: An Important History Lesson

The Doha Wealth Redistribution Process Moves On

UN Official Admits That Climate Change Used As A Ruse To Control The World's Economy

"Unequal Distribution of Wealth and Power" Causes Climate Change

U.N. Official Reveals Real Reason Behind Warming Scare

Another Climate Alarmist Admits Real Motive Behind Warming Scare

United Nations Official Admits the Purpose of the Global Warming Hoax is to Destroy Capitalism
Mitchell Holman
2025-01-06 19:15:50 UTC
Post by AlleyCat
Arctic Ice Up 26%
I corrected you about
this lie last week and you
are still posting it?




2025-01-06 19:25:34 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
I corrected you about
this lie last week and you
are still posting it?
Reality: The Gwobull Warbling data is fake!

Morons: S'not true! Here's the data! It proves it's real!
2025-01-06 19:28:16 UTC
    I corrected you about
this lie last week and you
are still posting it?
Reality:  The Gwobull Warbling data is fake!
Morons:  S'not true!  Here's the data! It proves it's real!
On the day Trump got elected over 50 million snowflakes melted at once.
2025-01-06 19:38:13 UTC
Post by Beavis
    I corrected you about
this lie last week and you
are still posting it?
Reality:  The Gwobull Warbling data is fake!
Morons:  S'not true!  Here's the data! It proves it's real!
On the day Trump got elected over 50 million snowflakes melted at once.
2025-01-06 19:44:29 UTC
Post by Beavis
On the day Trump got elected over 50 million snowflakes melted at once.
Yes, but they melted BECAUSE they got him elected... 3 times!

Back in 2016 the snowflakes were 24/7 "STOP HILLARY!"

True, it's because they're all waste products. They thought
Hillary was going to win, that she was going to appoint more
judges like Ginsburg & protect Roe v Wade, and they didn't
want to take any responsibility for Hillary. LeftTards need
to pretend that they're BETTER than everyone else. They need
to protest EVERYTHING and piss & moan no matter what happens.
They couldn't do that if they supported Hillary. So, thinking
she was going to win, they could safely remain in the
opposition of everything they believed in while pretending to
be above it all.

Trump Derangement Syndrome is about THEM. THEY need to convince
THEMSELVES that THEY didn't do exactly what they did... "I could
not possibly have supported Trump! Look how deranged I act
towards that man! Clearly I'm not responsible."

...in 2024 they were so focused on Trump that they couldn't
see how worthless their own candidate was. All their illness
would allow them to grasp is that she wasn't Trump.
Mitchell Holman
2025-01-07 02:51:11 UTC
Post by JTEM
Post by Mitchell Holman
I corrected you about
this lie last week and you
are still posting it?
Reality: The Gwobull Warbling data is fake!
Morons: S'not true! Here's the data! It proves it's real!
From the Trump administration itself:

Trump's defense chief cites climate
change as national security challenge
14 MAR 2017

Pentagon Warns of Dire Risk to Bases, Troops From
Climate Change
January 18, 2019

New Pentagon Report: "The effects of a changing
climate are a national security issue"
JAn 18, 2019

Sea Level Rise Damaging More U.S. Bases,
Former Top Military Brass Warn
FEB 26, 2018
2025-01-11 06:38:35 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Trump's defense chief cites climate
change as national security challenge
14 MAR 2017
Two issues: "Climate Change" is NOT an alternative spelling of "Man
Made Global Warming Caused By The Use Of Fossil Fuels Which Are
Running Out Anyway."

Secondly, "Alternative energy" goals are in reaction to #1 dwindling
supplies #3 rising costs and #3 logistical nightmares.

The military has every incentive to dump fossil fuels and despite
all the years and all the research has been unable to do so.

One scheme is to use water, convert it in the tanks to fuel. This
is because water is often found locally, unlike large quantities of
tank fuel, it's not flammable and in most cases it would reduce or
even eliminate vulnerable supply lines were the fuel is shipped in
and then transported by tanker trucks to bases.

The only "Climate Change" that threatens us is COOLING.

It's real, it's overdue and billions will die.
Adrian Dittman
2025-01-09 04:25:47 UTC
Trump is so much smarter than anyone who voted for him. His IQ must be at
least 100. It's too bad that he believes in vaccines. He keeps getting
those shots and they're obviously contributing to his severe cognitive